on the road oor Katalaans

on the road

travelling about; "they took the show on the road"; "they lost all their games on the road"

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

a la carretera

Don't get me on the road and I find out the brake lights don't work.
No vull sortir a la carretera i que els llums no funcionin.

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on the left side of the road
a la banda esquerra de la carretera
on the right side of the road
a la banda dreta de la carretera


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Any vehicles on the roads during that time had to follow special rules.
Tot vehicle que circulés durant aquelles hores havia de sotmetre's a una reglamentació especial.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You see any trouble out on the road?
¿Vesteix el problema a la carretera?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Zuma Rock is a 725 meter high monolith found in Nigeria on the road out of Abuja.
La roca Zuma és un monòlit de 725 metres que es troba a Nigèria, al costat de la carretera que condueix a Abuja.gv2019 gv2019
That much he’d learned on the road from Selhorys.
Això ho havia après al llarg del camí des de Selhorys.Literature Literature
There are already lorries on the road, but the commuters are still drinking coffee in their homes.
Els camions ja estan en ruta, però els conductors que omplen la ciutat de cada matí encara estan prenent cafè a casa.Literature Literature
The candidates were back on the road; they were campaigning.
Els candidats tornaren a fer campanya pertot arreu.ted2019 ted2019
Twenty minutes later, she and Daniel were back on the road.
Al cap de vint minuts, ella i en Daniel ja tornaven a ser a la carretera.Literature Literature
Most Sapiens bands lived on the road, roaming from place to place in search of food.
La major part dels grups de sàpiens estaven en trànsit perpetu, voltant d'un lloc a l'altre a la recerca de menjar.Literature Literature
We’ll stay at Berdún and tomorrow Granada, another twelve hours on the road.’
Demà, Granada, dotze hores de carretera.Literature Literature
In early January 2012 a third Russian checkpoint was opened on the road between Borisoglebsky and Nikel.
A principis de gener de 2012 s'havia obert un tercer lloc de control rus a la carretera entre Borisoglebski i Nikel.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hundreds of the women died on the road.
Centenars de dones van morir pel camí.Literature Literature
I met him on the road and asked.’
Me l'he trobat pel camí i li ho he preguntat.Literature Literature
On the road I have suffered a great deal.
Pel camí, vaig sofrir horrorosament.Literature Literature
Take the first left, then first right, and you’ll come out on the road.’
Després la primera a l’esquerra, la primera a la dreta i sortiràs al carrer principal.Literature Literature
He tried to concentrate on the road ahead.
Va intentar concentrar-se en la carretera endavant.Literature Literature
There were no cars in sight, so I stepped out on the road, looking for the bridge.
No es veia cap cotxe, així que vaig saltar la tanca i em vaig trobar a la carretera.Literature Literature
However, the increase in uncontrolled extraction of rubber was on the road to provoking an international conflict.
Però la desmesurada extracció descontrolada del cautxú estava en vies de causar un conflicte internacional.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Certainly it couldn't be for giving him a bloody nose on the road from Shelby.
Per descomptat, no seria per haver-li trencat el nas al camí de Shelby.Literature Literature
Not much on the road, he said to the Inglés.
—No hi ha hagut massa moviment a la carretera —digué a l’inglés.Literature Literature
Once on the road we are only two miles from the Ravine where the horses are waiting.
Quan arribem al camí, només quedaran uns tres quilòmetres fins al barranc on hi ha els cavalls.Literature Literature
“Inspector Augello and his team are in Cancello district, on the road to Gallotta.
—El senyor Augello i el seu equip són al veïnat de Cancello, a la carretera de Gallotta.Literature Literature
Thanks to my dog, I stopped clenching my jaw and started enjoying being on the road again.
Gràcies al meu gos, he deixat de callar i he recuperat el gust per la carretera.Literature Literature
Poor fellow, he seems a bit lost, I hope they don’t rob him on the road.”
Pobre, va un xic perdut, esperem que no l’assaltin pel camí.Literature Literature
"""Aye, there's hundreds on the roads."
—Sí, n'hi ha centenars als camins.Literature Literature
2476 sinne gevind in 110 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.