on the sly oor Katalaans

on the sly

(idiomatic) Slyly, in an inconspicuous manner, so as not to be seen; secretly; stealthily.

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He must have photographed them on the sly and then blackmailed the man for money.
Els devia fotografiar d’amagat i després va fer xantatge a l’home.Literature Literature
I’d never have thought I’d come back one day by myself and on the sly . . .
Poc podia pensar que un dia jo hi tornaria sol i d’amagat... A palpes he trobat la finestra.Literature Literature
“Because these escapes are arranged on the sly with other Albanians who’ve put down roots here.
—Perquè això són fugides preparades per altres albanesos que ja viuen aquí.Literature Literature
To meet you in this way, on the sly?
Trobar-te d'aquesta manera, d'amagat?Literature Literature
I saw you watching her on the sly.
He vist com te la miraves dissimuladament.Literature Literature
He would never admit to me that he was making notes on the sly, not until long afterwards.
No admetia mai que prenia notes d’amagat, almenys no fins molt després.Literature Literature
And, most importantly, on the sly, without telling anyone.
I, sobretot, d'amagatotis, sense avisar ningú.Literature Literature
Kids were getting in through a broken window and smoking on the sly.
Els vailets del barri hi entraven per la finestra trencada i fumaven d’amagat a l’interior.Literature Literature
I would help get rid of all that, I’d drink these leftovers on the sly.
Els ajudaria a fer net de tot allò, em beuria aquelles escorrialles d’amagatotis.Literature Literature
I imagine him sitting there, watching her on the sly, and her sitting there, watching him watching her.
Me l’imagino assegut, vigilant-la d’amagat, i ella allí, mirant com ell la mirava a ella.Literature Literature
Besides, even though you get indignant in conversation, you're traitor enough to get married one day on the sly.
D’altra banda, t’indignes així en la conversa, però ets prou traïdor per a casar-te un dia entre bastidors.Literature Literature
He needed a cigarette and this time he had a pack in his jacket, bought on the sly like a schoolboy.
Necessitava un cigarret, i aquella vegada en tenia un paquet, a la jaqueta, comprat d’amagat com un nen petit.Literature Literature
If I was rubbing my eyes like that it wasn’t because I was sleepy, but to dry my tears on the sly.
Si em fregava els ulls d’aquesta manera no era perquè tingués son sinó per eixugar-me’ls d’amagat.Literature Literature
“According to her books, which I read on the sly, this is where she lived, and it turned out to be true.
—Segons els seus llibres, que jo llegia d’amagat, aquí era on vivia la tieta, i va resultar que era veritat.Literature Literature
But if you see him, give him some advice: tell him he’d better bury his grandson on the sly, without any fanfare.”
Per si de cas, si el veiés, doni-li un consell: que faci enterrar el nét del seu cor discretament, sense fer sarau.Literature Literature
For I did not want my son to be seen capering in the streets like the little hooligans he frequented on the sly.
Perquè no volia que veiessin el meu fill guimbant pels carrers com els trinxeraires que freqüentava d’amagat.Literature Literature
Amy was the worst at that; she was known to trade out her stuff with ours on the sly if she liked ours more.
L’Amy era la pitjor de totes; sempre intentava canviar d’amagat les seves coses amb les nostres, si li agradaven més.Literature Literature
Usually he was the one in charge of the videocassettes, but I shot this one on the sly, so I hid it in my room.
Normalment les guardava totes ell, però com que aquesta l'havia filmat d'amagat me la vaig guardar jo a l'habitació.Literature Literature
One or two came up to me later on, on the sly, when they thought no one was looking, and tried to speak their pieces.
Un o dos se’m van acostar més tard, d’amagat, quan es pensaven que ningú no mirava, i em van fer l’article.Literature Literature
Before seven in the evening I took a stroll to St Olaf Place and peeped on the sly up at the windows of number 2.
Abans de les set, vaig donar un tomb pel carrer de Sant Olaf i contemplava dissimuladament les finestres del número dos.Literature Literature
Usually he was the one in charge of the videocassettes, but I shot this one on the sly, so I hid it in my room.
Normalment les guardava totes ell, però com que aquesta l’havia filmat d’amagat me la vaig guardar jo a l’habitació.Literature Literature
As soon as I enter the house I begin (on the sly, and somewhat to my own surprise) to sniff: what will the odor be like?
Tan bon punt entro a la casa començo a ensumar (d’amagat i una mica sorprès): com deu ser l’olor de la casa?Literature Literature
Frowned on by his strict Confucian father, Baoyu reads Zhuangzi and Romance of the Western Chamber on the sly, rather than the Four Books of classic Chinese education.
Poc apreciat pel seu pare, confucianista estricte, Bayou prefereix la lectura del filòsof Zhuangzi i de les novel·les operístiques xines a la lectura dels Quatre llibres bàsics de la clàssica educació Xinesa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Walter hoped he was the only one to notice the sly look she gave him as she said it.
Walter va pensar que tant de bo ell hagués estat l’únic de captar la mirada maliciosa que li va dirigir en dir allò.Literature Literature
'Wendy,' he said, the sly one, 'you could tuck us in at night.'
—Wendy —va dir astutament—, tu ens podries acotxar, a les nits.Literature Literature
38 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.