contain, hold oor Wallies

contain, hold

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(v.) contain, hold, include, comprise, consist, comprehend, involve
cynnwys [cynhwys- &1, cynwys- &2+]langbot langbot
v. to contain, to hold
anulangbot langbot
v. to contain, to hold
ganulangbot langbot
(v.) continue, last, maintain; hold, contain, occupy, retain; catch, arrest, detect
dal (dala) [dali-; 3.s. dail, deil; 2.s.imp. dal]langbot langbot
Sue Essex : This legislation contains provisions to hold the local government and European elections on the same day should we wish to do so
Sue Essex : Mae'r ddeddfwriaeth hon yn cynnwys darpariaethau i gynnal etholiadau llywodraeth leol a'r etholiadau Ewropeaidd ar yr un diwrnod pe baem am wneud hynnyenglishtainment-tm-8Qf0eLCh englishtainment-tm-8Qf0eLCh
The deal that has been agreed at Westminster contains a commitment to holding a referendum on the alternative vote system.
Mae'r cytundeb a gafwyd yn San Steffan yn cynnwys ymrwymiad i gynnal refferendwm ar y system ailbleidlais.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I am not sure whether Manchester's package for 2002 contains proposals for holding some aspects , or some of the more rural sports such as rowing and sailing , in north Wales
Nid wyf yn siwr a yw'r pecyn a luniwyd gan Fanceinion ar gyfer 2002 yn cynnwys cynigion ar gyfer cynnal rhai o'r agweddau , neu'r chwaraeon mwy gwledig megis hwylio a rhwyfo , yng ngogledd Cymruenglishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT englishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT
The Food Standards Agency also found that processed chicken imported from Holland contained pork and beef protein to hold water in the meat
Mae'r Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd wedi canfod hefyd fod cig cyw iâr wedi'i brosesu a fewnforiwyd o'r Iseldiroedd yn cynnwys protein porc a chig eidion i ddal dwr yn y cigenglishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS englishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS
He said that the doctrine of deterrence and containment would no longer hold true in all circumstances , and that he was now entitled to promote a new doctrine , namely that of the pre-emptive strike
Dywedodd na fyddai'r athrawiaeth o atal a ffrwyno'n sefyll o dan bob amgylchiad o hynny ymlaen , a bod hawl ganddo bellach i hyrwyddo athrawiaeth newydd , sef ymosodiad rhagataliolenglishtainment-tm-N620QJY0 englishtainment-tm-N620QJY0
Hold a comment in the queue if it contains %s or more links. (A common characteristic of comment spam is a large number of hyperlinks.)
Dal sylw mewn rhes aros os yw'n cynnwys %s neu fwy o ddolenni. (Mae sbam sylwadau yn aml yn cynnwys nifer fawr o ddolenni.)englishtainment-tm-RlZPduwG englishtainment-tm-RlZPduwG
I can understand the need to contain movement so that animals do not go onto further holdings for breeding or fattening purposes, but moving them straight from the farm to slaughter is surely a logical step to try to create some sort of cash flow for businesses that are currently hard-pressed.
Yr wyf yn gallu deall yr angen i gyfyngu ar symud fel na fydd anifeiliaid yn mynd i ddaliadau pellach i ddibenion magu neu besgi ond, yn sicr, mae eu symud yn syth o'r fferm i'r lladd-dy'n gam rhesymegol er mwyn ceisio creu rhyw fath o lif arian i fusnesau sydd dan bwysau ar hyn o bryd.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
The programme contains 70 measures , of which more than 40 are commitments to report on progress -- whatever that means -- to hold debates or to proceed with work already underway
Ceir 70 o fesurau yn y rhaglen , a thros 40 ohonynt yn ymrwymiadau i adrodd ar gynnydd -- beth bynnag a olyga hynny -- i gynnal dadleuon neu i barhau â gwaith a ddechreuwyd eisoesenglishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT englishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT
Although it may not be possible , due to time constraints , to hold a full debate in response to this commissioner's report and the Government's response to it , will the Government consider establishing a principle of holding a proper debate in future ? The commissioner's report contains wide-ranging issues , which we can only touch upon in a statement on your response
Er nad yw'n bosibl efallai , oherwydd cyfyngiadau amser , i gynnal dadl lawn mewn ymateb i adroddiad y comisiynydd hwn ac ymateb y Llywodraeth iddo , a wnaiff y Llywodraeth ystyried sefydlu egwyddor o gynnal dadl briodol yn y dyfodol ? Mae adroddiad y comisiynydd yn cynnwys materion pellgyrhaeddol , y gallwn ond cyffwrdd arnynt mewn datganiad ar eich ymatebenglishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK englishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK
When you hold this review, I ask you seriously to look at whether staff should be allowed to access vending machines with drinks containing glucose and fizzy drinks that will keep them going a little longer.
Pan fyddwch yn gwneud yr adolygiad, gofynnaf o ddifrif ichi ystyried a ddylai staff gael defnyddio peiriannau sy'n gwerthu diodydd byrlymog a diodydd sy'n cynnwys glwcos, a fydd yn eu cadw i fynd ychydig yn hwy.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
You mentioned the financial position : have you spoken directly to the bank that holds the garden's account ? A number of statements that you have made about the financial position are superficial and do not contain the full facts
Bu ichi sôn am y sefyllfa ariannol : a ydych wedi siarad yn uniongyrchol â'r banc sy'n dal cyfrif yr ardd ? Mae nifer o'r datganiadau a wnaethoch ynglyn â'r sefyllfa ariannol yn arwynebol ac nid ydynt yn cynnwys yr holl wybodaethenglishtainment-tm-ORSVdjEB englishtainment-tm-ORSVdjEB
For this second consultation paper , we will hold another seminar in Builth Wells on 31 January to consider the implementation framework and to canvass ideas on what Communities First operational guidance should contain
Ar gyfer yr ail bapur ymgynghorol hwn , byddwn yn cynnal seminar arall yn Llanfair ym Muallt ar 31 Ionawr i ystyried y fframwaith gweithredu a thrafod syniadau ar beth y dylai arweiniad gweithredol Rhoi Cymunedau'n Gyntaf ei gynnwysenglishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT englishtainment-tm-ZOBj1JuT
I hear much criticism from farmers about the removal of cattle from farms once they have been tested positive for TB. In Northern Ireland, cattle are quickly removed from their holdings to remove the risk of spreading the disease, and that is seen as a crucial way of containing the disease.
Clywaf lawer o feirniadi gan ffermwyr ar symud gwartheg o ffermydd ar ôl iddynt gael prawf TB cadarnhaol.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Ieuan Wyn Jones : Given that you put your failure to govern effectively for the last 18 months down to the lack of a majority , now that you have that majority , were we not entitled to expect a programme containing a comprehensive package of measures and big ideas for Wales ? Is it not surprising that , of the 70 measures announced , over 40 are commitments either to report on progress -- whatever that means -- to hold debates , or to follow-up plans already in the pipeline ? Will you assure us that we will have a full debate on this statement so that we can examine it in detail and put forward alternative proposals ?
Ieuan Wyn Jones : O ystyried eich honiad ichi fethu â llywodraethu'n effeithiol yn ystod y 18 mis diwethaf oherwydd diffyg mwyafrif , gan fod mwyafrif gennych bellach , onid oeddem yn haeddu disgwyl rhaglen sydd yn cynnwys pecyn cynhwysfawr o fesurau a syniadau mawr i Gymru ? Nid yw'n syndod bod dros 40 o'r 70 o fesurau a gyhoeddwyd yn ymrwymiadau i gyflwyno adroddiad ar gynnydd -- beth bynnag yw ystyr hynny -- cynnal dadleuon , neu weithredu ar gynlluniau sydd eisoes ar y gweill ? A wnewch chi ein sicrhau y cawn ddadl lawn ar y datganiad hwn fel y gallwn ei archwilio'n fanwl a chyflwyno cynigion amgen ?englishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8 englishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8
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