Fortriu oor Spaans


A kingdom in Scotland situated around Moray and Easter Ross, which existed from the 4th to 10th centuries.

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In 839, a large Norse fleet invaded via the River Tay and River Earn, both of which were highly navigable, and reached into the heart of the Pictish kingdom of Fortriu.
En el 839, una gran flota entró por los ríos Tay y Earn que alcanzó al reino picto de Fortriu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If he fails today I think Fortriu is lost.”
Si hoy fracasa, creo que Fortriu está perdido.Literature Literature
Ask me today and I will tell you that what I want for Fortriu now is a time of peace.
Si me lo preguntáis hoy, os diré que lo que ahora quiero para Fortriu es una temporada de paz.Literature Literature
It’s an ignominious end to his efforts to strengthen his alliance with Fortriu.”
Es un final ignominioso a sus esfuerzos por fortalecer su alianza con Fortriu.Literature Literature
Talorgen raised a clenched fist into the air and gave a great ringing shout, “Fortriu!”
Talorgen levantó un puño apretado en el aire y profirió un enorme y sonoro grito: «¡FortriuLiterature Literature
Fortriu is full of men, and they are full of words,” Bargoit observed with a lift of the brows.
Fortriu está lleno de hombres y estos están llenos de palabras —observó Bargoit con las cejas enarcadas—.Literature Literature
All that I am, I give to the gods and to Fortriu.”
Todo lo que soy lo entrego a los dioses y a Fortriu.Literature Literature
That was the vote everyone expected would win the kingship of Fortriu for Drust the Boar.
Fue el voto que todo el mundo esperaba que otorgaría el trono de Fortriu a Drust el Verraco.Literature Literature
You represent a faith that has been outlawed in Fortriu.
Representas una fe que ha sido prohibida en Fortriu.Literature Literature
Your cousin will never again be welcome in Fortriu.
Tu prima nunca volverá a ser bienvenida en Fortriu.Literature Literature
That this new king has awoken something in Fortriu, something old and dangerous.
Que este nuevo rey ha despertado algo en Fortriu, algo antiguo y peligroso.Literature Literature
THE ARMY OF Fortriu moved on the Gaels at dawn.
El ejército de Fortriu avanzó contra los escotos al amanecer.Literature Literature
You’d find no argument against that amongst the men of Fortriu.”
No encontrarás argumentos en contra de ello entre los hombres de Fortriu.Literature Literature
The fortress of Caer Pridne has been the seat of Fortriu’s kings for many years.”
La fortaleza de Caer Pridne ha sido la residencia de los reyes de Fortriu durante muchos añosLiterature Literature
Know, all of you, that in seven days’ time I will stand up as a candidate for the kingship of Fortriu.
Sabed, todos vosotros, que dentro de una semana me presentaré como candidato al trono de Fortriu.Literature Literature
They owed their positions at Keother’s court to her; without her, they wouldn’t be here in Fortriu.
Le debían sus puestos en la corte de Keother a ella; sin ella no estarían allí en Fortriu.Literature Literature
As Woolf has pointed out, the only basis for it had been that a battle had taken place in Strathearn in which the Men of Fortriu had taken part.
Como apunta Woolf, la única base para la antigua ubicación de Fortriu era una batalla cerca de Strathearn en la que los "hombres de Fortriu" habían tomado parte.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That Drust the Boar seeks to extend his reach over both Circinn and Fortriu?”
¿Que Drust el Verraco quiere extender su influencia tanto sobre Circinn como sobre Fortriu?Literature Literature
Even Tuala, who considered Bridei the most perfect man in all Fortriu, was obliged to concede this.
Incluso Tuala, que consideraba a Bridei el hombre más perfecto de todo Fortriu, se vio obligada a admitirlo.Literature Literature
King Keother is here with us today; his own cousin spent years as a captive at Fortriu’s court.
El rey Keother se encuentra hoy aquí con nosotros; su propia prima pasó años como cautiva en la corte de Fortriu.Literature Literature
I hope this proves a significant help to Fortriu’s cause.
Espero que esto resulte una ayuda importante para la causa de Fortriu.Literature Literature
Less certainly, the Fragmentary Annals of Ireland report the presence of a Pictish fleet from Fortriu fighting for Flaithbertach in 733 rather than against him.
Con no tanta certeza, los anales Fragmentarios de Irlanda informan de la presencia de una flota picta de Fortriu luchando a favor de Flaithbertach en 733.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Through you, we are true sons of Fortriu.”
Gracias a ti somos verdaderos hijos de Fortriu.Literature Literature
But if he called off the advance he might be throwing away the best opportunity to secure the future of Fortriu.
Pero si suspendía el avance, podría estar desperdiciando la mejor oportunidad para asegurar el futuro de Fortriu.Literature Literature
Beside this scrap of a girl, your son seems all miniature warrior of Fortriu, Bridei.
Comparado con este retazo de chiquilla, tu hijo parece un guerrero de Fortriu en miniatura.Literature Literature
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