Lady of the Lake oor Spaans

Lady of the Lake

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Dama del Lago

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Her favorite was Sir Walter Scott’s dramatic poem “The Lady of the Lake.”
Su favorita era La dama del lago de sir Walter Scott, en realidad un poema dramático.Literature Literature
James knew it was pointless to discuss the Lady of the Lake, even with his own dad.
James sabía que era inútil discutir sobre la Dama del Lago, incluso con su propio padre.Literature Literature
"""My mother told me that the Lady of the Lake is an evil sorceress."""
—Mi madre me dijo que la Dama del Lago es una hechicera mala.Literature Literature
He is neither better nor worse, said the Lady of the lake, but the noble king Arthur himself.
—No es ni más ni menos —dijo la Dama del Lago— que el noble rey Arturo en persona.Literature Literature
That was the Lady of the Lake, right?""
Esa era la Dama del Lago, ¿verdad?Literature Literature
If we sit here long enough, we'll see the Lady of the Lake.
Si nos quedamos un rato, quizá veamos a la Dama del Lago.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""I'm not sure it was this 'Lady of the Lake' you're always talking about."
—No estoy segura de que fuera esta “Dama del Lago” de la que siempre estás hablando.Literature Literature
The Lady of the Lake?
¿La mujer del lago?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“No,” the Lady of the Lake agreed.
—No —confirmó la Dama del Lago.Literature Literature
The Lady of the Lake would just have to wait her turn.
La Dama del Lago tendría que esperar su turno.Literature Literature
‘Thank me therefor,’ said the Lady of the Lake.
—Agradecédmelo a mí —dijo la Doncella del Lago.Literature Literature
‘I am not the Lady of the Lake,’ she protested.
—Yo no soy la Dama del Lago —protestó—.Literature Literature
Thornton was half-way through The Lady of the Lake, the smaller children listening with rapt attention.
La señora Thornton iba ya por la mitad de La dama del lago; los más pequeños la escuchaban con una atención extasiada.Literature Literature
"""She's not my Lady of the Lake,"" James interrupted, annoyed."
—Ella no es mi Dama del Lago —interrumpió James, molesto.Literature Literature
Since the hard-won audience with the Lady of the Lake, neither of them had seen her again.
Después de la audiencia con la Señora del Lago, que tanto les había costado conseguir, no habían vuelto a verla.Literature Literature
But the Lady of the Lake was not here.
Pero la Dama del Lago no se encontraba allí.Literature Literature
Known jokingly among the peasants as the Lady of the Lake?
¿Conocida jocosamente entre los campesinos como la Dama del Lago?Literature Literature
“Nimue, Lady of the Lake,” Anna said, calling upon the part of her that soothed and calmed.
—Nimue, Dama del Lago —dijo Anna, recurriendo a la parte de ella que calmaba y daba paz—.Literature Literature
In 1825, Schubert composed a selection of seven songs from Scott's The Lady of the Lake.
En 1825, Schubert compuso una selección de siete canciones sobre La Dama del Lago de Walter Scott.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I mean, like Professor Revalvier said, Merlin’s here with us now, but not the Lady of the Lake.
Quiero decir que, como la profesora Revalvier dijo, Merlín está aquí con nosotros ahora, pero no la Dama del Lago.Literature Literature
“Maybe the Lady of the Lake was dribbled out of his snotty nose!”
—¡Tal vez la Dama del Lago se ha escurrido de su mocosa nariz!Literature Literature
She looked exactly like the Lady of the Lake,* born to live in this fairy-tale castle.
Era el vivo retrato de la hermosa Dama del Lago; se notaba que había nacido para vivir en aquella mansión de cuento.Literature Literature
I'm here to, uh, support my favorite Lady of the Lake.
Estoy aquí para apoyar a mi Dama del Lago favorita.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Lady of the Lake was gone, vanished away into hiding, as were Petra and Izzy.
La Dama del Lago se había ido, se fugó a la clandestinidad, al igual que Petra e Izzy.Literature Literature
The Lady of the Lake just laughed at her attempts to cause harm.
La Dama del Lago solo rio ante sus intentos de dañarla.Literature Literature
601 sinne gevind in 42 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.