The Bronze Horseman oor Spaans

The Bronze Horseman

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In the backpack lies an old yellowed book, The Bronze Horseman and Other Poems.
The statue became known as the Bronze Horseman due to the great influence of the poem.
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"""The Bronze Horseman"" is subtitled ""A Petersburg Tale."""
De hecho, ha sido largoLiterature Literature
Pushkin had immortalized it a century before in his long narrative poem The Bronze Horseman.
¡ Es una cama redonda!Literature Literature
The Bronze Horseman would indeed pursue me all through that long night into my maddening dust.”
No podemos volver a escribir todo el guiónLiterature Literature
"He then began work on ""The Bronze Horseman."""
Yo ando buscando pistas y tú sentado esperando en bóxers y viendo televisión todo el díaLiterature Literature
Pushkin never needed to write again after The Bronze Horseman—and never did, having died so young.
En consecuencia, el Comité recomendó que se autorizara su comercializaciónLiterature Literature
Catherine largely forgot about him afterwards, and came to see the Bronze Horseman as her own oeuvre.
Me da gusto reportar que hasta el último rastro del... peligro extraterrestre ha sido erradicado... con la fórmula de champú de selenio desarrollada aquíWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And here’s the Bronze Horseman; it’s a famous statue in the park.
Sabes bien de que hablo fuma eso a fueraLiterature Literature
The Bronze Horseman monument adorns the square.
Esto es lo que dice la nota." Lo sé todo. Decidí irmeWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tatiana knew “The Bronze Horseman” practically by heart.
Irá a trabajarLiterature Literature
He’s like the bronze horseman on the Capitol.
Para mi esos no son fan de " Star Trek "- Claro que siLiterature Literature
"But ""The Bronze Horseman"" is also, like so much Russian literature, a political as well as an artistic act."
Agáchate, Gerry, por un demonioLiterature Literature
85 One of his last poems, The Bronze Horseman, is probably the greatest ever written in the Russian language.
El último hermano ha muertoLiterature Literature
Kind regards, Miguel —29— The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons Route 246 bus to Clifton Hill Frankie woke slowly.
Sí, bueno, no quiero trivializarlo o cometer un error, y Scotty parece haberse lavado las manos en todo estoLiterature Literature
I remember the smoothness of the girl’s skin, as she kissed her boy on the steps of the bronze horseman.
Sacamos la bandera y la pusimos.Eso no lo habíamos practicadoLiterature Literature
"We saw this form make a dramatic debut at the climax of ""The Bronze Horseman""-""you'll reckon with me yet!"""
Quédense donde estánLiterature Literature
Polekh met Glière at the Bolshoi Theatre in 1950, during a break in a rehearsal of Glière's ballet The Bronze Horseman.
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The enormous granite boulder on which the Bronze Horseman sits is said to be the largest stone ever moved by human hands.
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A 19th-century legend states that while the Bronze Horseman stands in the middle of Saint Petersburg, enemy forces will not be able to conquer the city.
Lo que no daría por ser como usted, por tener su poder...... por ver las cosas que ha vistoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Bronze Horseman is the title of a poem written by Aleksandr Pushkin in 1833, widely considered to be one of the most significant works of Russian literature.
Así que vas a sufrir tal y como sufrí yoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At St Petersburg he executed a colossal statue of Peter the Great in bronze, known as the Bronze Horseman, together with his pupil and stepdaughter Marie-Anne Collot.
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Given its duration (roughly 22 minutes) it is quite common to find this Horn Concerto on the same CD with other horn concerti, or Glière's ballet The Bronze Horseman.
Esa no estaba, PrueWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Falconet left it to his protégée, so gifted for sculpting portraits, the difficult task of making the head of Peter the Great for the equestrian statue called “The Bronze Horseman” in St. Petersburg.
Si desea más información sobre el fundamento para las recomendaciones del CHMP, le aconsejamos que lea el Debate Científico (incluido en el EPARWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was at his suggestion that Étienne Maurice Falconet was commissioned to sculpt the Bronze Horseman; and it was he who engaged Georg von Veldten to design a magnificent iron fence for the Summer Garden.
Es maravillosoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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