against all authority oor Spaans

against all authority

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contra toda autoridad


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against all authority, except for my mom
contra toda autoridad, excepto mi mamá


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Indeed, he stands against all authority save God’s.
De hecho, está en contra de toda autoridad salvo la de Dios.Literature Literature
In addition to peace and love, the Nazarene preached insurrection against all authority.
Además de la paz y el amor, el Nazareno predicó la insurrección contra toda autoridad.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They are a growing band, rising up against all authority, including the Crown.
Son una banda cada vez mayor, sublevándose en contra de toda autoridad, incluyendo la Corona.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hatred against all authority. 2.
Odio contra toda autoridad». 02.Literature Literature
Youths rebel against all authority.
Los jóvenes se rebelan contra toda autoridad.jw2019 jw2019
They must be made to prevail against all authorities, whether State, municipal or professional.
Tales derechos deberán hacerse prevalecer contra todas las autoridades, ya sean estatales, municipales o profesionales.Literature Literature
Hatred against all authority.""
Odio contra toda autoridad». 02.Literature Literature
All Fall Down is an album by the ska-punk band Against All Authority.
All Fall Down es un álbum por la banda de ska-punk Against All Authority.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Contumax is he who, because of his indignation, is against all authority or power of those that are his rulers.
El contumaz se opone —a través de su indignación— a todo poder y autoridad que radica en sus superiores.Literature Literature
Disciplinary and other measures, including dismissal and criminal prosecution, are taken against all authorized officers who used the means of coercion unnecessarily and improperly.
Se adoptan medidas disciplinarias y otras, incluida la destitución y el enjuiciamiento, contra todos los funcionarios autorizados que utilizaron la fuerza de manera innecesaria e inadecuada.UN-2 UN-2
Disciplinary and other measures, including dismissal and criminal prosecution, are taken against all authorized officers who used the means of coercion unnecessarily and improperly
Se adoptan medidas disciplinarias y otras, incluida la destitución y el enjuiciamiento, contra todos los funcionarios autorizados que utilizaron la fuerza de manera innecesaria e inadecuadaMultiUn MultiUn
Disciplinary and other measures, including the termination of employment and bringing in of criminal charges, are taken against all authorized officials who have used the means of coercion unjustifiably or inadequately
Pueden adoptarse medidas disciplinarias y de otra índole, incluso el despido del empleo y apertura de un procedimiento penal, contra todos los funcionarios autorizados que hagan uso de medios de coerción de modo injustificado o indebidoMultiUn MultiUn
Disciplinary and other measures, including the termination of employment and bringing in of criminal charges, are taken against all authorized officials who have used the means of coercion unjustifiably or inadequately.
Pueden adoptarse medidas disciplinarias y de otra índole, incluso el despido del empleo y apertura de un procedimiento penal, contra todos los funcionarios autorizados que hagan uso de medios de coerción de modo injustificado o indebido.UN-2 UN-2
Similarly, a law was passed to prohibit successful litigants against the Bank of Zambia, and against all local authorities from executing their judgments.
Asimismo, se aprobó una ley que prohibía la ejecución de fallos a los litigantes contra el Banco de Zambia y contra todas las autoridades locales cuyas actuaciones hubieran prosperado.UN-2 UN-2
That is the ultimate evil against which all religious authority was aimed.
Ese es el mal concluyente contra el cual se dirigió toda la autoridad religiosa.Literature Literature
PUTNAM : Against him and all authority !
Putnam: ¡Contra él y toda autoridad!Literature Literature
It is said that you are against all kinds of authority.
Se dice que usted está contra todo tipo de autoridad.Literature Literature
Question: It is said that you are against all kinds of authority.
Pregunta: Se dice que usted está contra todo tipo de autoridad.Literature Literature
PUTNAM: Against him and all authority!
Putnam: ¡Contra él y toda autoridad!Literature Literature
The Department filed criminal charges against all authorized and responsible officials (six charges were based on the grounds of abusing the authority, while 4 were for physical abuse and torture), or has suggested concrete disciplinary measures to be taken depending on the police officer’s rank (disciplinary action, termination of contract, transfer, pay cuts, calls for rapport and so on).
El Departamento incoó procedimientos penales contra todos los funcionarios responsables (seis cargos de abuso de autoridad y cuatro de maltrato físico y tortura), o propuso medidas disciplinarias concretas en función del rango del funcionario policial implicado (medidas disciplinarias, rescisión del contrato, traslado, reducción salarial, amonestación, etc.).UN-2 UN-2
The Department filed criminal charges against all authorized and responsible officials (six charges were based on the grounds of abusing the authority, while # were for physical abuse and torture), or has suggested concrete disciplinary measures to be taken depending on the police officer's rank (disciplinary action, termination of contract, transfer, pay cuts, calls for rapport and so on
El Departamento incoó procedimientos penales contra todos los funcionarios responsables (seis cargos de abuso de autoridad y cuatro de maltrato físico y tortura), o propuso medidas disciplinarias concretas en función del rango del funcionario policial implicado (medidas disciplinarias, rescisión del contrato, traslado, reducción salarial, amonestación, etcMultiUn MultiUn
Against the backdrop of the collapse of the family unit, it is a revolt against all that the authorities represent,” explain two sociologists.
Dos sociólogos señalan que “con la desintegración de la unidad familiar como telón de fondo, es una revuelta contra todo lo que las autoridades representan”.jw2019 jw2019
Likewise, the criminal proceeding against the author observed all judicial guarantees.
Del mismo modo, en el proceso penal contra el autor se habían respetado todas las garantías judiciales.UN-2 UN-2
These Germans chose, against orders, authority, and all reason, to act as they did.
Aquellos alemanes decidieron, contra las órdenes, la autoridad y toda razón, actuar como lo hicieron.Literature Literature
Most kinds of wartime social conflict were not directed against the authorities at all.
Muchos de los conflictos sociales que surgieron en tiempo de guerra no se dirigían en absoluto contra las autoridades.Literature Literature
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