crisps oor Spaans


Plural form of crisp.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

patatas fritas

naamwoordfeminine, plural
The Commission is not aware of the practice of spraying potato chips and crisps with chlorpropham.
La Comisión no tiene constancia de la utilización de clorprofam para la pulverización de patatas fritas de bolsa y patatas fritas congeladas.

papas fritas

Then Sasha took him out a bowl of crisps.
Luego Sasha le llevó un bol de papas fritas.


I ate some crisps.
Me comí unas papitas.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

a bag of crisps
una bolsa de patatas fritas
potato crisps
papas fritas · papas fritas a la inglesa
crisp up
volver crujiente
honey crisp
caramelo de miel
crisp endive
endibia · escarola · escarola crespa · escarola rizada
packet of crisps
paquete de papas fritas · paquete de patatas fritas
Crujiente · apretado · burbujeante · castañetear · chasquear · chip · cocinar · corto · crespo · crocante · crujiente · crujir · definido · directo · efervescente · encrespar · ensortijado · escueto · fresco · fresco, -a · frío y despejado · frío y vigorizante · hojuela de papa · la papa frita · la patata frita · lacónica · lacónico · nuevecito · nítido · papa frita · papas fritas · papita · patata frita · preciso · quebradizo · recién planchado · resuelto · rizado · rizar · seca · seco · tajante · tostar · vigorizante · vivificante
potato crisp
papas chips · papas fritas chips · papas fritas en hojuelas · patata frita · patatas chips · patatas fritas chips


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
asked Donny, walking back in the room carrying a crisp white shirt and jeans and a big soft suede jacket.
Sobre nuestro regalo de #mo. aniversarioLiterature Literature
Miocene gave her a quick glance and a crisp, “And why not, darling?”
Tal vez empezó a vender para ti, y quería que le pagues más...... te amenazó con delatarte si no le dabas más...... así que, ¿ lo mataste?Literature Literature
The fruits of his first year’s husbandry emerged: hard pips, crisp and healthy.
Demostrémosles lo que valemosLiterature Literature
It was a brilliant, clear, crisp, early November day, and the grass was still fresh and green.
¿ Así que cuándo vienes?Literature Literature
Although it was getting chilly, and the trees had all changed color, the air was still crisp and clean.
Bueno, parecías bastante convencido...... especialmente cuando te dije que ibas a morirLiterature Literature
I was ironing a shirt that I thought made me look crisp and authoritative.
En Éa zona circundante hay profundos desgarros... que se han cerrado con puntos de sutura quirurgicosLiterature Literature
It's sleek, it's crisp.
¡ Alto el fuego!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
One day, I took my warm, crisp waffle and shut myself in one of the cubicles to eat it.
A nuestra tabernaLiterature Literature
By compensating for distortion in the digital data, they could produce clean, crisp images.
Buenos días, RokuLiterature Literature
The two friends strolled on in the dark park, breathing in the crisp early autumn air.
Él albergaba la esperanza...... con su ûltimo aliento...... que Ud. recordara a los ancestros que blandieron esta espada...... y por lo que murieronLiterature Literature
— oval type, with the characteristics of the Crimson type: round, oval fruit; moderately bright green rind with dark green streaks; firm, crisp flesh, which is red when fully ripe; weight varying between 7 kg and 16 kg,
Es que ya no me caen bien los chicos.- ¿ De verdad?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
CHAPTER ELEVEN THEIR baby chose to be born on a crisp clear winter’s day in July.
La Antártida no es agradable en ningún sitioLiterature Literature
Potato products of all kinds, namely chips, Croquettes, Hash brown potatoes, Pre-cooked potatoes, Potato fritters, Potato fritters,Röstis, potato pancakes, Crisps,Sticks, semi-prepared and and Prepared meals,Namely soups (including instant soups), stews, meat, fruit and, Vegetable jellies
¿ Cómo puedes donar la espada al museo?tmClass tmClass
There was a touch of frost in the autumn air, and the lawn outside the Vice-Chancellor’s window was crisped with it.
Y ahora, tú lo tienesLiterature Literature
The center photo shows young Jewish women wearing crisp white pinafores and kerchiefs, smiling into the camera.
¡ Me disparaste!Literature Literature
That means it should be short, crisp, and vivid.
Ahora, había llegado su oportunidadLiterature Literature
His voice was crisp and decisive, and Job obeyed instantly.
Dios mío, Sam, cuánto lo sientoLiterature Literature
Baine had somehow restored it to its original state, the ribbon bright blue, the straw scrubbed and crisp.
tras la eliminación de los animales, se hayan limpiado y desinfectado completamente todos los alojamientos para animales de las instalacionesLiterature Literature
I pierced the crisp white skin with my teeth, and the thick blood came into me slowly.
Un único certificado de autenticidad podrá servir para la expedición de varios certificados de importación por cantidades que no excedan de las indicadas en ese certificadoLiterature Literature
The crispness of the air, the color of the shadows, the sound the snow makes under your boots.
Usted fue... el que traicionó a su patriaLiterature Literature
And then there was the sofa, opened to a large bed and made up with clean, crisp linens and pillows and a duvet.
Marca de identificaciónLiterature Literature
Bake the pies in a hot oven until they are crisp and their edges are golden brown. Remove them from the oven and brush their edges with melted butter.
Y no sabía lo erótico que eso podía llegar a serEurLex-2 EurLex-2
bread and other bakery products (crisp bread, rusks, toasted bread, biscuits, gingerbread, wafers, waffles, crumpets, muffins, croissants, cakes, tarts, pies, quiches, pizzas, etc.),
Tras la compra de las acciones del Bank Austria (acuerdo de garantía del # de octubre de #) el Estado federado de Burgenland concluyó con la Bausparkasse Wüstenrot AG un contrato de opción sobre la compra de todas las acciones de éstaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
spinach ought to be fresh, crisp and green.
Creo que hasta el huesoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
My pyjamas were torn at the shoulder but the bottom half, which I had never used, were still crisp and new.
Era bueno en la cama, y le gustaba la música de losLiterature Literature
207 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.