defensive wall oor Spaans

defensive wall

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


fortification used to protect an area from potential aggressors
obra defensiva
With no defensive wall, it doesn't look like a fortress.
Sin una muralla defensiva, no se ve como una fortaleza.

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they erected a defensive wall rampart
erigieron una muralla defensiva


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The square has its origins in the defensive walls constructed in the Middle Ages to protect the city.
La plaza tiene sus orígenes en las murallas defensivas construidas en la Edad Media para proteger la ciudad.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It has three defensive walls and two sectors with housings.
Tiene tres murallas defensivas y dos sectores con viviendas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Spain no longer served Axis interests beyond its function as a defensive wall.
España ya no les servía para otra cosa que como glacis defensivo.Literature Literature
In some places, rectangular and semicircular towers fortified the defensive walls.
En algunos lugares, torres rectangulares y semicirculares fortificaban las murallas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The forbidding defensive walls of Bukhara.
Las imponentes murallas defensivas de Bujará.Literature Literature
The Saxons fell in their scores, and their bodies were piled up against the defensive wall.
Los sajones cayeron por cientos y sus cuerpos eran apilados en un montón junto a la muralla defensiva.Literature Literature
“It’s actually a part of the Palace, but it lies outside the defensive wall.”
Aunque forma parte del palacio, está fuera de los muros fortificados.Literature Literature
Defensive walls between states were demolished because of their disruptive influence upon trade.
Los muros defensivos entre estados fueron demolidos debido a su influencia disruptiva sobre el comercio.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Neuburg an der Donau has a defensive wall around the old town.
Neoburgo del Danubio tiene un muro defensivo alrededor de la ciudad vieja.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The buildings seemed to form a defensive wall around the city.
Esos edificios parecían formar una barrera defensiva alrededor de la capital.Literature Literature
i.ron of social wealth offers almost impregnable defenSive walls and Justlflcations for the production of risks.
El reparto desigual de la riqueza social apenas ofrece muros superables y justificaciones para la producción de riesgos.Literature Literature
The old colony had a defensive wall and we thought we might be safer inside.
La antigua colonia tenía un muro defensivo y pensamos que estaríamos más seguros en su interior.Literature Literature
The slope here was more gradual and tiers of houses stood above the defensive wall.
Allí la ladera era menos inclinada y varias hileras de casas sobresalían por encima de la muralla de defensa.Literature Literature
Behind them stood the light cavalry, and behind them a defensive wall of shields and long horse lances.
En la segunda fila estaba la caballería ligera y, tras ellos, un muro de escudos y largas lanzas de caballería.Literature Literature
Excursion to the walled area of Dalt Vila, with its defensive walls, passageways and zigzaging walls.
Excursión al recinto amurallado Dalt Vila, con sus baluartes, callejuelas y tuneles zigzagueantes. Vistas espectaculares de la ciudad y tiendas de artesanía local muy interesantes.Common crawl Common crawl
redoubt A part of fortifications outside the main defensive wall, a little fort.
Parte de las fortificaciones por la parte de fuera del muro defensivo principal, como un pequeño fuerte.Literature Literature
The settlements feature defensive walls, and were situated in areas difficult to access.
Los asentamientos presentaban amurallamientos, y estaban situados en zonas de difícil acceso.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For a moment as they gathered themselves, Blue Zephyr acted as a defensive wall.
Por un momento, mientras se reunían, el Favonio Azul hizo de muro de defensa.Literature Literature
Quarantining affected area initialized #st level exterior defense wall rebuilt
Cuarentena de áreas afectadas.Rodeando al cortafuegos. Reconstruyendo nivel unoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
At the end of the 3rd century, the town relocated within high defensive walls astride Watling Street.
A fines del siglo III, la población fue reubicada al interior de altos muros defensivos a lo largo de Watling Street.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He rolled upright behind one of the reinforced defensive walls and shouted to the nearest fire team, 'Chimera!
Se irguió detrás de uno de los muros defensivos exteriores y le gritó al pelotón más cercano.Literature Literature
All the defensive walls he'd spent a lifetime building collapsed as if they were made of straw.
El muro defensivo que Conor llevaba construyendo toda su vida se vino abajo como si fuese de arena.Literature Literature
The defensive wall disappeared, which is indicative of the greater security of the times.
La muralla desaparece, lo que es indicativo de mayor seguridad.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Soon afterwards, a defensive wall was built.
Probablemente existía una muralla defensiva.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The massive defense walls show signs of having had necessary repairs done to them.
Las macizas murallas muestran varias reparaciones realizadas en ellas.Literature Literature
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