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Going to school entails taking the bus, school fees, runners and also eating snacks with my classmates.
Si quiero ir, tengo que tomar el autobús... pagar el almuerzo, zapatillas, y comer ddukbokki con los chicos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We literally didn't stop shooting in those remote locations—we wouldn't break for lunch, we'd just eat snacks.
Literalmente, no paramos de grabar en esos lugares remotos, sino estaríamos descansados para el almuerzo, aunque acabábamos de comer bocadillos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ready to eat snack foods consisting primarily of egg whites
Aperitivos listos para su consumo que consisten principalmente en claras de huevotmClass tmClass
“She doesn’t like to eat snacks right before dinner.”
—No le gusta tomar aperitivos justo antes de cenar.Literature Literature
I just didn't want to spend my afternoon watching my little sister eat snacks, okay?
Lo que pasa es que no quería perder la tarde viendo probar comida a mi hermana, ¿vale?Literature Literature
But she's eating snacks!
¡ Pero está comiendo bocadillos!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“You won’t get them if you eat snack cakes, trust me.
No vas a encontrar a ninguno si sigues comiéndote esos pastelitos, créeme.Literature Literature
All children in the world eat snacks and ours do not.
Todos los niños del mundo comen bollitos y los nuestros no.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ready to eat snack foods
Aperitivos preparadostmClass tmClass
Ready-to-eat snacks consisting primarily of potatoes, potato chips and fabricated potato chips
Aperitivos listos para comer consistentes principalmente en patatas, patatas fritas y patatas fritas preparadastmClass tmClass
We can all eat snacks.
Con esto todos podemos comer.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Immediately, he leaves, while Marzia goes back into bed to continue eating snacks.
Inmediatamente trás irse, Marzia decide ir a su cama a comer snacks.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"""Oh, Lord, we've been eating snacks out of the vending machines."
—Oh, Señor, hemos estado comiendo bocadillos de las máquinas expendedoras.Literature Literature
Ready-to-eat snacks, mainly consisting of pasta and/or rice
Productos de tentempié listos para su consumo, compuestos esencialmente de productos de pasta o arroztmClass tmClass
Do you eat snacks?
¿Te gusta picar?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
After eating snacks together in the living room now, they tacitly divided up into groups of two.
Después de picar algo juntos en el salón se dividieron tácticamente en grupos de dos.Literature Literature
Ready to eat snack foods consisting primarily of egg whites and containing rice flour
Aperitivos listos para su consumo que consisten principalmente en claras de huevo y harina de arroztmClass tmClass
It seemed impossible that the others could keep smoking and eating snacks.
Me parecía imposible que los otros siguieran fumando y comiendo golosinas.Literature Literature
If we take 78, we can do the Sweet Treats Salty Eats Snack Food Trail.
Si tomamos la 78 podemos hacer la ruta de " delicias dulces y aperitivos salados ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ready to eat snack foods all being packaged with dips
Aperitivos listos para ser consumidos, todos envasados con salsas para mojartmClass tmClass
Chips, crisps, ready to eat snacks consisting primarily of potatoes, potato chips and fabricated potato chips
Patatas fritas, patatas fritas a la inglesa, aperitivos listos para comer consistentes principalmente en patatas, patatas fritas y patatas fritas preparadastmClass tmClass
Ready to eat snack food products made from egg whites
Productos de aperitivo listos para su consumo hechos a partir de a clara del huevotmClass tmClass
... never read it, eat snacks off of it!
Nunca leer las cosas, por estar comiendo bocadillosOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Eating snacks ruins your teeth.
Comer bocadillos arruina los dientes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Grandma, it' s probably late for you to be eating snacks
Abuela, creo que es tarde para comer galletasopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
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