his eagerness to please oor Spaans

his eagerness to please

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su deseo de agradar


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The last thing she needed was for him to knock himself out in his eagerness to please.
Lo último que quería era que perdiera el conocimiento de un golpe en su ansia por complacerla.Literature Literature
It’s not just his innocence and naïveté, but his eagerness to please, to learn, to become.
No es solo la inocencia y la ingenuidad, sino la predisposición a complacer, a aprender, a transformarse.Literature Literature
We loved it, his eagerness to please, and then, slowly, it started to get under our skin.
Su afán de complacer nos encantaba, pero luego, poco a poco, empezó a aburrirnos.Literature Literature
Skye smiled at his eagerness to please her after her time away from the niceties of civilization.
Skye sonrió ante su entusiasmo por hacerla sentir a gusto tras su exilio de los encantos de la civilización.Literature Literature
She solemnly shook hands with the young airman, who was almost beside himself in his eagerness to please.
Ella le estrechó la mano al joven soldado, que casi estaba fuera de sí en su impaciencia por complacer.Literature Literature
But in his eagerness to please there is such squirming energy and a kind of literalness.
Pero en sus ganas de complacer hay una tremenda energía agitada y una especie de literalidad.Literature Literature
This is not love, she reminded herself, as his eagerness to please warmed her heart.
Esto no es amor, se recordó a sí misma, cuando su impaciencia para complacerla le alegró el corazón.Literature Literature
She really likes the boy, his openness, his intelligence, his eagerness to please.
A ella verdaderamente le gusta el nene, su franqueza, su inteligencia, su vehemencia por agradar.Literature Literature
There was something endearing about his eagerness to please.
Había algo adorable en sus ganas de agradar.Literature Literature
Perhaps because of the lad’s wit, or because in his eagerness to please he sometimes tripped over his feet.
Tal vez fuera por su ingenio, o por su entusiasmo a la hora de agradarle, que, a veces, incluso hacía que se tropezara.Literature Literature
He does not want to seem overly cavalier when reaping the booty, and we exploit his eagerness to please.
No quiere parecer demasiado displicente al recoger el botín y explotamos sus ansias de agradar.Literature Literature
Third Engineer G’dag held up his hand, eager to please his boss.
El tercer ingeniero G'dag, alzó una mano, ansioso por complacer a su jefe.Literature Literature
But his eagerness, his anxiety to please, seemed only to heighten the wall which life had built round him.
Pero su entusiasmo, sus ansias de agradar, solo parecían elevar el muro que la vida había erigido a su alrededor.Literature Literature
Smith wiped his face with his knuckles, his expression eager to please.
–Smith se limpió la cara con los nudillos, su expresión ansiosa por complacer–.Literature Literature
Baxter notes with pleasure his docility, his doggish eagerness to please.
Baxter percibe con placer su docilidad, su perruna impaciencia por complacerle.Literature Literature
Something in his voice—his directness, his simple eagerness to please—shamed Suze.
Había algo en su voz -su franqueza, su deseo de agradar- que hizo que Suze se sintiera avergonzada.Literature Literature
She tried to nod between his rough hands, eager to please him.
Ella intentó asentir con la cabeza entre sus rudas manos, deseosa de complacerle.Literature Literature
He refers to Aoba as his "Master", whom he is always eager to please.
Se refiere a Aoba como su "Maestro", a quien siempre esta dispuesto a complacer.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There was nothing about Alex of his former openness and eagerness to please.
No había nada en Alex de su anterior franqueza y ansiedad por complacer.Literature Literature
He was unnaturally quiet and eager to please his mother: breakfast had been full of unease.
Estaba extrañamente callado y ansioso por agradar a su madre: durante el desayuno, el malestar había sido palpable.Literature Literature
Monsieur du Plessis is too eager to please his sovereign.
Monsieur de Plessis ha puesto demasiado celo en complacer a su soberano.Literature Literature
He jerked his head up and down, eager to please.
Sacudió la cabeza arriba y abajo, deseoso de agradar.Literature Literature
“And now I have some news for you,” Cho said, suddenly eager to please his elder brother.
—Yo también tengo noticias para ti —dijo Cho, sintiendo de repente la necesidad de complacer a su hermano mayor.Literature Literature
She had accepted his every word once, so eager to please him.
Ella aceptó todas sus palabras, tan necesitada de contentarle.Literature Literature
Brockdorff, eager to please his master, had approved.
Brockdorff, ansioso por agradar a su señor, lo había aprobado.Literature Literature
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