noisily oor Spaans


in a noisy manner; in such a way as to create a great deal of noise or sound

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


in a noisy manner
Not what you were making, noisily, with no consideration for others.
No, qué estuviste haciendo tú, ruidosamente, sin tener en consideración a nadie más.


The scoffers are now noisily sounding off
Actualmente los burlones están protestando clamorosamente


" And Bob served it out with beaming looks, " while the chestnuts on the fire sputtered and crackled noisily.
Y Bob completó con miradas radiantes, como si fueran nueces en el fuego que se rompían escandalosamente.





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move noisily
moverse ruidosamente


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
He adds milk, stirs it noisily, rests the small silver spoon on the rim of his saucer, and takes a long slurp.
Tengo muchas cosas que hacer en Los ÁngelesLiterature Literature
The woman blew her nose noisily, the flesh on her upper arms shaking with the effort.
Los otros están en la estación, esperando al PresidenteLiterature Literature
I slurped my tea noisily, just to remind them they weren’t in the back row at the Odeon.
Por $#, conseguí a Jerry García en una tabaquera, hombreLiterature Literature
She envied Toby, her terrier, who was safe inside the house, barking noisily.
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They drank noisily with a great clatter of glasses.
¿ De qué habláis cuando estás con él?Literature Literature
The children noisily told first one story, then another: mostly episodes from school, the playground and nursery.
Ya hemos perdido demasiado para irnos con las manos vacíasLiterature Literature
He put his face down against the side of her throat and nuzzled her noisily like some kind of animal.
Servicios obligatorios adicionalesLiterature Literature
Peter began galloping noisily around the big room, pretending he was a pony.
Querrás estar fuera del radarLiterature Literature
But the water was flowing cold down her body and noisily clamoring for her attention.
Ventiladores eléctricosLiterature Literature
The boys were playing noisily, excited to be in this new home.
Estaba... siendo chantajeadoLiterature Literature
Special Julius laughed and slurped his drink noisily.
Bueno, están a salvo de las bendiciones de la civilizaciónLiterature Literature
White stood there breathing noisily, as if through a clogged tube.
No puedo que tu revista te haga escribir sobre la humanidadLiterature Literature
Attila stuffed his eating pouch with the meat and started to suck on it noisily.
¿ Cuánto queda para que tengas lista la presentación?Literature Literature
I have a paranasal sinus problem that causes me to breathe noisily.
Estaban siguiendo a la resistenciagv2019 gv2019
The newspaper slipped from her hands and fluttered noisily to the floor.
¿ Me podrías conseguir...... una muestra de la tierra que hay debajo del cuerpo?Literature Literature
Claire babbled on into the officer’s ear while George breathed noisily.
Los alemanes crean armas asombrosasLiterature Literature
Nick was at the sideboard noisily delving among the bottles.
Estás desesperado, ¿ verdad?Literature Literature
The old truck bounced noisily toward town, Geisel navigating her like a ship in a storm.
¿ Por qué no me deja tocarle una cosilla... que escribí la semana pasada?Literature Literature
The elevator shuddered noisily three times – we had reached the bottom.
Quiere que trabaje en la fábrica de cajas de cartón.- ¿ Y tú qué quieres hacer?Literature Literature
It was far too hot for me, but she gulped it noisily.
De qué quieren hablar?Literature Literature
The others looked away until it dropped unconscious, and then they fell on it, feeding noisily.
¡ No toques esto, nunca lo toques!Literature Literature
It chuffed towards the bridge as noisily and importantly as the Orient Express.
Esto resulta aún más obvio puesto que el GP expresó en la información presentada en relación con el Reglamento provisional su voluntad de modificar en la medida de lo posible varios regímenesLiterature Literature
She thought of her daughter, and fear began to shake her, almost noisily, like a rattle in an empty box.
Y lo hará por muchos años másLiterature Literature
He slurped noisily from his cup, then demanded, “What kind of tea is this, girl?”
Nunca conseguí nada gratis en la vidaLiterature Literature
he exclaimed, drawing in a big gout of air and then noisily expelling it through his nose.
Continúe, capitánLiterature Literature
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