outwardly oor Spaans


externally or on the outside, or on the surface

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


These have been circumcised in their hearts rather than outwardly in the flesh.
Estos han sido circuncidados en su corazón más bien que exteriormente en la carne.


But the odd thing is that outwardly this woman was a model of patience
Pero Io extraño es que, aparentemente esta mujer era un modeIo de paciencia

en apariencia

There are those who may outwardly appear without talent.
Hay aquellos que, en apariencia, parecen faltos de talento.


Therefore... inwardly we are forgiving and merciful but outwardly we militarily combat evil.
Por consiguiente... interiormente somos compasivos y misericordiosos pero externamente combatimos el mal militantemente.

por fuera

Perhaps by relaxing outwardly, I could eventually relax inwardly.
Quizás al parecerlo por fuera, acabara por estarlo por dentro.

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The major powers (France, England, Spain, and the Holy Roman Empire) were outwardly friendly, pledging by the Treaty of London to come to the aid of any of the signatories that was attacked and to combine against any nation that broke the peace.
Las principales potencias (España, Francia, Inglaterra y el Sacro Imperio Romano) vivían un periodo de paz, habiendo acordado en el tratado de Londres que si un país decidía romper la paz, todos los demás se aliarían para derrotarle.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But outwardly, he may very well look normal.
Pero, exteriormente, puede muy bien parecer normal.Literature Literature
I am still burning brightly inside, though outwardly dead as a planet.
Sigo ardiendo vivamente por dentro, a pesar de que por fuera estoy muerto como un planeta.Literature Literature
Inwardly we are consumed with wickedness, outwardly we are grammar school pupils.
Por dentro estamos carcomidos por malas acciones, pero por fuera somos estudiantes de bachillerato.Literature Literature
Outwardly, Germany seemed a fierce monolith, united in carrying out its war against merchant ships.
Externamente, Alemania parecía un monolito muy firme, unido a la hora de librar su guerra contra los barcos mercantes.Literature Literature
Outwardly, at any rate, there are few traces of war.
A simple vista al menos, no hay muchas huellas de la guerra.Literature Literature
They had always been outwardly friendly during his lifetime and they acted with sorrowful decorum after his death.
Siempre se mostraron buenos amigos de Forelli durante su vida y le guardaron luto después de su muerte.Literature Literature
Outwardly she appeared to be well brought up, but she had not learnt to keep her mouth shut.
De puertas afuera parecía bien educada, pero no había aprendido a tener la boca cerrada.Literature Literature
As we are all aware, the Commission is a collegiate body which, outwardly, takes its decisions unanimously.
Como bien se sabe, la Comisión es un órgano que adopta sus decisiones de común acuerdo hacia afuera.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Outwardly, things could appear very much the same for any two people.
Exteriormente, las cosas pueden resultar muy parecidas para dos personas cualesquiera.Literature Literature
“I don’t understand...” “You are to live as a gentile, outwardly and openly,” she replied matter-of-factly.
—Vas a vivir como si fueras gentil, abiertamente —me dijo—.Literature Literature
Outwardly the grandmother appeared to be at peace.
Por fuera la abuela parecía estar en paz.Literature Literature
Charity was outwardly more upset than Caroline.
Charity, en apariencia, estaba más disgustada que Caroline.Literature Literature
He had outwardly agreed to nothing, and yet something had happened, something surely irrevocable.
Aparentemente, no había aceptado nada y, sin embargo, algo había sucedido, algo que seguramente sería irrevocable.Literature Literature
The Doctor's Sweetheart Just because I am an old woman outwardly it doesn't follow that I am one inwardly.
La novia del médico El hecho de que yo sea vieja por fuera no implica que lo sea por dentro.Literature Literature
Outwardly, it will be as usual.
Aparentemente todo seguirá igual.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I suppose it is normal to think such a thing, but still it is difficult to express it outwardly.
Pensar tales cosas es normal, me imagino, pero expresarlas abiertamente resulta difícil.Literature Literature
Outwardly you will be an engineer and nothing more.
Exteriormente serás un ingeniero y nada más.Literature Literature
Outwardly she had to support her husband when inwardly her resentment grew like a tumour on her heart.
En apariencia tenía que apoyar a su marido cuando en su interior el resentimiento crecía como un tumor en su corazón.Literature Literature
He was consciously switching affections, at least outwardly.
Estaba cambiando sus afectos de manera consciente, al menos de cara al exterior.Literature Literature
The United Nations would shortly embark on perhaps the most outwardly visible of all its rejuvenation efforts, namely the physical renovation of the United Nations Headquarters.
Pronto las Naciones Unidas iniciarán el que tal vez sea el esfuerzo de rejuvenecimiento más notorio de cuantos ha emprendido, a saber, la renovación física de la Sede de las Naciones Unidas.UN-2 UN-2
They had never even discussed his heritage of Judaism, even though he made little outwardly of it now.
Nunca habían hablado de su herencia judía, aunque él casi nunca la aireaba.Literature Literature
In any event, the authors question the real value of conscience, if it must be kept internal to oneself and not expressed outwardly.
En cualquier caso, los autores se preguntan cuál es el valor real de la conciencia si debe guardarse para sí, sin poder exteriorizarla.UN-2 UN-2
When the kids at school did tease me, they were never too outwardly aggressive.
Cuando los chicos del instituto me tomaban el pelo, nunca lo hacían de forma demasiado agresiva.Literature Literature
I healed outwardly, the bruises fading, and I started going twice a week to a therapist.
Me curé en apariencia, los moretones desaparecieron, y empecé a visitar a una terapeuta dos veces a la semana.Literature Literature
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