slapstick oor Spaans


naamwoord, adjektief
(uncountable) physical comedy, e.g. slipping on a banana peel, exaggeratedly losing balance, walking into walls etc.

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Stan " turns everything into slapstick " Stan?
Stan " Payasadas " Stan?
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They brought in another director to add some slapstick.
Llamaron a otro director para que añadiera bufonadas.
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They brought in another director to add some slapstick.
Llamaron a otro director para que añadiera bufonadas.

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Though often considered a comedy, the film is really a social drama peppered with some humorous and some slapstick scenes.
Caballeros, felicidadesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Her grandfather’s favourite movies were slapstick comedies with Laurel and Hardy or Abbott and Costello.
El capitán no lidera la misiónLiterature Literature
But this Roman drama of rape and mutilation turns the Spenserian rape cycle into slapstick comedy.
No nos queda mucho tiempoLiterature Literature
Slapstick and mime now functioned to draw out both the ridiculous and the — — — human in a single figure.
¿ Qué tienes?Literature Literature
Peter Bradshaw of The Guardian said: "(The film) takes a little while for the audience to get up to speed, but once this is achieved, there's an awful lot of unexpected fun to be had," while Mark Kermode of the sister paper The Observer declared, "Pleasant to report, then, that DreamWorks' latest offers a fairly consistent stream of sight gags and vocal slapstick, even as the plot veers wildly down a wormhole in the time-space continuum."
Alguna de vosotras esto me consta que lo hace muy bienWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Involving slapstick stunts and a somewhat truncated version of his old Reach for the Stars, the show initially aired locally in New York, with the intent of national syndication early the following year.
Lo siento muchoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Harmless slapstick with every part excellently played: Ich liebe alle Frauen [I Love Every Woman].
Tienes razónLiterature Literature
The result is more like a slapstick comedy.
Quizá no tengamos el mejor equipo...... pero sin duda tenemos al más malvadoLiterature Literature
The Seventh Room contained a rock-and-roll comedy act, with some clumsy slapstick.
Que se coloquen abajo donde el muro es más gruesoLiterature Literature
It was a comedy of fucking errors, the kind of thing you’d see in a movie full of slapstick cock-ups.
El Reglamento (CE) no #/# de la Comisión establece las disposiciones de aplicación de las restituciones por exportación en el sector de las frutas y hortalizasLiterature Literature
Little by little, I grew particularly interested in recording the slapstick moments of everyday life.
¿ Estás diciendo que los actores no pueden cambiar al mundo?Literature Literature
Harlequin transforms the world with a touch of his slapstick...and then laughs in his sleeve at its discomfiture.
Excepto en la película esaLiterature Literature
The Buzz on Maggie uses a slapstick comedy style and relies slightly on gross-out humor.
Ofrezco mis disculpasWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the course of Meyerhold’s experiments in Petersburg and Moscow, a special form of segmenting the scenic action into small units, acrobatic “numbers”, and rapid slapstick sequences had been developed.
Tiene un revolver.- ¡ Cállate!Common crawl Common crawl
Slapstick: Or Lonesome No More!
Tabla # Respuesta ACR-pediátrico en el ensayo de AIJLiterature Literature
The comedienne twisted around and staggered in a circle as if she was performing slapstick for whoever her audience was.
¿ Qué ha pasado ahí?Literature Literature
Slapstick, for example, is an active form of humor.
Creo que hasta el huesoLiterature Literature
He’d make jokes with Bec, as if the two of them had suddenly formed a slapstick comedy duo.
Pero yo te amo...... y tú sabes...... que hay algo muy importante...... que necesitamos hacer cuanto antesLiterature Literature
Joe Napier thumps into the back, yells, and Luisa glimpses him hopping like a slapstick actor.
¡ Volteenla!Literature Literature
The Ghost Talks (1949), a short film featuring the Three Stooges in a slapstick send-up of the Lady Godiva legend.
Este crédito financiará, igualmente, los gastos ocasionados por los intercambios de personal entre el Supervisor Europeo de Protección de Datos y el sector público de los Estados miembros y de los países de la AELC miembros del Espacio Económico Europeo (EEE), así como con organizaciones internacionalesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Both the silent and sound films of Laurel and Hardy are also notable for their slapstick humor.
Yo si lo estoy!Literature Literature
In other circumstances such violence would be frightening, but with slapstick it’s humorous.
Estamos aquí!Literature Literature
Kebab Connection is a 2004 German-Turkish comedy film, with some slapstick, set in Hamburg.
Miren, este planeta es nuestra madre y todos somos sus hijosWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But then again, Woody Allen’s humour lay more in the dialogue than in slapstick.
Podéis hablar de negocios.- ¿ De negocios?Literature Literature
The Washington Post's Jane Horwitz gave the film a positive review, calling it " surprisingly witty and sophisticated spy movie spoof that will tickle adult pet lovers and still capture kids 6 and older with its boy-and-his-dog love story and pet slapstick."
Así es para mi.Apunto al resultadoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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