their bed oor Spaans

their bed

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

su cama

And in the morning they make their beds, and do other regular chores.
Y por la mañana tienden su cama y hacen otros quehaceres regulares.

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The children are safe: we fetched them out of their bed and brought them up here.
Los niños están seguros: los sacamos de sus camas y los trajimos aquí arriba.Literature Literature
“And what nonsense about killing them all in their beds.
—Y qué bobada es ésa de matarlos a todos mientras duermen.Literature Literature
He found her with Molly in her arms, escorting three women from their beds in their nightclothes.
Encontró a la mujer con Molly en brazos, acompañando a tres mujeres en camisón.Literature Literature
No area hospital had me with a gun wound lurking in any of their beds.
Ningún hospital de la zona me había tenido en una de sus camas con una herida de bala.Literature Literature
I want to put them out on their bed.
Quiero colocarla sobre su cama.Literature Literature
The three other girls had already chosen their beds.
Las otras tres chicas ya habían escogido las suyas.Literature Literature
The sisters sat up and looked at the foot of their beds, where stockings had previously hung.
Las hermanas se incorporaron y miraron a los pies de sus lechos, donde en años anteriores colgaban medias de Navidad.Literature Literature
Some female prisoners had given birth in prison while tied to their beds
Algunas prisioneras habían dado a luz en la cárcel atadas a sus camasMultiUn MultiUn
Attacking women and children in their beds—that’s what Æsubrand calls honor!”
Atacar a mujeres y niños cuando están durmiendo en la cama, ¡a eso es a lo que Ǽsubrand llama honor!Literature Literature
“The idea, getting people out of their beds at this hour!
—¡Vaya idea, sacar a la gente de la cama a estas horas!Literature Literature
‘And everyone loves their bed.
Y a todo el mundo le encanta su cama.Literature Literature
Tommy walked quickly through the darkened room and sat on the edge of their bed.
Tommy caminó rápidamente a través de la habitación a oscuras y se sentó en el borde de su cama.Literature Literature
Sometimes at night we’ll end up on their bed just talking.
A veces, por la noche, acabamos todos en su cama, charlando.Literature Literature
They rose from their beds of stone and studied Nagash in cold, pitiless silence.
Se levantaron de sus camas de piedra y estudiaron a Nagash en medio de un silencio frío y despiadado.Literature Literature
The next morning Abby awoke early, but even so Nick had already left their bed.
A la mañana siguiente Abby se despertó temprano, pero igualmente Nick ya había dejado la cama.Literature Literature
Fifteen minutes later they were snug in their beds with the light out.
Quince minutos más tarde estaban acostados, con la luz apagada.Literature Literature
Two-thirds of the workers emigrated to other towns after selling their beds and their clothes.
Las dos terceras partes de los obreros emigraron a otras ciudades después de haber vendido sus camas y ropas.Literature Literature
Their bed could have registered on the Richter scale.
El temblor de la cama lo había registrado la escala de Richter.Literature Literature
Potatoes, pulled from their beds, were mounded into baskets and settled close to the cool earthen floor.
Las patatas de los bancales se amontonaban en cestos colocados sobre el suelo de tierra fresca.Literature Literature
‘People are eating their dinner, and in a few hours they’ll be in their beds.’
¡La gente está cenando y en un par de horas ya se habrá acostado!Literature Literature
They are man and woman for each other, and outside their bed they are King and Queen.
Son el uno para el otro y, fuera de su lecho, son rey y reina.Literature Literature
For several weeks, Abraham, Noel and Juventino were chained to their beds and threatened by their police guards.
Durante varias semanas Abraham, Noel y Juventino fueron encadenados a sus camas y amenazados por los policías y guardias que los vigilaban.Common crawl Common crawl
I keep their beds for a few days. JACK:
Les guardo la cama por unos días.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
All the children kept as still as statues in their beds.
Todos los niños se quedaron tiesos como estatuas en sus respectivas camas.Literature Literature
Usually, they fade from my thoughts the moment I escape their bed.
Normalmente desaparecen de mi cabeza en cuanto consigo escapar de sus camas.Literature Literature
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