to climb down oor Spaans

to climb down

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Cheeta, Tarzan wants you to climb down and get lots of turbans.
Cheeta, Tarzán quiere que bajes y cojas muchos turbantes.


I think you have to climb down from that high horse, Mr Barrow.
Creo que debe bajarse de ese altar, Sr. Barrow.

bajarse de

I think you have to climb down from that high horse, Mr Barrow.
Creo que debe bajarse de ese altar, Sr. Barrow.


The ledge ends with some metal pegs to climb down.
La cornisa termina con algunas estacas de metal para descender.

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Malachy says she stays up there because it’s too hard for her to climb down in the dark.
Malachy dice que ella se queda allí arriba porque le resulta demasiado difícil bajar a oscuras.Literature Literature
In fact, as he approached, Lucky was using it to climb down.
De hecho, mientras se acercaba, Lucky la usó para bajar.Literature Literature
Dozens of shadowy figures had begun to climb down from the mountains.
Decenas de figuras sombrías habían empezado a bajar de las montañas.Literature Literature
Pat, tell him to climb down the chimney.
Pat, dile que baje por la chimeneaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“You do know you’ll have to climb down at some point.”
—Sabes que tienes que bajar en algún momento.Literature Literature
Help me to climb down.
Ayúdame a bajar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I resolved to climb down again when the land was dry.
Decidí bajar en otro momento, cuando la tierra estuviese seca.Literature Literature
Before he can stop her she starts to climb down into the hidey-hole.
Antes de que pueda detenerla, empieza a bajar por la escalerillaLiterature Literature
Ressler and I had to climb down the fire escape to get out.
Ressler y yo tuvimos que bajar por la escalera de incendios para escapar.Literature Literature
she murmured, and was about to climb down when she saw David.
—musitó, y se disponía a bajar cuando vio a David.Literature Literature
He ought to climb down from the Giant's face and see what he had finally achieved.
Debería bajarse de la cara del Gigante y ver qué había conseguido por fin.Literature Literature
Ryder abandoned his prisoner and began to climb down the slippery paddles.
Ryder abandonó al prisionero y empezó a descender por las resbaladizas palas.Literature Literature
Annabeth noticed a figure clinging desperately to the rope ladder, trying to climb down.
Annabeth se fijó en una figura que se aferraba desesperadamente a la escalera de cuerda tratando de bajar.Literature Literature
Hera’s crown, what if she tries to climb down?
«Por la corona de Hera, ¿y si intenta bajar el precipicio?»Literature Literature
Well, I don’t need to climb down for that.
Pues bien, no hace falta que me baje del árbol para eso.Literature Literature
“What drove you to climb down the cliff by night?
¿Qué te impulsó a bajar de noche por el acantilado?Literature Literature
Do you think France is going to climb down because of these little bastards?
¿Crees que Francia se va a desinflar ante esta banda de piojosos?Literature Literature
And he came across his deck and began to climb down the side of his barge.
–Cruzó su cubierta y comenzó a descender por un lado de su barcaza.Literature Literature
Marvin started to climb down, but then James said, “Hey!
Marvin empezó a descender, pero entonces James dijo: —¡Eh!Literature Literature
There was no way to climb down that hill of bones without making noise.
Imposible bajar por aquella colina de huesos sin armar un montón de ruido.Literature Literature
On the way back we got lost and had to climb down a steep hill.
En el camino de vuelta nos perdimos y tuvimos que bajar por una colina empinada.Literature Literature
I would therefore ask you not to climb down on the outstanding key policy issues.
Por esta razón, les pido que no busquen excusas en las cuestiones de principio que están pendientes.Europarl8 Europarl8
Well, we'll have to climb down.
Tendremos que bajar por la fachada.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It got cold, but I didn’t want to climb down, didn’t want to leave.
Me entró frío, pero no quería bajar del árbol; no quería irme.Literature Literature
His little brother used it to climb down the night he went missing.
Su hermanito la usó para bajar por ahí la noche en que desapareció.Literature Literature
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