to hem and haw oor Spaans

to hem and haw

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


You're going to hem and haw and keep me waiting?
¿Vas a vacilar y hacerme esperar?

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Not to ask permission, not to hem and haw.
Sin pedir permiso, sin carraspear ni titubear.Literature Literature
You're going to hem and haw and keep me waiting?
¿Vas a vacilar y hacerme esperar?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Billingsley tried to hem and haw, but his wife has known me since I was born.
El señor Billingsley intentó negarse, pero su esposa me ha conocido desde que nací.Literature Literature
Your boss sure does like to hem and haw!
A tu jefe le gusta dudar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Will started to hem and haw, but Owen interrupted him.
Will empezó a farfullar, pero Owen lo interrumpió.Literature Literature
Song Gang continued to hem and haw, saying that if you beat someone up, you should take them something.
Song Gang continuó diciendo, entre balbuceos, que si le pegas a alguien, deberías llevarle algo.Literature Literature
I was in no position to hem and haw . . . at the appointed hour, eight o'clock, I was in the Castle . . .
No iba a tergiversar... a la hora convenida, las 8, estaba en el Castillo... el comedor de Abetz...Literature Literature
One thing I like about this plant: You don't have to hem and haw and be sugar-tongued with anyone.
Un aspecto que me gusta de esta fábrica: aquí no hay que andarse con miramientos ni hacerle la pelota a nadie.Literature Literature
One thing I like about this plant: You don’t have to hem and haw and be sugar-tongued with anyone.
Un aspecto que me gusta de esta fábrica: aquí no hay que andarse con miramientos ni hacerle la pelota a nadie.Literature Literature
Loren was about to hem and haw again, but something in Mother Katherine’s tone told her it would be a waste of time.
Loren iba a dorar la píldora, pero algo en el tono de la madre Katherine le hizo intuir que sería una pérdida de tiempo.Literature Literature
You had to hem and haw and nibble around the edges for a few hours, just to be polite, before you got to the point.
Era preciso carraspear, dar rodeos e irse por las ramas durante unas horas, sólo para ser cortés, antes de ir al granoLiterature Literature
Look, no one wants to stammer, hem and haw, freeze up, and not know what to say or do during their presentation.
A nadie le gusta tartamudear, cantinflear, paralizarse y no saber qué decir durante una presentación.Literature Literature
If you're just going to stand there hemming and hawing, hand me that bow and arrow.”
Si vais a quedaros de pie dudando y vacilando, pasadme el arco y la flecha.Literature Literature
He didn’t want to, but after some brief hemming and hawing, he was forced to give in.
Él no tenía ningunas ganas, pero, tras un breve tira y afloja, se vio obligado a ceder.Literature Literature
But when it comes to the rent, you hem and haw?
¿Es justo que no me pague el alquiler a tiempo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The stylist walked me to the new stage, hemming and hawing over the pieces of fabric, glitter, and jewels.
La estilista me llevó al nuevo set envuelta en los trozos de tela, la purpurina y las joyas.Literature Literature
The two veterans grinned big and began to hem-haw with childish glee.
Los dos veteranos sonrieron y comenzaron a reír con infantil alegría.Literature Literature
Asked if he was contented to resign the crown, he hemmed and hawed, first yes, then no.
Cuando le preguntaron si estaba dispuesto a renunciar a la corona, él vaciló un rato, primero sí, luego no.Literature Literature
Unable to remember the men's names, Father hemmed and hawed but Mother knew who they were.
Dado que Padre no recordaba los nombres de esos dos chavales vacilaba y tartamudeaba pero Madre sí sabía quiénes eran.Literature Literature
But when people hemmed and hawed about where to eat, the Pearl was still my choice.
Sin embargo, cuando la gente carraspeaba y titubeaba sobre dónde comer, el Pearl seguía siendo mi preferido.Literature Literature
And what hemming and hawing they resorted to before coughing up these trivial sums!
¡Y a qué titubeos y vacilaciones recurrían antes de aflojar aquellas cantidades insignificantes!Literature Literature
When I hemmed and hawed, he threatened to get an arrest warrant.
Cuando le he puesto dificultades, ha amenazado con obtener una orden de arresto.Literature Literature
No matter how much I hemmed and hawed and tried to make excuses, it just wasn’t coming together right.
Independientemente de lo mucho que yo dudara y tratara de inventar excusas, sencillamente el asunto no estaba bien.Literature Literature
Every time she asked about his office mate, Greg would hem and haw and try to change the subject.
Cada vez que ella preguntaba por su compañero de despacho, Greg empezaba a carraspear e intentar cambiar de tema.Literature Literature
She was sour and severe, but plain-spoken enough to let us talk turkey without a lot of preliminary hemming and hawing.
Era agria y severa, pero lo suficientemente sencilla como para poder hablar sin demasiados rodeos ni presentaciones.Literature Literature
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