to see oneself oor Spaans

to see oneself

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


You know, Jim, it's so difficult to see oneself as others see one.
Es muy difícil verse uno como lo ven los demás.


You know, Jim, it's so difficult to see oneself as others see one.
Es muy difícil verse uno como lo ven los demás.

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to see oneself well
verse bien


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To see oneself going boldly and defiantly to execution for the love of one’s country― that glorious.
Imaginarse marchando, audaz y desafiante, hacia el cadalso, movido por el amor de la patria... eso era glorioso.Literature Literature
It is a curious thing, to see oneself in a photograph.
Es curioso cuando uno se ve en una fotografía.Literature Literature
Everyone knows that it is worse than death to see oneself in a glass.
Todo el mundo sabe que es peor que la muerte verse uno mismo en un cristal.Literature Literature
Only by trying to see oneself.
Sólo tratando de verse uno mismo.Literature Literature
I did not want to offend the editor: one does sometimes want to see oneself in print.
No quería ofender al editor; a cualquiera le gusta verse publicado alguna que otra vez.Literature Literature
It was to see oneself in the mirror and feel humiliated, as when one suffers an inexplicable punishment.
Era verse en el espejo y sentirse humillado, como cuando se sufre una penalización inexplicada.Literature Literature
You know, Jim, it's so difficult to see oneself as others see one.
Es muy difícil verse uno como lo ven los demás.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Only by trying to see oneself.
Solo tratando de verse uno mismo.Literature Literature
To see oneself as one really is would be intolerable.
Verse a sí mismo tal como se es en realidad, sería intolerable.Literature Literature
To see oneself in another’s eyes is no gift.
Verse en los ojos de otro no es un regalo.Literature Literature
Love is the ability to see oneself in the other.
El amor es la capacidad de verse a uno mismo en el otro.QED QED
It is natural to see oneself as in the centre and others as on the peripheries.
Resulta natural verse a uno mismo en el centro y a los demás en la periferia.Literature Literature
It is easy to see oneself in Rolf Jacobsen’s experience.
Es fácil reconocerse en esa experiencia de Rolf Jacobsen.Literature Literature
And one needs to see oneself from two opposite extremes: rigorism and laxism.
Es necesario evitar dos extremos opuestos: el rigorismo y el
It was humbling to see oneself through the eyes of a man.
Era humillante verse a través de los ojos de un hombre.Literature Literature
Not even to know oneself (this comes later), but to see oneself.
Ni siquiera conocerse uno mismo (esto viene después) sino verse uno mismo.Literature Literature
It is quite another to see oneself turned into a chess piece in a political match.
Pero otra cosa muy distinta es que lo conviertan a uno en una pieza de ajedrez en el tablero político.Literature Literature
Surely, to see oneself being stupid does not require time.
Por cierto, ver la propia estupidez no requiere tiempo.Literature Literature
It wasn’t night, there were no stars, impossible to see oneself from such a distance.
No era de noche, no había estrellas, imposible observarse a tal distancia.Literature Literature
It must be hard to see oneself clearly.
Debía de ser difícil verse con claridad uno mismoLiterature Literature
Yes, that is why I said to see oneself first, not to know.
Sí, he ahí por qué dije que primero hay que verse, no conocer.Literature Literature
The cost of continuing to see oneself as appropriately decent is that such inquiries are not permissible.
El costo de verse a uno mismo como adecuadamente decente es que esas preguntas no están permitidas.Literature Literature
It is horrible to see oneself die without children.
Es horrible verse a uno morir sin hijos.Literature Literature
You know, Jim, it' s so difficult to see oneself as others see one
Es muy difícil verse uno como lo ven los demásopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
At the other extreme, there is less need to see oneself as a victim.
En el otro extremo, disminuye la necesidad de considerarte una víctima.Literature Literature
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