railway oor Baskies


/ɹeɪlweɪ/ naamwoord
A track, consisting of parallel rails, over which wheeled vehicles may travel.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Baskies


A permanent track composed of a line of parallel metal rails fixed to sleepers, for transport of passengers and goods in trains.




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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Prior to the German occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1938, he collected information on railways and troop movements for the German government.
Ezin izan dira % #(r) en baimenak aldatuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was anticipated by the Railways Commissioner that the loss here would be £10,874 per annum.
Aldaketak marko-sortako marko guztiei aplikatuko zaizkieWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The deportees were taken from their homes to railway stations and were put on trains to the Polish border, where Polish border guards sent them back into Germany.
Errorea objektuaren definizioa kargatzeanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Units to Sowerby Bridge railway station.
Atzipen baimenakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
On the northern tip of the island, alongside the railway trestles are remnants of the Iron Bridge that was blown up during the Second World War.
Mugitu geruza gorantzWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Railway Bilbao-Bermeo line.
Aukera aurreratuakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The enemy has no railway artillery near the Oder.
Testu etiketaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
National railway authorities do not correspond to state borders in this instance.
Gorde saio & profilaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For some reason he remembered a country railway station where he had arrived with his platoon more than thirty years ago — the signs naming the place had all been removed after Dunkirk against a possible German invasion.
Aukera berriaLagun Lagun
Both the Brenner railway and the Brennerautobahn have tunnels below the Bergisel.
Sasikume gizajoak, ezta?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The completion of a railway system linking Logroño to Bilbao, Madrid and Irun coincided with the onset of the phylloxera epidemic in Europe.
POWER(balioa; balioaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was the first railway line built in China after the establishment of the People's Republic of China.
Hautaketa BaliogabeaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The North Eastern railway in the First World War.
Giza izaera aurrefinkaturik ez badago ere, ezin dugu uste izan amaigabeki malgu eta edozein motatako baldintzetara moldagarri denik dinanismo psikologiko propiorik garatu gabe.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mr. Lachman, check the last table of fares, there must have been some mistake, the railways charged too much.
Ordenatuta (azkarragoaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The railway connecting Nagykanizsa with Vienna, Budapest, and Rijeka was constructed at that time.
Bermantza hori berretu arau, konstituzioa gero eta makurragora aldatzen da, eta nola ez baita printzearen nahimenari ihardukitzen dion, eta hura bezainbat den, beste gorputz nahimenik, goiz edo berant gertatzen da, printzeak subiranoa zapaltzen baitu azkenean, eta gizarte hitzarmena hausten.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But his greatest dream was to construct... a luxury locomotive cruiseline... connecting railways of the entire world into one.
Lerrokadura bertikalaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It has a station on the Berlin-Warsaw-Minsk-Moscow international railway line.
Nabarmentze-koloreaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But it was you who decided how many people were to be put into each railway car, no?
Pistaren & izenburuaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
< A collection of old ruins by the railway? > < Yes. >
Inolako agintarik ez dezake har zuzenki edo zeharki zirkulapen askatasunak oztopatzen dituen neurririk ez eta Espainiako lurralde osoan pertsonen ezarrera eta ondasunen eta zirkulapen askatasunik ere.Lagun Lagun
In counterpoint to the Japanese strategy of gaining rapid victories to control Manchuria, Russian strategy focused on fighting delaying actions to gain time for reinforcements to arrive via the long Trans-Siberian railway.
Halaber, kausa beragatik, nola ratio muturretarik bat den populua, meneko gisa, mudaezina eta bat baita, ratio bikoiztua handitzen edo tipitzen den aldi guztietan, ratio bakuna molde berean handitzen edo tipitzen da, ondorioz banaz bestekoa ere aldaturik gertatzen baita.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The southbound trains terminate at Moscow Yaroslavskaya railway station in Moscow.
Erabili EGDWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kisumu port was founded in 1901 as the main inland terminal of the Uganda Railway named "Port Florence".
Bizkotxoa #colorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For three years, he conducted surveys for railway lines across the Allegheny Mountains, from Harrisburg to Pittsburgh, for the state of Pennsylvania.
Nahiago nukeen ezer entzungo ez balute, baina zer egin zitekeen? Aitak eta amak etengabe so egiten zieten, baina banekien horrek ez zituela milimetro bat ere mugiaraziko.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In abandoned railway yards, wandering the roads.
Erakutsi dut lehenago nola deliberamendu publikoetan nahimen partikularrak nahimen orokorrari nagusi ahal dakizkiokeen, eta eman ditut bide egokiak abusu horren eragozteko; berriz aipatuko ditut geroago.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I spent a good deal of time with a man who lived with his family on a railway embankment and had lost an arm and a leg in a train accident.
Aldatu jardueraren izenaQED QED
111 sinne gevind in 19 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.