vegetative oor Baskies


Of, or relating to plants; especially to their growth.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
That doesn't mean it's the vegetables or olive oil.
Eutsi egiten zion jendeari, zeinahi adinekoari, bere inguruan, zuen buru-argitasunarengatik omen, hain bizia, bere alaitasunarengatik, sekula bazter uzten ez zuen bere naturaltasun paregabearengatik.ted2019 ted2019
Shropshire Blue is a blue cheese made from pasteurised cows' milk and uses vegetable rennet.
Neuk ere, hasieran ez nuen horretaz gogoetatu, eta zorion ideal horren gerizpean atsedenean nengoen, manzaniloarenean bezala, ondorioak sumatu gabe >.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But I had to buy vegetables, right?
Benetako izenaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A vegetable coulis is commonly used on meat and vegetable dishes, and it can also be used as a base for soups or other sauces.
Biharamunean, goizeko bederatzietarako, Charles etxaldean zen. Sartu zenean, Emma gorritu egin zen, halere, erabidetsu, barre txiki bat egiten bermatuz. Rouault zaharrak bere suhi-gaia besarkatu egin zuen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The fruit, vegetable, and food dealers are treated just as badly by the municipal authorities as we are.
Berrabiarazi ordenagailuaLiterature Literature
Sugarcane and some root vegetables were domesticated in New Guinea around 9,000 years ago.
Ikasleetarik zintzoena zen. Ilea ez zeraman luzeegi ezta motzegi ere, hilaren lehenengoan ez zuen jaten bere hiruhilabetetarako dirua, eta irakasleekin harreman onetan mantentzen zen.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1521, Christian II invited some Dutch farmers to move to Amager and grow vegetables to supply the Danish Court and Copenhagen.
Hautatu % # angeluaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hello, my strangely orange vegetable friend.
Ebatzitako ariketa kopuruaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It is really hard to get hands on fresh fruit and vegetables.
& Kode sorreraren morroiaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Everybody gets a chicken-and-waffle dinner, or chicken and vegetables, if they like, but all at the same price.
Aldatu izenaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A somatic cell (from the Greek σῶμα sôma, meaning "body") or vegetal cell is any biological cell forming the body of an organism; that is, in a multicellular organism, any cell other than a gamete, germ cell, gametocyte or undifferentiated stem cell.
Bozemaileak ikusi ahal izango du inoiz edo behin bere hautagaia hauteskunde-garaian; baina irratia etorri zenetik, ez dauka lehen bezain maiz ikusterik, < bere > kandidatua neurtzeko zeukan azken bideetako bat ere galduz.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The vegetables and grains portions are the largest of the four.
Hautatu homologia harmonikoaren ardatzaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Instead, people cultivated the most delicious vegetables possible.
Ezkutatu piezaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dense vegetation, steep slopes,
Sartu gelaxkaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nebbia addressed the importance of local vegetables and pasta, rice, and gnocchi.
Ikusten nuen bion arteko tartea neurtzen zuela eta erabaki bera eserita zegoen lekutik ezin ninduela atzeman.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, in a BBC interview in April 2010, a senior Yazidi authority stated that ordinary Yazidis may eat what they want, but holy men refrain from certain vegetables (including cabbage) because "they cause gases".
Elementu inkontzienteek nola jokatzen duten ulertzeak hitzekiko eskeptikoak izaten eta itxuraz duten balioan ez hartzen irakatsi digu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In other southern states (Tamil Nadu and Kerala), Muslims break their fast with nonbu kanji, a rich, filling rice dish of porridge consistency, cooked for hours with meat and vegetables.
KGame erakusleaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The seasonal changes (consisting of the diminishing of the polar caps and the dark areas formed during Martian summer) in combination with the canals led to speculation about life on Mars, and it was a long-held belief that Mars contained vast seas and vegetation.
Begiztatu uneko karpetanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
All this production of vegetation and breathable air happens cleanly, efficiently, and quietly.
Hautatu elipse berria pasa behar deneko puntu batjw2019 jw2019
Oh, That's my home made vegetable soup.
Azken eskualdiaQED QED
During the day, they hide amongst vegetation.
Portzentaiaren formtuaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The former loading platform for the factory is a fruit and vegetable store.
& Hautatu fitxategi guztiakWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She only wants green vegetables and broth,
Euskal Herriak bere etorkizuna erabakitzeko eskubidea erabiltzea, egun eremu juridiko-politiko ezberdinetan giltzatuta dauden herritarrek, gizonezko zein emakume, beren etorkizuna erabakitzeko kontsultatuak izateko duten eskubidea errespetatuz gauzatzen da.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Why these files they have the smell of vegetables?
Langileek barne-merkatuan enplegatzeko aukera hobeak izan ditzaten, eta bizitza-maila hobetzen laguntze aldera, Europako Gizarte Funtsa sortzen da, Batasunaren barruan langileen enplegu-aukerak sustatzeko eta langileen toki- eta lanbide-mugikortasuna sustatzeko, eta langileak industrien eraldaketetara eta ekoizpen-sistemen aldaketetara egokitzen laguntzeko, batez ere lanbide-heziketaren bidez eta lanbide-birmoldaketaren bidez.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They don’t do anything, just save themselves up, save themselves up for Europe, for lovers, holidays in Italy, the long six-months leaves every three years, when at last they’ll be able to talk about what it’s like here, this peculiar colonial existence, the marvelous domestic service provided by the houseboys, the vegetation, the dances, the white villas, big enough to get lost in, occupied by officials in distant outposts.
Orduan, bere baitan hertsaturiko gauza asko hedatu egin ziren; ongietorrietan kantatzen zituen kopla batzuk buruz ikasi zituen, Beranger-ekiko entusiasmatu zen, pontxe egiten ikasi zuen eta azkenik amodioa ezagutu zuen.Lagun Lagun
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