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cooperative bank
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cooperative banking
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Cooperative banks serve an important role in the Indian economy, especially in rural areas.
بجز دكتر استروم ، كاركنانمون محصول را تضمين ميكننWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They are typically (though not exclusively) the smaller form of cooperative banking institution.
اون يک متقلب بزرگهWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Credit unions operate alongside other mutuals and cooperatives engaging in cooperative banking, such as building societies.
بهمون گفته بود اون طرف خبري نيستWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The International Confederation of Cooperative Banks (CIBP) is the oldest association of cooperative banks at international level.
، مي خواي نمايشش بدم عزيزمWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some cooperative banks are criticized for diluting their cooperative principles.
کاش مي تونستم ولي برنامه دارم که برم پياده رويWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cooperative banking systems are also usually more integrated than credit union systems.
مثل من ، خوشش بيادWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cooperative banks are owned by their customers and follow the cooperative principle of one person, one vote.
پس بانو کیم از قصر ملکه مادر، بانو پارک از مهمانسراWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many cooperative banks are traded on public stock markets, with the result that they are partly owned by non-members.
هيچ بياباني به خشكي كيپلينك فلينگ نخواهد بود آفرينWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A cooperative bank that raises capital on public stock markets creates a second class of shareholders who compete with the members for control.
يه ثانيه ميشه يک لحظه صبر کنينWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The cooperative banks that are members of the European Association of Co-operative Banks have 130 million customers, 4 trillion euros in assets, and 17% of Europe's deposits.
مي خواهم اون رو طوري بزرگ كنم كه مثل هائه مو سو بشهWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
WOCCU does not include data from cooperative banks, so, for example, some countries generally seen as the pioneers of credit unionism, such as Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Italy, are not always included in their data.
اونا از من ميخواهند که دندونامو نشون بدم و به سمت ميلهها بدومWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cooperative banking, as discussed here, includes retail banking carried out by credit unions, mutual savings banks, building societies and cooperatives, as well as commercial banking services provided by mutual organizations (such as cooperative federations) to cooperative businesses.
اين عکس يک کانگوروي پير در ساعت # بعدازظهر هستWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mutual savings banks and mutual savings and loan associations were very common in the 19th and 20th centuries, but declined in number and market share in the late 20th century, becoming globally less significant than cooperative banks, building societies and credit unions.
بدتر و بدتر سر کلاس توجه اي نداشتWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Indian money market is classified into: the organised sector (comprising private, public and foreign owned commercial banks and cooperative banks, together known as scheduled banks); and the unorganised sector (comprising individual or family owned indigenous bankers or money lenders and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs)).
نه ، يعني ما نميتونيم كاري بكنيمWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However statistics such as that given by the Cooperative Bank (UK), stating that in 2003 they reviewed 225 potentially problematic financial opportunities and of these 20% were found to be in conflict with their ethical statements and were subsequently denied further business, costing the bank 6,887,000 poundsCoro Strandberg 2005, give the consumer the impression that the banks’ proposed ethics, however ambiguous, are being taken seriously.
و اون و دوستاش دو شب پيش غيرقانوني وارد اينجا شده بودنWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Well, the bank can't cooperate without implicating itself.
من ازت ميخوام که دوباره ذهنمو بخونيOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That fire bank corrupted a global arms cooperation.
اما حتي اگر اومده باشي، نبايد هرگز به به قصر بويه يو بياييOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This effectively means that the bank ceases to be a cooperative.
معمولي ، مثل توWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He, at the same time, expressed his satisfaction with the cooperation of the World Bank, Ministry of Finance and other partner organizations, which worked to finalize the document and opened the way for its implementation.
خانم. بايد قبل از انجام كاري يک كار مشخصي انجام بشه
They are regulated by the Reserve Bank of India under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and Banking Laws (Application to Cooperative Societies) Act, 1965.
بايد چه کار کنيم جانيWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
McFadden also claimed that Wall Street bankers funded the Bolshevik Revolution through the Federal Reserve banks and the European central banks with which it cooperated.
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Daniel Cooper announced flatly, If there's a flaw in the bank's security system, Tracy Whitney will find it.
برنامه‌ای که می‌خواهید برای ترسیم زمینۀ رومیزی خود استفاده کنید را از این جعبه فهرست انتخاب نمایید. ستون برنامه نام برنامه را نمایش می‌دهد. در ستون توضیح توصیف کوتاهی آورده می‌شود. ستون بازآوری فاصلۀ زمانی بین ترسیمهای مجدد رومیزی را نشان می‌دهد. برنامۀ K رومیزی وب (kwebdesktop) ارزشی ندارد. این برنامه یک صفحۀ مشخص وب را در رومیزی شما ترسیم می‌کند. می‌توانید آن را تغییر دهید ، و صفحۀ وبی که با گزینش آن از اینجا و با فشار دکمۀ تغییر ، آن را ترسیم می‌کند. همچنین می‌توانید برنامه‌های پیرو جدید را اضافه کنید. برای انجام آن ، دکمۀ اضافه را فشار دهید. همچنین می‌توانید برنامه‌ها را از این فهرست با فشار دکمۀ حذف ، حذف کنید. لطفاً توجه کنید که این برنامه‌ها را از سیستم شما حذف نمی‌کند ، فقط آن را از گزینه‌های موجود در این جعبه فهرست حذف می‌کندMIZAN MIZAN
The Cooperative Commonwealth is a universal automatic insurance company and savings bank for all its members.
تو داری به جایی عجیب و غریب میریMIZAN MIZAN
I tuck out en shin down de hill, en 'spec to steal a skift 'long de sho' som'ers 'bove de town, but dey wuz people a stirring yit, so I hid in de ole tumble down cooper shop on de bank to wait for everybody to go 'way.
اين ايده ممکن است عجيب به نظر برسه ،MIZAN MIZAN
British building societies developed into general-purpose savings and banking institutions with ‘one member, one vote’ ownership and can be seen as a form of financial cooperative (although many de-mutualised into conventionally owned banks in the 1980s and 1990s).
تو چي ميل داري ، عزيزمWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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