cave oor Galisies


/ˈkeɪvi/ werkwoord, naamwoord, tussenwerpsel
A large, naturally-occurring cavity formed underground, or in the face of a cliff or a hillside.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Galisies


large, naturally occurring cavity formed underground


natural underground space large enough for a human to enter


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Cave of Swallows
O Soto das Anduriñas
Nick Cave
Nick Cave
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
cave dweller
home das cavernas
cave painting
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Remnants of C. explanatus were found in prehistoric human coprolites in a Nevada cave, likely sourced from the Humboldt Sink.
Atopáronse restos de C. explanatus en coprólitos humanos prehistóricos nunha cova de Nevada, probablemente recollidos no lago Humboldt Sink.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
While he was based in West Berlin, Cave started working on what was to become his debut novel, And the Ass Saw the Angel (1989).
Mentres vivía en Berlín Oeste, Cave comezou a traballar na súa futura novela debut: And the Ass Saw the Angel (1989).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In this place, we reported a new type of microalgae that grew only on top of the spiderwebs that covered the cave entrance.
Neste lugar atopamos un novo tipo de microalgas que só medraba nas arañeiras que cubrían a entrada da cova.ted2019 ted2019
We also used ultra low frequency radio to broadcast back to the surface our exact position within the cave.
Tamén usamos radio de frecuencia ultrabaixa para retransmitirlle á superficie a nosa posición exacta na cova.ted2019 ted2019
Everything just caved in.
Veuse todo abaixo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Inside caves, under rocks and under the earth many legends say there exist palaces with treasures.
Dentro de grutas e debaixo das pedras, moitas lendas falan de que existen palacios con tesouros.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2007 the mummy of a baby was discovered in a cave near Gámeza, Boyacá, together with a small bowl, a pacifier and cotton cloths.
No 2007, descubriuse a momia dun meniño nunha cova preto de Gámeza, Boyacá, xunto cunha pequena cunca, un chupete e roupas de algodón.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Also so called Cave of San Blas, it was the first Christian temple of Canary Islands, in this place the original inhabitants of the Canary Islands produced worship to the Virgin of Candelaria.
A Cova de Achbinico tamén chamada Cova de San Blas, foi o primeiro templo cristián de Canarias, neste lugar os guanches renderon culto á Virxe de Candelaria.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They realized that, in 6, 000 years of storytelling, they've gone from depicting hunting on cave walls to depicting Shakespeare on Facebook walls.
Déronse conta de que, en 6. 000 anos de historias pasaran de representar esceas de caza nas paredes das cavernas a representar a Shakespeare nos taboleiros de Facebook.QED QED
5th century) also contains a version similar to that in the Cave of Treasures, but the crown maker is called Santal, and the name of Noah's fourth son who instructs Nimrod is Barvin.
O libro Ge'ez Conflito de Adam e Eva con Satanás (século V) tamén contén unha versión similar a aquela da Caverna dos Tesouros, mais o fabricante de coroa é chamado Santal, e o nome do cuarto fillo de Noé que instrúe a Nimrod é Barvin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There are three ledged mini-walls at a depth of some 5-20 metres, and numerous small underwater caves.
Hai paredes submarinas a unha profundidade duns 5 a 20 metros e numerosas pequenas covas submarinas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some confusion had occurred, she had misread a date in the Tour Book, and the Magic Cave ceremonies were over!
Ela tivera algunha confusión e lera mal algunha data na guía, e as cerimonias da Cova Máxica xa pasaran!Literature Literature
Hidden under trees on city outskirts, close to caves or air-raid shelters and so forth. "
Nos arredores da cidade, baixo as árbores, preto das covas, dos refuxios anti-aéreos, etc. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Push the Sky Away is the fifteenth studio album by the Australian alternative rock band Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, released on 18 February 2013 on the band's own label Bad Seed Ltd.
Push the Sky Away é o décimo quinto álbum da banda australiana de rock alternativo Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, publicado o 18 de febreiro de 2013 a través do propio selo do grupo, Bad Seed Ltd.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
All appear close in theme and style of those known to Gravettien in the Quercy caves, in particular Pech Merle.
Todas estas obras están moi próximas por tema e estilo as coñecidas do Gravetiense nas covas do Quercy, en particular na caverna de Pech Merle.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Species of all orders excluding the Craterostigmomorpha have adapted to caves.
Especies de todas as ordes menos Craterostigmomorpha adaptáronse á vida en covas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Venetian episode came to an end in 1537, when Antiparos and the rest of the Cyclades fell to the Ottomans, and it remained under Ottoman rule until the Greek War of Independence in 1821, apart from a period of the Orlov Revolt in 1770–74 when it was ruled by the Russians, who removed many of the magnificent stalactites from the cave to the Hermitage Museum in Russia.
O dominio de Venecia chegou ao seu fin en 1537, cando Antíparos e o resto das Cícladas caeu en mans dos otománs, e permaneceu baixo o dominio otomán ata a Guerra de Independencia grega en 1821, ademais do período da revolta Orlov de 1770 a 1774, cando foi gobernada polos rusos, que leváronse moitas das magníficas estalactitas da cova ó Museo Hermitage en Rusia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most still practice a traditional lifestyle, inhabiting natural shelters such as caves or cliff overhangs, as well as small cabins of wood or stone.
A maioría dos tarahumaras viven aínda segundo o estilo tradicional, habitando en refuxios naturales como covas ou cantís, así como pequenas cabanas de madeira ou pedra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is sometimes called "Nordis" or "Petoluola", Finnish for "The beast cave", referring to the 2nd logo of HIFK: a red panther.
Ás veces é chamado Petoluola, que significa "A cova da besta", facendo alusión ao logo do HIFK: unha pantera vermella.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These systems were first systematically explored by speleologists from the Oxford University Cave Club and from Speleogroup.
Estes sistemas foron sistematicamente explorados por vez primeira por espeleólogos do Club de Espeleoloxía da Universidade de Oxford (OUCC) e de Speleogroup.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bones of at least two dodos were found in caves at Baie du Cap that sheltered fugitive slaves and convicts in the 17th century, which would not have been easily accessible to dodos because of the high, broken terrain.
Os ósos de polo menos dous dodos atopáronse en covas de Baie du Cap que servían de refuxio para escravos fuxitivos e convictos no século XVII, de difícil acceso para os dodos por mor da altitude e dureza do terreo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Large colonies of bats occupy the island's many caves.
Grandes colonias de morcegos ocupan moitas covas da illa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Australia has a long history of visual arts, starting with the cave and bark paintings of its indigenous peoples.
Australia ten unha longa historia no referente ás artes visuais, que comeza coas pinturas rupestres realizadas polos indíxenas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
German folklore held that storks found babies in caves or marshes and brought them to households in a basket on their backs or held in their beaks.
O folclore alemán considerou que as cegoñas encontraban os meniños en covas ou pantanos e traíanos ás casas das parellas humanas nunha cesta levada sobre as costas ou colgada do peteiro.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Around 13,000 years ago a rockfall sealed the cave's entrance, preserving its contents until its eventual discovery, which occurred after a nearby tree fell and disturbed the fallen rocks.
Hai uns 13.000 anos unha freita bloqueou a entrada da caverna, preservando así o que contiña até a descuberta moderna, posibilitada pola caída dunha árbore.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
201 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.