rush along oor Kroaties

rush along

To move fast.

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And now they're just rushing along, nicely, one on top of each other.
A sad samo lijepo jure jedan preko drugoga.QED QED
she said, and disappeared from sight completely as she rushed along the gallery.
- rekla je i onda posve nestala iz vida dok je jurila galerijom.Literature Literature
He turns away quickly, rushing along the sidewalk, like someone escaping a crime scene.
Brzo se okrene, jurne pločnikom, poput čovjeka koji bježi s mjesta zločina.Literature Literature
I saw myself rushing along beside him, pleading, I didn’t mean it, you’ve taken me wrong!
Vidio sam sebe kako trčim za njim, moleći: Nisam te htio uvrijediti, krivo si me shvatio!Literature Literature
He got off two floors below and rushed along the corridor until he found a public restroom.
Sišao je dva kata i požurio niz hodnik dok nije pronašao javni zahod.Literature Literature
They brought Rush along with them.
Doveli su Rusha sa sobom.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Annika sang along at the top of her voice while the car rushed along toward Huddinge Way.
Annika je pjevala što je glasnije mogla dok je auto jurio prema putu Huddinge.Literature Literature
Rushing along this highway in this wilderness, hurrying to meet a grandfather who's about to be executed.""
Juriti ovom cestom po ovoj divljini, kako bih upoznala djeda koji je pred smaknućem.""Literature Literature
As I rushed along I heard him again - from everywhere, from nowhere.
Opet sam ga čuo — odasvud, niotkud.Literature Literature
Its hair had ceased to blaze now, though it still snarled and yipped as it rushed along.
Krzno mu više nije gorjelo, premda je još uvijek režao i cvilio dok je trčao naprijed.Literature Literature
But this listening to the Spanish was like seeing something through trees off a road one is rushing along.
No ovo slušanje španjolskog jest kao kad ugledate nešto kroz drveće sa ceste po kojoj trčite.Literature Literature
So I rushed along to the Corner House straight away –’ Yes, that was the way things ought to be done.
"Onda sam odmah požurio do Corner House -"" Da, ovako je trebalo raditi."Literature Literature
As people rushed along, they began open-ing umbrellas over their heads, and all at once the streets were crowded, too.
Užurbani ljudi otvarali su iznad glava kišobrane i ubrzo je zavladala gužva i na pločnicima.Literature Literature
The settlement fell sharply away below them, rushing down along a series of long clay streets.
Naselje se otočilo oštro ispod njih, nižući se oko reda dugih ulica od gline.Literature Literature
Our typical breakfast conversation usually included rushed exchanges along the lines of, Did you finish your essay?
Naš tipični razgovor za doručkom obično je značio užurbano dobacivanje rečenica poput: Jesi li dovršila esej?Literature Literature
I hate to rush you along, Cam, but I have a date.""
Mrzim što te moram požurivati, Cam, ali spremam se na izlazak.”Literature Literature
I hate to rush you along, Cam, but I have a date.”
Mrzim što te moram požurivati, Cam, ali spremam se na izlazak.”Literature Literature
Adrenalin rushed through her, along with the fine coffee she had made during the night.
Adrenalin je kolao kroz nju, zajedno s dobrom kavom koju je bila popila tijekom noći.Literature Literature
Adrenaline rushed through her, along with the fine coffee she had made during the night.
Adrenalin je kolao kroz nju, zajedno s dobrom kavom koju je bila popila tijekom noći.Literature Literature
It was largely barren, except for the willows and rushes that grew along the streams that carried water from the mountains to the lake.
Bila je uglavnom jalova, osim vrba i visokog šaša koji su rasli uz potoke koji su vodili rijeku iz planina do jezera.LDS LDS
2 There is good reason not to rush into marriage, swept along by the powerful desire of the flesh.
2 Postoji dobar razlog zašto ne treba žuriti u brak, pod utjecajem snažnih želja tijela.jw2019 jw2019
Henry and George, a voice would scream along with the rushing of visions in Dave’s head.
Henry i George, vrištao je glas dok su mu glavom protjecali prizori.Literature Literature
The smell of blood rushes out to greet us, along with the odors of sweat, feces, and urine.
Miris krvi izađe van da nas pozdravi, zajedno sa smradom znoja, fekalija i urina.Literature Literature
When the siren blows, a crew of 8 soldiers rushes up on the roof along with an officer.
Kada sirena zasvira, grupa od 8 vojnika juri na krov zajedno sa časnikom.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This is why ye rushed home and harried me along with ye?
Ovo je razlog zašto si odjurila kući i dovukla me ovdje?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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