Arezzo oor Indonesies


Province of Tuscany, Italy.

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An old city in central Italy, capital of the province of the same name, located in Tuscany.

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For example, at Arikamedu on the southeastern coast of India, discoveries include fragments of Roman wine jars and dishes bearing the stamps of potters who produced these wares in Arezzo, central Italy.
Misalnya, di Arikamedu, pesisir sebelah tenggara India, berbagai temuan mencakup pecahan tempayan anggur dan piring Romawi yang memiliki cap tukang tembikar yang menghasilkan barang-barang ini di Arezzo, Italia bagian tengah.jw2019 jw2019
On the morning of November 11, 2007 26-year-old Lazio fan Gabriele Sandri, a DJ from Rome, was killed by a shot in his neck while sitting inside a car, by a policeman, after some other fans of Lazio violently assaulted a group of Juventus ultras with stones on the A1 Motorway service station of Badia al Pino in Arezzo.
Pada pagi hari 11 November 2007, Gabriele Sandri, seorang DJ dan suporter Lazio berusia 26 tahun dari Roma terbunuh karena sebuah tembakan di lehernya ketika duduk di sebuah mobil, oleh seorang petugas polisi, setelah beberapa suporter Lazio melempari sekelompok ultras Juventus di tempat peristirahatan Badia al Pino di Arezzo, dalam area A1 Motorway.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Still seeking for more playing time, for the 2005–06 season he moved to Arezzo on another loan spell, where he finally managed to play regularly throughout the whole season, making 39 appearances and scoring 3 goals.
Pada musim 2005-06 dia dipinjamkan ke Arezzo untuk mencari kesempatan bermain lebih banyak, di mana akhirnya dia bermain secara reguler sepanjang musim, 39 kali tampil dan mencetak 3 gol.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most deal with his interventions with the king on behalf of the churches of Lucca and Arezzo.
Sebagian besar berurusan dengan intervensi dengan raja atas nama gereja-gereja di Lucca dan Arezzo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Duke left Arezzo on 20 April 1527, taking advantage of the chaos among the Venetians and their allies after a revolt broke out in Florence against Pope Clement VII's family, the Medici.
Charles III meninggalkan Arezzo pada tanggal 20 April 1527, mengambil keuntungan dari kekacauan di antara para prajurit Venice dan sekutu mereka setelah sebuah pemberontakan pecah di Florence melawan Keluarga Medici.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An example of didactism in music is the chant Ut queant laxis, which was used by Guido of Arezzo to teach solfege syllables.
Contoh didaktisme dalam musik adalah lirik Ut queant laxis yang dipakai oleh Guido dari Arezzo untuk mengajarkan penggalan solfege.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After Henry concluded a formal treaty signed with Robert's rival to the Sicilian throne, Frederick of Aragon, the chaos in the city of Rome forced Henry to leave, and, following the advice of Tuscan Ghibellines, he travelled north to Arezzo.
Setelah Heinrich menyimpulkan perjanjian formal yang ditandatangani dengan saingan Roberto atas takhta Sisilia, Fidiricu III dari Aragon, kekacauan di kota Roma memaksa Heinrich untuk pergi dan mengikuti saran dari Ghibelline Toskana, ia pergi ke utara Arezzo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“The imagination of the modern enquirer kindles as he lifts from the alluvium of the Bay of Bengal sherds bearing the names of craftsmen whose kilns lay on the outskirts of Arezzo,” says one writer.
”Imajinasi penyelidik modern terpicu ketika ia menemukan endapan lumpur Teluk Benggala pada serpihan-serpihan tembikar bertuliskan nama para perajin yang perapiannya terletak di daerah pinggiran Arezzo,” kata seorang penulis.jw2019 jw2019
At Arezzo, in September 1312, Henry proceeded to pass a sentence against Robert of Naples, as a rebel vassal.
Di Arezzo, pada bulan September 1312, Heinrich melanjutkan untuk menjatuhkan hukuman terhadap Roberto dari Napoli, sebagai seorang vasal pemberontak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Alessandro Coletti, C.P., exorcist of the Diocese of Arezzo and performed his first exorcisms under his guidance.
Amantini mendalami eksorsisme bersama P. Alessandro Coletti, C.P., eksorsis Keuskupan Arezzo dan melakukan eksorsisme pertamanya di bawah bimbingannya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Their name is derived from the Holy Hermitage (Italian: Sacro Eremo) of Camaldoli, high in the mountains of central Italy, near the city of Arezzo.
Nama mereka berasal dari Pertapaan Suci (bahasa Italia: Sacro Eremo) Camaldoli, terletak di ketinggian pegunungan di Italia tengah, dekat kota Arezzo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2008, he spent a semester abroad studying Italian theater at the Accademia dell'Arte in Arezzo, Italy.
Pada musim semi tahun 2008 , ia menghabiskan satu semester di luar negeri belajar teater Italia di Accademia dell'Arte di Arezzo , Italia .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first cathedral of Arezzo was built on the nearby Pionta Hill, over the burial place of Donatus of Arezzo, martyred in 363.
Katedral Arezzo pertama kali didirikan didekat Lembah Pionta, di sekitar tempat pemakaman Donatus dari Arezzo, yang menjadi martir pada 363.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He fought in the Battle of Campaldino (June 11, 1289), with the Florentine Guelphs against Arezzo Ghibellines; then in 1294 he was among the escorts of Charles Martel of Anjou (grandson of Charles I of Anjou) while he was in Florence.
Ia mengangkat senjata dalam Pertempuran Campaldino (11 Juni 1289), kubu Guelfi Firenze melawan kubu Ghibellini Arezzo; kemudian pada tahun 1294 ia termasuk dalam bilangan pengiring Károly Martell (cucu Carlo I dari Napoli, yang lebih umum disebut Charles dari Anjou) saat sang raja berada di Firenze.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On the morning of 11 November 2007 26-year-old Lazio fan Gabriele Sandri, a DJ from Rome, was killed by a shot in his neck while sitting inside a car, by a policeman, after some other fans of Lazio violently assaulted a group of Juventus ultras with stones on the A1 Motorway service station of Badia al Pino in Arezzo.
Pada pagi hari 11 November 2007, Gabriele Sandri, seorang suporter Lazio berusia 26 tahun dari Roma terbunuh karena sebuah tembakan di lehernya ketika duduk di sebuah mobil, oleh seorang petugas polisi, setelah beberapa suporter Lazio melempari sekelompok ultras Juventus di tempat peristirahatan Badia al Pino di Arezzo, dalam area A1 Motorway.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Guido, Bishop of Arezzo, within whose diocese the congregation was formed, confirmed its constitution in (1319), and many favours were granted by Popes John XXII, Clement VI (1344), and Gregory XI.
Guido, Uskup Arezzo mengkonfirmasi konstitusinya pada 1319, dan banyak permohonan dikabulkan oleh Paus Yohanes XXII, Clement VI (1344), dan Gregorius XI.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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