restriction enzyme oor Indonesies

restriction enzyme

(genetics) An endonuclease that catalyzes double-strand cleavage of DNA containing a specific sequence.

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Enzim restriksi

enzyme that cleaves DNA into fragments at or near specific recognition sites within the molecule known as restriction sites

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The restriction enzyme EcoRI was used to cut the frog DNA into small segments.
Enzim restriksi EcoRI ini digunakan untuk memotong DNA kodok menjadi segmen-segmen kecil.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There are enzymes called restriction enzymes that actually digest DNA.
Ada enzim yang disebut enzim restriksi yang bisa mencerna DNA.QED QED
This plasmid contained a single site for the restriction enzyme EcoRI and a gene for tetracycline resistance.
Plasmid ini berisi satu situs untuk enzim restriksi EcoRI dan gen untuk resistensi tetrasiklin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In order to prevent destruction of its own DNA by the restriction enzymes, methyl groups are added.
Untuk mencegah kehancuran DNA bakteri itu sendiri, gugus metil dapat ditambahkan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
First, the Nobel Prize-winning discovery of restriction enzymes gave birth to the genetic engineering industry.
Pemenang Penghargaan Nobel untuk penemuan enzim restriksi menghasilkan industri teknik genetika.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These programs record the DNA sequence of plasmid vectors, help to predict cut sites of restriction enzymes, and to plan manipulations.
Program-program ini merekam sekuens DNA dari vektor-vektor plasmid, membantu memprediksi lokasi pemotongan enzim restriksi, dan merencanakan manipulasi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As the sequences recognized by the restriction enzymes are very short, the bacterium itself will almost certainly contain some within its genome.
Sekuens yang dikenali oleh enzim restriksi sangat pendek, alhasil bakteri hampir pasti akan memiliki beberapa di dalam genomnya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Stanford researchers isolated the plasmids, and sent them to the San Francisco team, who cut them using the restriction enzyme EcoRI.
Peneliti Stanford mengisolasi plasmid tersebut dan mengirimkannya kepada tim San Francisco, tim yang memotong plasmid tersebut dengan enzim restriksi EcoRI.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bacteria have restriction enzymes, also called restriction endonucleases, which cleave double stranded DNA at specific points into fragments, which are then degraded further by other endonucleases.
Bakteri memiliki enzim restriksi (juga disebut endonuklease restriksi) yang memotong DNA beruntai ganda di titik tertentu menjadi potongan-potongan yang akan semakin terdegradasi oleh endonuklease-endonuklease lainnya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Use of the term Taq to refer to Thermus aquaticus arose at this time from the convention of giving restriction enzymes short names, such as Sal and Hin, derived from the genus and species of the source organisms.
Penggunaan istilah Taq untuk merujuk pada Thermus aquaticus muncul pada masa ini dari konvensi pemberian nama pendek enzim restriksi, seperti Sal dan Hin, berasal dari genus dan spesies dari organisme sumber.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And he, he was interested in restriction under nucleus are just protein that, or, enzymes that cleave DNA at a particular site.
Dia tertarik dalam batasan dalam nukleus yang merupakan protein atau enzim yang membelah DNA pada bagian tertentu.QED QED
The first type of enzyme was called a "methylase" and the other a "restriction nuclease".
Enzim yang pertama disebut metilase (methylase), sedangkan enzim yang satunya disebut nuklease restriksi (restriction nuclease).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the late 1960s, scientists Stuart Linn and Werner Arber isolated examples of the two types of enzymes responsible for phage growth restriction in Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria.
Pada akhir 1960-an, ilmuwan Stewart Linn dan Werner Arber mengisolasi dua contoh enzim yang berperan dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteriofag yang menyerang E. coli.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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