credulous oor Latyn


/ˈkrɛdʒələs/, /krɛdjələs/ adjektief
Excessively ready to believe things; gullible.

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credulous wonder
anxious credulity
with superstitious credulity


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Night assisted their credulity, and amid the darkness confident assertion was comparatively easy.
enimvero certamen acerrimum, amita potius an mater apud Neronem praevaleret: nam Lepida blandimentis ac largitionibus iuvenilem animum devinciebat, truci contra ac minaci Agrippina, quae filio dare imperium, tolerare imperitantem nequibat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Popular talk was confirmed by an interpretation put with similar credulity on a flash of lightning.
Ita neque in otio concordiam neque in bello virtutem ullo tempore retinere potuistis.latin-ancient latin-ancient
The very easiness of Galba's temper stimulated the greedy cupidity which great advancement had excited in his friends, because with one so weak and so credulous wrong might be done with less risk and greater gain.
Proxima pecuniae cura; et cuncta scrutantibus iustissimum visum est inde repeti ubi inopiae causa erat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Thither he enticed his mother by repeated assurances that children ought to bear with the irritability of parents and to soothe their tempers, wishing thus to spread a rumour of reconciliation and to secure Agrippina's acceptance through the feminine credulity, which easily believes what joy.
igitur audito fine Augusti vernacula multitudo, nuper acto in urbe dilectu, lasciviae sueta, laborum intolerans, implere ceterorum rudes animos: venisse tempus quo veterani maturam missionem, iuvenes largiora stipendia, cuncti modum miseriarum exposcerent saevitiamque centurionum ulciscerentur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
All the oldest among them began to inveigh against their own credulity, and to point out the difficulty and danger of their position, if on those open plains Caecina and his army were to surround their scanty forces.
Immediately following the intervention and six weeks later, the participants showed significant improvement in their ratings of re–experiencing the event and avoidance behaviour.latin-ancient latin-ancient
These absurdities, like all popular gossip, gathered strength from the idle leisure of a credulous society.
Fons perennis aquae, cavati sub terra montes et piscinae cisternaeque servandis imbribus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Then through suitable emissaries who shared his secret, it was rumoured that Agrippa was alive, first in whispered gossip, soon, as is usual with forbidden topics, in vague talk which found its way to the credulous ears of the most ignorant people or of restless and revolutionary schemers.
Condiciones pacis, quoniam antea convenire non potuissent, Romae ab senatu et a populo peti debere.latin-ancient latin-ancient
He admitted into the secret of his imposture all the most worthless of his followers; and the credulous populace and some of the soldiers, either from not knowing the truth, or impatient for revolution, began eagerly to rally round him.
Hostes divisis copiis advenere undique.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Some are stimulated by avarice, others by revenge and credulity, which is an innate propensity in that race of men to such a degree that they consider a slight rumor as an ascertained fact.
placuit tamen occultior via et a Druso incipere, in quem recenti ira ferebatur.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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