living in water oor Latyn

living in water

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Charlton T. Lewis

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I cannot live in water. I'm not a fish.
Tiberius cultu habituque eius lenibus verbis perstricto, acerrime increpuit quod contra instituta Augusti non sponte principis Alexandriam introisset.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Fish live in water.
ad hoc lamenta paventium feminarum, fessa aetate aut rudis pueritiae [aetas], quique sibi quique aliis consulebat, dum trahunt invalidos aut opperiuntur, pars mora, pars festinans, cuncta impediebant.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Some marine worms are tube worms, of which the giant tube worm lives in waters near underwater volcanoes, and can withstand temperatures up to 90 degrees Celsius or about 194 degrees Fahrenheit.
Quas legationes Caesar, quod in Italiam Illyricumque properabat, inita proxima aestate ad se reverti iussit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
About two-thirds of the species are marine, and the remainder live in fresh water.
Germanico bello confecto multis de causis Caesar statuit sibi Rhenum esse transeundum; quarum illa fuit iustissima quod, cum videret Germanos tam facile impelli ut in Galliam venirent, suis quoque rebus eos timere voluit, cum intellegerent et posse et audere populi Romani exercitum Rhenum transire.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most species live in relatively shallow waters from the low tide line to 100 m, while others prefer much deeper water.
Ibi cognoscit LX naves, quae in Meldis factae erant, tempestate reiectas cursum tenere non potuisse atque eodem unde erant profectae revertisse; reliquas paratas ad navigandum atque omnibus rebus instructas invenit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Teach us to know and love him, so that we too can become capable of true love and be fountains of living water in the midst of a thirsting world.
Neque vero Alexandrinis in gerendis negotiis cunctatio ulla aut mora
And they digged in the torrent, and found living water.
et aversi repente animi, nec tamen aperta vi: aptum tempus insidiis legere.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
And God remembered Noah, and all the living creatures, and all the cattle which were with him in the ark, and brought a wind upon the earth, and the waters were abated.
ac postquam spernebatur, noctem unam ad solacium poscit, qua delenitus modum in posterum adhiberet.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
At the same time, the devotion of the faithful shows an infallible intuition of how such love is possible: it becomes so as a result of the most intimate union with God, through which the soul is totally pervaded by him—a condition which enables those who have drunk from the fountain of God's love to become in their turn a fountain from which “flow rivers of living water” (Jn 7:38).
Hunc cum reliquis rebus locum probabat, tum quod superioris anni munitiones integrae manebant, ut militum laborem
And when I shall cover the sky with clouds, my bow shall appear in the clouds: And I will remember my covenant with you, and with every living soul that beareth flesh: and there shall no more be waters of a flood to destroy all flesh.
Fine anni Clutorium Priscum equitem Romanum, post celebre carmen quo Germanici suprema defleverat, pecunia donatum a Caesare, corripuit delator, obiectans aegro Druso composuisse quod, si extinctus foret, maiore praemio vulgaretur.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
This is a lake of vast circumference; it resembles the sea, but is more nauseous in taste; it breeds pestilence among those who live near by its noisome odour; it cannot be moved by the wind, and it affords no home either to fish or water-birds.
die pacta Tiberius Alexander inlustris eques Romanus, minister bello datus, et Vini[ci]anum Annius, gener Corbulonis, nondum senatoria aetate et pro legato quintae legioni impositus, in castra Tiridatis venere, honor[e] eius ac ne metueret insidias tali pignore; viceni dehinc equites adsumpti.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Education in environmental responsibility can encourage ways of acting which directly and significantly affect the world around us, such as avoiding the use of plastic and paper, reducing water consumption, separating refuse, cooking only what can reasonably be consumed, showing care for other living beings, using public transport or car-pooling, planting trees, turning off unnecessary lights, or any number of other practices.
auctum dehinc gaudium nuptiis Neronis et Iuliae Drusi
34] Let everything, therefore, have its proper place and arrangement; let everything be "theocentric," so to speak, if we really wish to direct everything to the glory of God through the life and power which flow from the divine Head into our hearts: "Having therefore, brethren, a confidence in the entering into the holies by the blood of Christ, a new and living way which He both dedicated for us through the veil, that is to say, His flesh, and a high priest over the house of God; let us draw near with a true heart, in fullness of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with clean water, let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering . . . and let us consider one another, to provoke unto charity and to good works."[
Genus erat hoc pugnae. Expeditae cohortes novissirnum agmen claudebant pluresque in locis campestribus
15 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.