one and another oor Latyn

one and another

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In fact, these functions are closely linked to one another, explain one another, condition one another and clarify one another.
Haec enim inter se penitus cohaerent ac mutuo pariter explicant, afficiunt,
Its followers, joined together by a wicked compact and by secret counsels, give help one to another, and excite one another to an audacity for evil things.
Asseclae eius universi nefario quodam foedere et occulta consiliorum communitate iuncti operam sibi mutuam tribuunt, et alteri alteros ad rerum malarum excitant
The kingdom's nature, therefore, is one of communion among all human beings-with one another and with God.
Idcirco alta Regni natura communio est omnium hominum inter se et cum
May the people of the third millennium be able to enjoy this discovery, finally achieved by a word that is harmonious and thus fully credible, proclaimed by brothers and sisters who love one another and thank one another for the riches which they exchange.
Valeant tertii millennii homines frui eiusmodi patefactione, utpote qui tandem audierint unanimum ideoque plane credibile verbum a fratribus sese diligentibus atque mutuo gratias agentibus pro divitiis ultrocitroque sibi datis
The positive factors themselves need to be subjected to a careful work of discernment, so that they do not become isolated and contradict one another, becoming absolutes and at odds with one another.
Ea ipsa quae prosunt sunt attente discernenda, ne alterum alterum excludat neve invicem pugnent, cum absoluta fiunt et mutuo sibi
Time and space are not independent of one another, and not even atoms or subatomic particles can be considered in isolation.
Tempus et spatium non sunt inter se separata, neque atomi vel particulae subatomicae separate considerari
Likewise obstinate confrontation between blocs of nations, between one nation and another, between different groups within the same nation all this too is a social evil.
Similiter obstinata adversitas Nationum consociatarum et alterius Nationis contra alteram, coetuum contra coetus in eadem Natione item est malum
If one receives more and another less, yet all are Yours and without You nothing can be received.
Et si alius plura alius pauciora accepit, omnia tamen tua sunt, nec minimum sine te haberi potest.Literature Literature
One day and now another passed; the gale / sings in the shrouds, and calls us to depart.
Jamque dies alterque dies processit, et aurae / vela vocant, tumidoque inflatur carbasus austro.tatoeba tatoeba
One day and now another passed; the gale / sings in the shrouds, and calls us to depart.
Jamque dies alterque dies processit, et auræ / vela vocant, tumidoque inflatur carbasus austro.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Nevertheless, these two aspects of work are linked to one another and are mutually complementary in various points.
Nihilominus ambae hae significationes laboris inter se iunguntur seseque variis in partibus
These ways differ from one another, and it is just impossible to name them all one by one.
Diversae igitur sunt istae viae, nec singillatim hic iam recenseri
Arising in the morning, they swore one to another: and Isaac sent them away peaceably to their own home.
Surgentesque mane iuraverunt sibi mutuo. Dimisitque eos Isaac, et profecti sunt ab eo cum pace.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
“The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice”.14 Saint John Chrysostom put it well: “We always offer the same Lamb, not one today and another tomorrow, but always the same one.
Etenim "Sacrificium Christi et Sacrificium Eucharistiae unum sunt sacrificium" (14). Efficaciter hoc iam locutus est sanctus Ioannes Chrysostomus: "Eundem enim semper offerimus [Agnum], non nunc aliam, cras aliam ovem, sed semper
And in this enthymeme one conditional is the antecedent and another conditional the consequent.
Et in isto enthymemate est una conditionalis antecedens et alia conditionalis consequens.Literature Literature
Moreover, like communism, capitalism is based on an essential egalitarianism that refuses to distinguish between one consumer's dollar and another.
Anticapitalistae, sensu stricto, sunt qui capitalismum pro alio rationis oeconomicae genere reponere velint.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He wrote to the Duke of Tuscany that "The planet Saturn is not alone, but is composed of three, which almost touch one another and never move nor change with respect to one another.
Duci Tusciae scripsit: "Planeta Saturnus solus non est, sed tribus componitur, qui fere se unus alio tangunt et nunquam se movent nec mutat respectu uni alteri.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
My ardent desire is that you will respond to the interior promptings of the Holy Spirit by forgiving one another whatever needs to be forgiven, by drawing closer to one another, by accepting one another and by breaking down all barriers in order to overcome every possible cause of division.
Ferventer Nos optamus ut interioribus Spiritus Sancti inspirationibus obsequamini, ad invicem dimittentes quae sunt dimittenda, mutuo propius accedentes, alter alterum excipientes, muros superantes, ut praetergredi possitis ea quae vos seiungere
First, one may observe a cultural eclecticism that is often assumed uncritically: cultures are simply placed alongside one another and viewed as substantially equivalent and interchangeable.
Advertitur in primis eclectismus culturalis qui saepe assumitur absque critico iudicio: culturae solummodo sociantur et habentur uti aequales quoad substantiam et inter se
In the sentence the parties are to be reminded of the moral and even civil obligations binding them toward one another and toward their children to furnish support and education.
In sententia partes moneantur de obligationibus moralibus vel etiam civilibus, quibus forte tenentur, altera erga alteram et erga filios ad debitam sustentationem et educationem
1 Tm. 2:5) are called to be one, with one another, with Christ and with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit.(
66: AAS 57 (1965), p. 65), ille iter fit ad Christum, qui est fons atque centrum communions ecclesiasticae; in quo, quotquot palam confitentur eum esse Deum et Dominum, Salvatorem et Mediatorem unicum (cf 1 Tim 2,5), vocantur, ut sint unum inter se, cum ipso et cum Patre in unitate Spiritus Sancti (Cf PAULUS VI, Allocutio in Vaticana Basilica ad Conciliares Patres habita, die 21 mensis Novembris a. 1964: AAS 56 (1964),
In actual fact, human society now, for the reason that it is founded on classes with divergent aims and hence opposed to one another and therefore inclined to enmity and strife, continues to be in a violent condition and is unstable and uncertain.
Reapse violenta adhuc perseverat et hac de causa instabilis ac nutans humanae societatis condicio, quippe quae « classibus » innitatur diversa appetentibus et ideo oppositis, proptereaque ad inimicitias dimicationesque
There is no doubt that the capacity to entrust oneself and one's life to another person and the decision to do so are among the most significant and expressive human acts.
Facultas et selectio committendi semet ipsos propriamque vitam aliis constituunt sane, secundum anthropologiam, actum significantiorem et expressiorem inter
The fall of Marxism has naturally had a great impact on the division of the planet into worlds which are closed to one another and in jealous competition.
Lapsus marxismi maximos intulit impulsus ad orbis partitionem in clausos quosdam circulos, alium alii resistentem atque cunctos inter se invidia aliqua
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