worse oor Latyn


/wɝs/, /wɜːs/ werkwoord, adjektief, naamwoord, bywoord
comparative form of badly: more badly

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Latyn


comparative form of bad
Fear of death is worse than death itself.
Timor mortis peior est quam mors ipsa.


Charlton T. Lewis


Things are getting worse.
In deterius abeunt res.
Charlton T. Lewis

En 5 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

nequior · peius · posterus · setius · ulterior

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Soortgelyke frases

render worse
make worse
acerbo · affligo · aggravo · deterioro · exulcero · ingravo · pejoro
I see and approve of the better, but I follow the worse
video meliora proboque deteriora sequor
the more common an evil is, the worse it is
malum quo communius eo peius
get worse
aggravate|make worse
grow worse
adgravesco · aegresco · aggravesco · crudesco · gravesco · inclino · ingravesco
impure|adulterated|changed for worse
conruptus · corruptus


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It should be noted that in spite of the praiseworthy efforts made in the last two decades by the more developed or developing nations and the international organizations to find a way out of the situation, or at least to remedy some of its symptoms, the conditions have become notably worse.
Quantumvis laudabiles facti conatus sint his duobus anteactis decenniis a nationibus magis progressis ipsisque ad progressionem nitentibus necnon ab institutis omnium gentium communibus ut effugium reperiatur aliquod iisdem e difficultatibus vel afferatur remedium alicui saltem earundem exteriori signo, affirmari tam en rursus oportet condiciones ipsas esse ingravescere visas insigniter.vatican.va vatican.va
Was it to be thought a worse offence to obtain a reward for honest service with the litigant's consent, than to pollute the chambers of the imperial ladies? By what kind of wisdom or maxims of philosophy had Seneca within four years of royal favour amassed three hundred million sesterces? At Rome the wills of the childless were, so to say, caught in his snare while Italy and the provinces were drained by a boundless usury. His own money, on the other hand, had been acquired by industry and was not excessive.
an gravius aestimandum sponte litigatoris praemium honestae operae adsequi quam corrumpere cubicula principum feminarum? qua sapientia, quibus philosophorum praeceptis intra quadriennium regiae amicitiae ter milies sestertium paravisset? Romae testamenta et orbos velut indagine eius capi, Italiam et provincias immenso faenore hauriri: at sibi labore quaesitam et modicam pecuniam esse.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hand in hand go a certain abuse of freedom by one group-an abuse linked precisely with a consumer attitude uncontrolled by ethics -and a limitation by it of the freedom of the others, that is to say those suffering marked shortages and being driven to conditions of even worse misery and destitution.
Inest etiam pariter in nonnullis pravus quidam libertatis usus, proprius incontinentiae in rebus utendis, legi ethicae non obnoxiae; quo simul aliorum libertas coarctatur; eorum videlicet, qui, gravi laborantes penuria rerum, ad maiorem miseriam et indigentiam perducuntur.vatican.va vatican.va
Granted that they receive the applause of the uneducated, which they seek with such great favor, and not without sacrilege, is it really worth while when we consider that they are condemned by every prudent man, and, what is worse, have reason to fear the stern judgment of Christ?
Habeant licet quem tanto cum labore nec sine sacrilegio petunt plausum imperitorum : num pretium est operae, quando simul subeunda eis est prudentium omnium vituperatio et, quod est maius, formidandum Christi severissimum iudicium?vatican.va vatican.va
Under succeeding popes the condition of the Jews did not grow worse; and the same was the case in the several smaller states into which Italy was divided.
In Italia superiore erat Fortuna imperatori propitia, cum aggressores in minores partes se distraherent, qui Italiam vexarent.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Yours is worse.
Tua peior est.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Fear of death is worse than death itself.
Timor mortis peior est quam mors ipsa.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Roused by these insults and the dread of worse, reduced as they now were into the condition of a province, they flew to arms and stirred to revolt the Trinobantes and others who, not yet cowed by slavery, had agreed in secret conspiracy to reclaim their freedom.
qua contumelia et metu graviorum, quando in formam provinciae cesserant, rapiunt arma, commotis ad rebellationem Trinovantibus et qui alii nondum servitio fracti resumere libertatem occultis coniurationibus pepigerant, acerrimo in veteranos odio.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Life in many poor countries is still extremely insecure as a consequence of food shortages, and the situation could become worse: hunger still reaps enormous numbers of victims among those who, like Lazarus, are not permitted to take their place at the rich man's table, contrary to the hopes expressed by Paul VI[64].
Pluribus in egenis Nationibus remanet et periculum est ne augeatur extrema vitae insecuritas, quae provenit ex alimoniae egestate: fames absumit adhuc innumeras victimas apud tot homines Lazaro similes, quibus negatur facultas discumbendi ad mensam divitis epulonis, uti Paulus VI optaverat [64].vatican.va vatican.va
Should there be a break in continuity, or worse a complete difference between these two phases of formation, there would be serious and immediate repercussions on pastoral work and fraternal communion among priests, especially those in different age groups.
Si namque inconstantia esset immo discrepantia has duas inter rationes institutionis gravia consectaria statim evenirent, quae ad pastoralem actionem respicerent atque fraternam communionem inter presbyteros, inter illos nominatim qui aetate distinguuntur.vatican.va vatican.va
He also turned the licence of the games and the enthusiasm for the actors into something like a battle by the impunity he allowed, and the rewards he offered, and especially by looking on himself, sometimes concealed, but often in public view, till, with the people at strife and the fear of a worse commotion, the only remedy which could be devised was the expulsion of the offending actors from Italy, and the presence once more of the soldiery in the theatre.
ludicram quoque licentiam et fautores histrionum velut in proelia convertit impunitate et praemiis atque ipse occultus et plerumque coram prospectans, donec discordi populo et gravioris motus terrore non aliud remedium repertum est quam ut histriones Italia pellerentur milesque theatro rursum adsideret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
When Paetus returned and dreaded something worse, the emperor thought it enough to reproach him with a jest, to the effect that he pardoned him at once, lest one so ready to take fright might sink under prolonged suspense.
regressum Paetum, cum graviora metueret, facetiis insectari satis habuit Caesar, his ferme verbis: ignoscere se statim, ne tam promptus in pavorem longiore sollicitudine aegresceret.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Our lot would be cast with beasts, who do not have the use of reason. Ours would be an even worse lot, for we do have the use of reason and by abusing it (which, unfortunately, often happens) we can sink into a state lower than that of beasts. Like Cain, we would commit a terrible crime and stain the earth with our brother's blood.
Si haec dottrina, si haec spes solacii plena ex hominum animis evellitur, tota causa vivendi labitur; cupidines, dissensiones ac discidia necessario erumpunt e penetralibus nostris, nullo valido freno compescenda; non oliva pacis mentibus splendet, sed discordiarum faces flammescunt; sors nostra bestiarum sorti, quae sunt rationis expertes, quasi exaequatur; quin immo deterior est, quandoquidem, cum nos simus ratiocinandi vi praediti; ea abutentes possumus ad peiora eniti ac prolabi, quod saepius, pro dolor, evenit; atque, ut iam Cain, fraterno effuso sanguine gravique patrato crimine foedare terram.vatican.va vatican.va
Meanwhile the unruly tone of the theatre which first showed itself in the preceding year, broke out with worse violence, and some soldiers and a centurion, besides several of the populace, were killed, and the tribune of a praetorian cohort was wounded, while they were trying to stop insults to the magistrates and the strife of the mob.
At theatri licentia, proximo priore anno coepta, gravius tum erupit, occisis non modo e plebe set militibus et centurione, vulnerato tribuno praetoriae cohortis, dum probra in magistratus et dissensionem vulgi prohibent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Or worse, refuse to sell it at all.
Quod factum autem semper negavit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Then there are all kinds of existential and interpersonal difficulties, made worse by the complexity of a society in which individuals, couples and families are often left alone with their problems.
Huc variae exin maxime difficultates accedunt vitae et necessitudinum, adauctae societatis ipsius implicatae statu, in quibus singulae personae et coniugum paria et domus saepius solae suis cum angoribus deseruntur.vatican.va vatican.va
Things are getting worse.
In deterius abeunt res.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Consequently, any violence applied by such authorities in favor of contraception or, still worse, of sterilization and procured abortion, must be altogether condemned and forcefully rejected.
Proinde quaelibet vis talibus a magistratibus illata pro conceptionis impedimento, immo etiam pro ipsa sterilizatione, quae dicitur, et abortu procurato, prorsus damnanda est et vehementer repellenda.vatican.va vatican.va
Yet it is not right to export these things merely for the sake of obtaining advantageous conditions, or worse, for purposes of exploitation, without making a real contribution to local society by helping to bring about a robust productive and social system, an essential factor for stable development.
Attamen non licet delocalizare solummodo ad fruendum peculiaribus condicionibus favoris, vel, quod peius est, lucri causa, cum illius loci societati verum emolumentum non afferat, unde firmum institutum rerum gignendarum ac sociale oriatur, quod ad stabilem progressionem est necessarium.vatican.va vatican.va
Some there were who put even a worse meaning on her words.
Nec defuere qui in deterius referrent.latin-ancient latin-ancient
We're going from bad to worse.
A malo ad peius imus.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I expected worse.
Peiora exspectavi.tatoeba tatoeba
They are proposing a universal apostasy even worse than the one that threatened the age of Charles. It is worse, We say, because it stealthily creeps into the very veins of the Church, hides there, and cunningly pushes erroneous principles to their ultimate conclusions.
Proposita namque ipsis est communis omnium ab Ecclesiae fide ac disciplina secessio, eo vetere illa deterior quae Caroli aetatem in discrimen adduxit, quo callidius in ipsis fere Ecclesiae venis delitescit ac serpit, et quo subtilius ab absurde positis extrema deducuntur.vatican.va vatican.va
78 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.