ebionites oor Sweeds


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Jewish Christian movement that existed during the early centuries of the Christian Era

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Plural form of Ebionite.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

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Ebionites – Jewish sect that insisted on the necessity of following Jewish religious law and rites, which they interpreted in light of Jesus' expounding of the Law.
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The Ebionites insisted on circumcision and strict adherence to the law.
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Sha'ul (Paul): Accepted as a true apostle - Ebionite heresy rejected
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The Ebionites are of the same opinion.
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However, Father Brown points out that with the exception of the Ebionites, Christians generally agreed that Joseph was in no way implicated in the conception of Jesus.
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The Ebionite Gospel combined the two statements together thus:
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fact that the Ebionites, who disbelieved the divinity of Christ,
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Cerinthus and the Ebionites are mentioned in later writings against the heretics as defenders of the millennium, it is true, but as cut-off from the Church.
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The Ebionites, a Christian sect of the first century, had
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(4) Excluded from the synagogue for their belief in the Trinity and divinity of Christ, and anathematized by the church for continued practice of Jewish customs, these believers came to be known as Ebionites (“the poor ones”) and were constantly suspected of legalism and adoptionist christology.
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