industrial wasteland oor Sweeds

industrial wasteland

Area of land which is no longer usable for cultivation or for any other purpose after having been the site of an industrial plant.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

övergivet industriområde

Area of land which is no longer usable for cultivation or for any other purpose after having been the site of an industrial plant.

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Our aim is not for Europe to become an industrial wasteland: quite the contrary, in fact.
Det borde vara tillräckligt med bandEuroparl8 Europarl8
Agriculture, horticulture and forestry services relating to the recultivation of industrial wastelands
Och ni slutar försöka döda varandra!tmClass tmClass
Integrating the industrial wastelands in an economic and space sustainable development policy and improving the deteriorated living environment
Despite everything, however, our manufacturing base is packing up and pulling out, leaving behind it millions of unemployed, tracts of industrial wasteland and a deserted countryside.
Kanske.DefinitivtEuroparl8 Europarl8
contributing to the management of projects to use and convert land and buildings, in particular industrial wasteland, control energy resources in the context of climate change and reduce pollution
Identifikationsnummer: ...oj4 oj4
contributing to the management of projects to use and convert land and buildings, in particular industrial wasteland, control energy resources in the context of climate change and reduce pollution,
Han är min rådgivareEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It is not a Europe of industry, growth and employment that the Commission is preparing, but rather a vast industrial wasteland, a Europe of delocalisation, unemployment, economic decline and social vulnerability.
När det gäller den gemensamma övervakningskommitténs sammansättning skall bestämmelserna i artikel # beaktasEuroparl8 Europarl8
Secondly, specific industrial sites must be defined, while - let us remember, Commissioner - large amounts of money and European funds have been provided to regenerate industrial wasteland and convert some of it into theme parks.
Letitia, du är min inspirationskällaEuroparl8 Europarl8
The experience of Zabrze (Poland): throughout the region of Silesia, the transformation of the economy and markets has led to the closure of many businesses, causing the loss of tens of thousands of jobs and the creation of a desolate landscape scattered with post-industrial wastelands.
Dessa är tecken på förbättring av situationen i östra Demokratiska republiken Kongo.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Cleaning up industrial and urban wasteland also continued despite administrative and legal difficulties (acquisition of sites, decontamination and assignment of cleared sites to new uses).
Namn och adress till det ellerde anmälda organ som medverkat i förfarandet för kontroll av överensstämmelse, kontrollintygets datum samt giltighetstid och giltighetsvillkor för intygenEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The local vibe here is reflective of Berlin before gentrification with interesting vistas, industrial wastelands, prolific street art, cool cafes, restaurants, clubs, bars and shops.
Atosibans plasmaproteinbindning är # till # % hos gravida kvinnorParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Rehabilitation of industrial wasteland and old workspaces, transformation of train stations into living spaces, and the creation of green neighborhoods are all a part of this rejuvenation.
Föredragande Tomlinson tar ett antal steg i rätt riktning som jag med rätta vill gratulera honom till. Ändå är jag av den åsikten att våra väljare förväntar sig en tydligare signal.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
After 40 years in a socialist planned economy there are industrial sites in Thuringia which are in danger of decaying into wastelands of abandoned buildings and environmental hazards, and as part of its trade and industry work, therefore, LEG Thüringen seeks to find an economic future for these sites.
Jag måste göra det här ensamEurLex-2 EurLex-2
But, on the other hand, there are those who view these areas as “wastelands,” and say that they should properly be used for industrial and community expansion.
Förslaget utgör ett betydande steg i rätt riktning och innebär en möjlighet att förbättra djurskyddet under slaktprocessenjw2019 jw2019
The ancient Hanseatic city has changed little from what we wrote in April 2009, except for the transformation of the industrial wasteland of the neighborhood Rotermann in office buildings, shopping "trend" and leisure activities.
Produkter som tillverkaren avsett för självtestning, dvs. för användning i hemmiljö, ska uppfylla samma krav sensitivitet och specificitet i de gemensamma tekniska specifikationerna som gäller för motsvarande produkter avsedda för yrkesmässigt brukParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Large areas of ragweed growth can be found in untilled soil in development areas, industrial wastelands, earth banks (e.g. building sites), storage areas for building materials, along roads and forest tracks, in fields, flower beds, parks, harbour facilities and oil mills.
BehandlingseffektParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Click to create and send a link using your email application Inspired by the corrosion of a post-apocalyptic industrial wasteland, the Call of Duty®: Black Ops II Breach Personalization Pack comes loaded with a distressed weapon skin, three uniquely-shaped reticles, and an all-new Calling Card.
Ansökan skall åtföljas av följandeParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Links Wasteland: industri- och universitetssamarbetet 9.11 2018 - 13.1 2019
Avseende de # ändringar som antogs av Europaparlamentet har rådet följt kommissionen genom attParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Australia’s Bulletin claims: “In less than a century, the extent of the world’s wastelands has doubled from ‘dustbowl farming’ (and the destruction is continuing), while on every single continent farmers (and industry) are mining the vital capital stores of underground water to feed their crops, sometimes at a dangerous rate.”
Välkommen, frökenjw2019 jw2019
Venture to the industrial area of the wasteland and you'll find the Wasted Clan, a group of misfits that spend their time brewing homemade alcohol and tinkering with vehicles.
Det här är inte " Rötter "!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Into the wasteland that is the American film industry, today relying
Jag hoppas att det blir ett tagParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Tips for the teacher: Agriculture, wastewater brought by the river and produced by the city, industry, dumping ground operations and waste combustion, ash dumping ground, wasteland.
De varv som drog nytta av det olagliga stöd som konstaterats ovan ägs numera av IZAR och detta olagliga stöd borde därför återbetalas av IZARParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
22 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.