tower defense oor Sweeds

tower defense

A style of real-time strategy video game in which the player attempts to stop enemies from crossing a map by building traps to slow them down and towers or turrets which shoot at them as they pass within range.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sweeds

Tower Defense

RTS subgenre

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Desktop Tower Defense
Desktop Tower Defence
defense tower


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Space Run is a tower defense video game developed by PassTech Games and published by Focus Home Interactive.
Berörda instanser har rätt att i egenskap av sakkunniga (amicus curiae) informera nämnden i enlighet med arbetsordningenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is an action-strategy game, with tower defense and RPG elements.
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A reviewer of PC Gamer scored the game 69 out of 100, noting that Space Run attempts to reverse the typical tower defense concept, but ultimately relies on memorizing missions rather than clever design.
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The second installment in the SteamWorld series and the sequel to SteamWorld Tower Defense, SteamWorld Dig has the player control Rusty, a steam-powered robot who arrives at a small Western mining town called Tumbleton after having received a deed for a mine from his long-forgotten uncle, Joe.
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In addition, the city was protected by a massive system of double walls, buttressed by numerous defense towers.
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These walls were buttressed by defense towers, which also served to reinforce the walls structurally.
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Frederick promoted the construction of several defensive towers around the city limits, of which only one, the Baradello, remains.
Météo-France: Insamling och förmedling av meteorologisk information och klimatinformation i Frankrike och andra europeiska länderWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For military defense, towers were built into the walls of cities, usually with more prominent ones at the corners and flanking the gates.
Den ursprungliga tanken var att de båda företagen skulle lägga ett gemensamt budjw2019 jw2019
Towers are the main defensive utility in the Bloons TD series.
När man sålde in Lissabonfördraget till medborgarna var ett av argumenten att det skulle ge Europaparlamentet större inflytande.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The surrounding land under the control of the city, the chora, consists of several square kilometres of ancient but now barren farmland, with remains of wine presses and defensive towers.
Inga sådana reaktioner har observerats hos svin efter intramuskulär injektionWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The complex is surrounded by a wall (the original Byzantine wall was destroyed in 1822), and in the northeastern corner stands a defensive tower, in earlier times used as a library.
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The most important towns were fully fortified, and the smaller communities created fortifications centered on the church, where they added defensive towers and storehouses to keep their most valuable goods and to help them withstand long sieges.
eller motsvarande värden om utrustningen är av annan typ än den som motsvarar dessa kravWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There was a break in the wall on this side of the old Gunpowder Tower, which originally had been a defensive stronghold.
Jag trodde inte att människor kunde göra såntLiterature Literature
Gustav Vasa strengthened the castle further for defensive purposes and a round gun tower from that time remains today.
Samtidigt, har det uttryckt solidaritet med det algeriska folket och, följaktligen, har det upprepade gånger manat algeriska myndigheter att anstränga sig till fullo för att aktivt skydda befolkningen från attacker.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A castle must have towers wherever two walls meet at an angle, for defense.
Detta är en lögndetektorPrata högt och tydligtLiterature Literature
Verses 13–22 describe some of the status symbols of the day, including commodities acquired by the most wealthy, the high mountains and hills of false worship and apostate religion, the manmade defenses of towers and walls, and beautiful crafts or pleasure ships.
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To counteract this, Christians associated with the Watch Tower Society began stepping up their own activity in defense of true religion.
den här klänningen är löst sittande (sitter löst)jw2019 jw2019
- En blandning av bubble tanks-spelen och tower defense.
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Defend your fort against the attacking zombies by placing towers.Zombie Tower Defense
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Defend yourself against the zombies in this classic tower defense game.
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Focus on Cursed Treasure - A free Tower Defense Game from
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If you like Galaxy tower defense, please try one of these games:
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Pre-ordered tower defense Line Demo
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This is a Tower Defense game you’ve never played before!
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You are here: Home Defence Massive Space Tower Defense Rating 1
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