rape oor Sjinees


/ɹeɪp/, /rɛɪp/ werkwoord, naamwoord, bywoord
The act of forcing sexual intercourse or other sexual activity upon another person, without their consent and/or against their will.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees


naamwoord, werkwoord
act of forcing sexual activity
On 18 June 2007, in Bandundu town, another minor girl was taken and raped by a soldier who was guarding a petrol station.


force sexual intercourse
I have lied to her, threatened her almost raped her.
我 騙 她 , 威脅 她 , 差點 強暴 了 她 。


force sexual intercourse
A human killed my mother's husband and then raped her.
一个 人类 杀死 了 我 母亲 的 丈夫 , 接着 强暴 了 她 。

En 18 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

強奸 · 強姦 · 油菜 · 强奸罪 · 姦 · 劫掠 · 奸淫 · 掠夺 · 奸 · 亵渎 · 抢夺 · 玷污 · 䕟 · 姦淫 · 強姦罪 · 玷辱 · 侵 · 欧洲油菜

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Sjinees

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Soortgelyke frases

oil seed rape
rape yellow
eliminating rape and other forms of sexual violence in all their manifestations, including in conflict and related situations
prisoner rape
spousal rape
婚内强奸 · 配偶强奸
rape (plant)
芸薹 · 蕓薹
post-rape kit
to enter houses at night in order to rape women
採花 · 采花
The Rape of Nanking


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So I'm not sure how rape is funny.
所以 我 不 確定 強奸 是不是 有 笑點OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They are prone to sexual harassment, rapes, assaults and dowry-related murders.
妇女更容易遭受性骚扰、强奸、攻击和与嫁妆相关的谋杀。UN-2 UN-2
Millions of women and girls are trafficked in modern-day slavery and rape is a tactic of war.
千百万妇女和女童在当代形式的贩奴活动中被贩运;强奸成为战争的一种手段。UN-2 UN-2
One day, the same officers who had previously raped her, kidnapped her in front of her office, and drove her to an isolated place where she was raped again.
一天,强奸过她的那些警察在她的办公室前将她绑架,驾车将她带到一个偏僻的地方,再次强奸了她。UN-2 UN-2
Millions perished during the trade and millions more were subjected to lives of despair, brutality, rape and humiliation
数百万人在贩卖奴隶期间丧生,还有数百万人过着绝望的生活,遭到暴行、强奸和羞辱。MultiUn MultiUn
Strongly condemns violence against women and girls committed in situations of armed conflict, such as murder, rape, including widespread and systematic rape, sexual slavery and forced pregnancy, and calls for effective responses to these violations of human rights and international humanitarian law;
强烈谴责在武装冲突情况下的暴力侵害妇女和女孩行为,例如谋杀、强奸(包括广泛存在的蓄意强奸)、性奴役和强迫受孕,并呼吁对这些侵犯人权及违反国际人道主义法的行为作出有力反应;UN-2 UN-2
They also reported that girls were present in the ranks, and that they were regularly subjected to gender-based violence, including rape.
他们还报告说上帝军中有女童,经常受到包括强奸在内的基于性别的暴力。UN-2 UN-2
Similarly, the Gardaí deal with reported incidents of rape and sexual assault as serious crimes
同样,警察对举报的强奸和性侵犯案件按严重犯罪处理。MultiUn MultiUn
(e) The absence of legal provisions specifically criminalizing marital rape and qualifying rape as a serious crime;
(e 缺乏专门将婚内强奸认定为犯罪和将强奸厘定为严重犯罪的法律条文;UN-2 UN-2
Between 28 February and 3 March 2010, 10 girls were sexually assaulted and/or raped by SPLA soldiers during armed clashes between SPLA and communities in Palal and Tonj in Warrap State.
2010年2月28日至3月3日期间,苏丹解放军与瓦拉布州Palal和在Tonj地区的社区发生武装冲突期间,10名女孩遭到苏丹解放军士兵的性侵犯和(或)强奸UN-2 UN-2
However, the escape was organized with an agent who turned out to be involved in human trafficking, and the complainant was raped on the way to Scandinavia by him and other men.
然而,逃亡组织者原是贩运人口者,申诉人前往斯堪的纳维亚途中遭到该组织者和另一些男子强奸UN-2 UN-2
In another case of rape committed in the village of Nianpara, the suspect was placed on remand, then under judicial supervision, before being returned to the supervision of the investigating judge, then transferred to Nzerékoré central prison before being released in confused circumstances.
在Nianpara村的另一起强奸案件中,犯罪嫌疑人被羁押,然后被司法控制并再次由调查法官处理,移交恩泽雷科雷中央监狱,然后在不明情况下被释放。UN-2 UN-2
On # ecember # in Mbuji-Mayi (Kasaï-Oriental), a woman was raped by armed men
年 # 月 # 日在姆布吉-马伊(卡赛东方省),武装分子强奸了一名妇女。MultiUn MultiUn
The men noted the presence of female and child detainees, and did not rule out the possibility that they were also being raped and sexually abused.
这些男子说看到了女性和儿童被拘留者,不能排除他们也有可能受到强奸和性虐待。UN-2 UN-2
The agreement contains a set of practical and political commitments to end the use of rape and sexual violence in conflict and provides specific action plans for the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Army and the South Sudan National Police Service to ensure proper investigation of sexual violence crimes, the establishment of accountability mechanisms, ensuring that perpetrators of sexual violence are excluded from amnesty provisions, and that sexual violence is explicitly addressed in the peace process and, as an aspect of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement.
协议中包含一套旨在制止冲突中使用强奸和性暴力的实际承诺和政治承诺,并为苏丹人民解放军和南苏丹国家警察局提供具体的行动计划,确保对性暴力犯罪进行适当的调查并建立问责机制,从而确保大赦条款将性暴力犯罪人排除在外、在和平进程中明确处理性暴力问题并将该问题纳入《停止敌对行动协议》。UN-2 UN-2
On 8 October, the Government of Afghanistan executed by hanging five men convicted of the rape of four women in the Paghman district of Kabul Province.
10月8日,阿富汗政府以绞刑处决了在喀布尔省帕格曼区因强奸4名妇女被定罪的5名男子。UN-2 UN-2
In a response to the criticism from the Swedish government, Pia Kjærsgaard said: "If they want to turn Stockholm, Gothenburg or Malmö into a Scandinavian Beirut, with clan wars, honour killings and gang rapes, let them do it.
對瑞典的批評,柯斯加回應:「如果他們想讓斯德哥爾摩、哥登堡或馬爾默成為斯堪地那維亞的貝魯特,充斥著部族戰爭、名譽殺害和輪的話,就讓他們去做。LASER-wikipedia2 LASER-wikipedia2
This resulted in 156 deaths, 109 documented rapes, 40 people reported disappeared, widespread illegal arrests and detention, and torture in prisons and other detention centres.
为此,156人丧生、109人据报案记录遭强奸、40人据报称失踪、非法逮捕和拘禁肆意泛滥,且监狱及其它拘留中心发生了酷刑案情。UN-2 UN-2
Although there was no centre specifically for rape victims, the physical and mental health needs of rape victims were taken care of by doctors and social workers
虽然没有特别协助强奸罪被害人的中心,但是医生和社会工作者均可照顾强奸罪被害人的身体和精神健康需要。MultiUn MultiUn
In the Tadic Interlocutory Appeal in the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, for instance, the court stated: “Why protect civilians from belligerent violence, or ban rape, torture or the wanton destruction of hospitals, churches, museums or private property, as well as proscribe weapons causing unnecessary suffering when two sovereign States are engaged in war, and yet refrain from enacting the same bans or providing the same protection when armed violence has erupted `only' within the territory of a sovereign State?”
例如,前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭在《Tadic Interlocutory Appeal》一案中指出:“为什么当两个主权国在进行战争时,要保护平民免遭敌人的暴力或禁止强奸、酷刑或蓄意摧毁医院、教堂、博物馆或私有财产以及禁用造成不必要痛苦的武器,而当武装暴行`仅'在一个主权国家领土内发生时,却不颁布同样的禁令或提供同样的保护?”MultiUn MultiUn
Stressing that one third of rape cases involved children,
尽管目前暂停执行死刑,刑法仍允许死刑的存在,38 联合文16建议政府通过新的法律,废除死刑。UN-2 UN-2
We wish to express our abhorrence at the continuing victimization of and violence against women and girls, especially in situations of armed conflict, and the systemic use of abduction and rape by parties to a conflict as an instrument of war
我们对尤其是在武装冲突局势中对妇女和女孩的继续残害和施暴行为以及冲突各方有计划地利用绑架和强奸作为战争手段的情况,表示憎恨。MultiUn MultiUn
When sexual violence is a feature of armed conflicts, there is often a corresponding increase in the incidence of rape and other forms of sexual violence among civilians
当性暴力成为武装冲突的一个特征时,平民中发生强奸和其他形式性暴力的情况往往相应增加。MultiUn MultiUn
Beninese law provides for punishment of excision, marital rape, sexual abuse and domestic violence.
贝宁法律中禁止割礼、配偶间的强奸、性凌辱和夫妻间暴力。UN-2 UN-2
Although the delegation had asserted that rape did not exist in Yemen, The Yemen Observer had apparently reported in May # that a man had been sentenced to # years' imprisonment for repeatedly raping his daughter, and that the girl had been sentenced to five years
尽管也门代表团声称在也门不存在强奸问题,但《也门观察家》在 # 年 # 月曾清清楚楚地报道过一男子因为多次强奸其女儿而被判处 # 年有期徒刑,而那个女孩被判五年徒刑。MultiUn MultiUn
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