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Tá eitt herviligt átrúnaðarligt kjak hevði vart í tveir mánaðir, legði hesin heidni politikarin uppí og avgjørdi málið til frama fyri teir ið søgdu at Jesus var Gud.
After two months of furious religious debate, this pagan politician intervened and decided in favor of those who said that Jesus was God.jw2019 jw2019
FrP er liberalistiskur og vil lækka skattin og at tað almenna blandar seg uppí.
Barr is a staunch proponent of gun rights, and is opposed to any and all efforts to restrict the ownership of guns.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hon var uttanflokka eitt stutt tíðarskeið um ársskifti 2001-2002, og fór uppí Javnaðarflokkin í februar 2002.
The race only had a short life, running from 2000 to 2002 over the Queen's Birthday holiday weekend in June.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
4 Summi í Juda hugsaðu, at Jehova ongantíð fór at leggja uppí.
4 Some in Judah felt that Jehovah would never act.jw2019 jw2019
Av loyala kærleika sínum hevur Jehova Gud slóðað fyri, at angrandi misbrótarar kunnu vinna tokka hansara av nýggjum og koma uppí aftur kristnu samkomuna.
In his loving-kindness, Jehovah God has provided a Scriptural way for repentant wrongdoers to regain his favor and achieve reinstatement in the Christian congregation.jw2019 jw2019
Bíblian vísir, at Gud skjótt fer at leggja uppí og loysa mannaættina úr allari neyðini.
The Bible assures us that God will soon act to relieve mankind’s suffering.jw2019 jw2019
14. september - Estland fer uppí Evropeiska Samveldið.
September 14: Estonia approves joining the European Union in a referendum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Viðlíkahald og ábøtur mugu gerast, og kanska verður tað neyðugt at byggja uppí, tá ið umstøðurnar broytast.
Maintenance and repairs are essential, and additions may be necessary as circumstances change.jw2019 jw2019
17. mai - Slovakia fer uppí Evropeiska Samveldið.
May 17 – Slovakia approves joining the European Union in a referendum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
„Um jóltíðir ganga nógv uppí at vísa blíðskap og hava samkenslu.
“During the holiday season, many try to show kindness and compassion.jw2019 jw2019
Eftir at Sjúrður Skaale fór uppí politikk og varð varldur inn á Føroya Løgting, hildu teir báðir pausu við felags undirhaldi teirra "Pipar og Salt".
By creating a combined-dosage form of simvastatin and sitagliptin, Merck was able to increase their sales of simvastatin while meeting the need of patients who take both simvastatin and sitagliptin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bussurin kom, og hon fór uppí.
Bussy arrived and landed.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hann skoytti uppí: „Ja, kanska enntá eineggjaðar tvíburar.
He added: “Perhaps even identical twins.jw2019 jw2019
„Latið teir gera hetta við!“ sigur Jesus og leggur uppí.
“Let it go as far as this,” Jesus says as he intervenes.jw2019 jw2019
Tá Gud leggur uppí, beinir hann allan óndskap burtur med alla! — Sálmur 37:9-11.
When God acts, he will do so in a way that will end evil forever! —Read Psalm 37:9-11.jw2019 jw2019
Hann tekur sjáldan eyka tilfar uppí.
Rarely would he bring in outside material.jw2019 jw2019
(Prædikarin 3:1-9) Jehova letur kanska eina støðu standa við eina tíð, men hann svarar bønum og veit, nær frægast er at leggja uppí. — 2 Korintbræv 12:7-9.
(Ecclesiastes 3:1-9) Jehovah may allow a situation to continue for a while, but he does answer prayers and knows the best time to do so.—2 Corinthians 12:7-9.jw2019 jw2019
Tað hevði eisini eydnast honum um Gud ikki hevði lagt uppí og ávarað stjørnuspámenninar ímóti at siga Heródesi hvar Jesus var staddur.
And he would have done so if God had not stepped in and warned the astrologers not to tell Herod where Jesus was.jw2019 jw2019
Alt tað ringa, sum hendir á jørðini, vísir, at tíðin nærkast, tá ið Gud fer at leggja uppí. — Les 2 Timoteus 3:1-5.
Current events indicate that God’s time to act is close. —Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5.jw2019 jw2019
Nógv, sum eru skakað av hendingunum í heiminum ella av djúpari persónligari sorg, spyrja: Hví leggur Gud ikki uppí og steðgar tí? Leggur hann einki í tað?
Distressed by shocking events or by severe personal loss, many people wonder why God does not intervene to prevent such things.jw2019 jw2019
James slapp síðani uppí tað legenderiska Actors Studio, har hann vandi sjónleikara metodur undir Lee Strasberg.
Holland trained as an actor at the Actor's Studio under Lee Strasberg.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(Matteus 24:3-13; 2 Timoteus 3:1-5; Opinberingin 12:7-12) Gud fer skjótt at leggja uppí og skipa fyri eini rættvísari loysn á øllum trupulleikunum kring okkum. — Jeremias 25:31-33; Opinberingin 19:11-21.
(Matthew 24:3-14; 2 Timothy 3:1-5; Revelation 12:7-12) Soon God will intervene and see to it that all of today’s problems are completely solved.—Jeremiah 25:31-33; Revelation 19:11-21.jw2019 jw2019
Tá tað verður kunngjørt, at ein angrandi misbrótari er tikin uppí aftur samkomuna, er tað tí hóskandi, at vit bíða við at siga frá gleði okkara, til vit tosa við viðkomandi sjálvan.“
Being sensitive to such matters, therefore, when an announcement of reinstatement is made, we would understandably withhold expressions of welcome until such can be made on a personal basis.”jw2019 jw2019
12. desember - Sveits fer uppí Schengen-samstarvið.
On 12 December 2008 Switzerland implemented the Schengen Agreement.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hera kom uppí og læt dyrnar inn í Janusar tempul (ið einans vóru aftur í friðartíðum) upp á víðan vegg, og Turnos stevndi fólkinum saman til kríggj.
Stuart therefore prepared for a long siege, seizing the mountainous heights over the approaches to the town and opening a steady fire, which was vigorously returned.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
53 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.