čiji oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels


Naći će čiji je vrat uhvatio Rajov naklonost.
He will find out whose neck has caught Raj's fancy.

of which

i. motorna kopnena vozila čiji kapacitet prelazi 48 kubičnih centimetara ili čija je snaga veća od 7,2 kilowata;
(i) motorised land vehicles the capacity of which exceeds 48 cubic centimetres or the power of which exceeds 7,2 kilowatts;

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Dubrovački gradonačelnik Andro Vlahušić primio je danas veleposlanika Francuske Jérôme Pasquiera u čijoj je pratnji bio ataše za europsku i administrativnu suradnju Frederic Frapaise .
The mayor of Dubrovnik , Andro Vlahu š ić , today met with the French Ambassador to Croatia , Jerome Pasquier , and the attaché for European administrative cooperation Frederic Frapaise .hrenWaC hrenWaC
I na kraju, ali ne manje važno, prijedlog ostavlja mogućnost izostanka primjene Direktive na projekte čija je jedina svrha nacionalna obrana ili odgovor na izvanredna stanja.
Last but not least, it leaves the possibility of not applying the Directive to projects having national defence or response to civil emergencies as their sole purposes.not-set not-set
(3)U skladu s člankom 287. stavkom 8. Direktive 2006/112/EZ Estonija može izuzeti od plaćanja PDV-a porezne obveznike čiji godišnji promet nije viši od protuvrijednosti 16 000 EUR u nacionalnoj valuti prema deviznom tečaju na dan njezina pristupanja.
(3)Under Article 287(8) of Directive 2006/112/EC, Estonia may exempt from VAT taxable persons whose annual turnover is no higher than the equivalent in national currency of EUR 16 000 at the conversion rate on the day of its accession.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Na plovilu se mogu nalaziti mreže čija je ukupna dužina 20 % veća od najveće dužine za flote koje mogu biti raspoređene u bilo kojem trenutku.
Vessels may carry on board nets with a total length that is 20 % greater than the maximum length of the fleets that may be deployed at any one time.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
78 U konkretnom slučaju, valja podsjetiti da se prvo i četvrto pitanje suda koji je uputio zahtjev odnose na tumačenje odredaba Direktive o univerzalnoj usluzi čiji je pravni temelj članak 114. UFEU-a.
78 In the present case, it must be borne in mind that the first to fourth questions referred by the referring court concern the interpretation of the provisions of the Universal Service Directive, the legal basis of which is Article 114 TFEU.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
62 U tom pogledu valja navesti da je nesporno da je, s jedne strane, u predmetu C-497/15 vozač predmetnog vozila zbog pogreške navigacijskog sustava promašio izlaz s autoceste kako bi se nastavio kretati svojom rutom na cesti nižeg reda, za čije je korištenje imao ovlaštenje.
62 In that regard, it must be pointed out that it is not in dispute that, firstly, in Case C‐497/15, the driver of the vehicle concerned, because of an error in the navigation system, passed the exit by which he ought to have left the motorway to continue his journey on a lower category road, for which he held a road use authorisation.eurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
obveze koje tijela imaju za operativni program u vezi s upravljanjem, kontrolom i revizijom operacija ispunjavaju tijela odgovorna za operativni program u čijem okviru ta operacija prima potporu ili ona sklapaju dogovore s tijelima države članice u kojoj se operacija provodi, pod uvjetom da su u toj državi članici ispunjene obveze u vezi s upravljanjem, kontrolom i revizijom operacije.
the obligations of the authorities for the operational programme in relation to management, control and audit concerning the operation are fulfilled by the authorities responsible for the operational programme under which that operation is supported or they enter into agreements with authorities in the Member State in which the operation is implemented provided that in that Member State the obligations in relation to management, control and audit concerning the operation are met.not-set not-set
Iako je točno da je Sud u svojoj presudi Honeywell Aerospace(13), čini se, smatrao očiglednom činjenicu da je nepodnošenje robe u postupku provoza odredišnoj carinarnici dovelo do nastanka carinskog duga u skladu s člankom 203. Carinskog zakonika(14), taj se predmet ipak odnosio na nestalu robu čija je sudbina ostala nepoznata.
Although in its judgment in Honeywell Aerospace (13) the Court appears to have regarded it as evident that failure to present the goods placed under the transit procedure at the office of destination gives rise to a customs debt under Article 203 of the Customs Code, (14) that case concerned goods that had disappeared and whose fate remained unknown.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
U slučajevima kada nadležna država članica nije država čije je dijete državljanin, nadležna središnja tijela države članice odmah obavještavaju središnja tijela one države članice čije je dijete državljanin.
In cases where the jurisdiction is in a Member State other than the Member State of which the child is a national, the central authorities of the Member State with jurisdiction should inform, without undue delay, the central authorities of the Member State of which the child is a national.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
Izvornik ovog Sporazuma, čije su verzije na danskom, engleskom, finskom, francuskom, grčkom, nizozemskom, njemačkom, portugalskom, španjolskom, švedskom, talijanskom i armenskom jeziku jednako vjerodostojne, polaže se kod glavnog tajnika Vijeća Europske unije.
The original of this Agreement of which the Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and Armenian languages are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Ne želim rizik zagađenja ni sa čije strane, čak ni od svoje krvi i mesa.
I don't risk contamination from anyone, not even blood relations.Literature Literature
Ventilator usisava vlažni zrak, kojeg se dovodi isparivaču rashladnog uređaja, na čijim se hladnim stjenkama kondenzira.
The fan ingests the moist air, which is then ducted to the refrigerator-unit evaporator, where it is condensed on the cold walls.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
(b)nositelj ne poduzima razumne mjere kojima bi spriječio da se žig rabi na način koji nije sukladan uvjetima uporabe utvrđenima u pravilima kojima se uređuje uporaba, čije su izmjene, gdje je to prikladno, navedene u registru;
(b)the proprietor does not take reasonable steps to prevent the mark being used in a manner that is incompatible with the conditions of use laid down in the regulations governing use, amendments to which have, where appropriate, been mentioned in the Register;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Vezano uz stavak 5. sadašnjega Sporazuma, namjera ugovornih stranaka bila bi da združeno i postupno razviju zbirku administrativnih presedana čija bi svrha bila da se omogući učinkovita obrada pojedinačnih slučajeva.
With reference to paragraph 5 of the present Agreement, the intention of the Contracting Parties would be, jointly and progressively, to develop a body of administrative precedents aimed at enabling individual cases to be treated expeditiously.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Tri spomenika kulture-- stari grad u Stolcu (čiji jedan dio datira iz četvrtog stoljeća), srednjovjekovna tvrđava u Jajcu i most iz razdoblja Otomanskog carstva u Višegradu-- napukli su, trosni ili jednostavno nisu održavani
The three monuments-- Stolac 's old town (part of which dates from the # th century), the medieval fortress in Jajce and the Ottoman-era bridge in Visegrad-- are cracked, crumbling or just not maintainedSetimes Setimes
Podaci o ulovu na plovilu (prije prekrcaja) (vrste, količine mase proizvoda, uključujući ribe čije su veličine ispod minimalnih, područje ulova) (47)
Catch on board details (before transhipment) (species, quantities in product weight including for undersized fish, presentation, catch area) (47)EurLex-2 EurLex-2
osim: voćnih jakih alkoholnih pića, jakih alkoholnih pića (ispred čijeg se naziva navodi naziv voća) dobivenih maceracijom i destilacijom, pića Geist (s nazivom upotrijebljenog voća ili sirovine), London Gin, Sambuca, Maraschino, Marrasquino ili Maraskino i Mistra.
except: fruit spirits, spirits (preceded by the name of the fruit) obtained by maceration and distillation Geist (with the name of the fruit or the raw material used), London Gin, Sambuca, Maraschino, Marrasquino or Maraskino and Mistrà.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Po čijem nalogu?
By whose order?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
1.), čiji je rok za prenošenje određen na 18. travnja 2016.
1). The period for transposition of that directive expires on 18 April 2016.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ulazak žiga u svakodnevni govor kao pojam za sâm proizvod odražava uostalom uspjeh teškog, često dugogodišnjeg rada nositelja žiga, čiji je proizvod u očima javnosti postao utjelovljenje za samu vrstu proizvoda.
The fact that a trade mark enters the current language as the term for the product itself is evidence ultimately of the success generated by the hard work, often over many years, of the trade mark proprietor, whose product has, in the eyes of the world, become the embodiment of the type of product itself.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
U međuvremenu, ministarstvo životnog okoliša također je pokrenulo kampanju za reciklažu čiji je moto " smanji, ponovno koristi, recikliraj "
Meanwhile, the environment ministry has also launched a recycling campaign, with the motto " reduce, reuse, recycle "Setimes Setimes
Ako se izuzimaju energetski intenzivne industrije čijim se proizvodima odnosno uslugama trguje i/ili druge posebne skupine krajnjih korisnika, prodaja tim krajnjim korisnicima može se isključiti iz izračuna tržišnih udjela.
If there are carve-outs for energy-intensive, trade-exposed industries and/or other specified groups of end-users, sales to these end-users can be excluded from the calculation of market shares.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
31 Međutim, tumačenjem članka 3. točke 7. podtočke (a) Direktive 2005/60 na način koji zagovara društvo Corporate Companies – odnosno tako da se ta odredba ne primjenjuje na osobu čija se poslovna djelatnost sastoji u prodavanju takve vrste prethodno osnovanih društava – peračima novca i osobama koje financiraju terorizam pružio bi se idealan instrument za zaobilaženje prve zapreke koju je zakonodavac Unije postavio radi sprečavanja korištenja takvim društvima za takve aktivnosti.
31 An interpretation of Article 3, point 7(a) of Directive 2005/60 in the sense submitted by Corporate Companies, namely that a person whose commercial activity consists in selling this type of shelf company does not fall within that provision, would offer money launderers and terrorist financers an ideal tool for circumventing the initial barrier that the EU legislature took care to establish in order to prevent the use of these companies for those activities.eurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
pravni postupci u SAD-u, na temelju obveze koja već nastaje, protiv državljana ili poduzeća iz EU-a koji sudjeluju u takvim poslovima, a čija posljedica mogu biti presude/odluke o plaćanju (višestrukih) naknada stranama iz SAD-a.
Legal proceedings in the USA, based upon liability already accruing, against EU citizens or companies involved in trafficking, leading to judgments/decisions to pay (multiple) compensation to the USA party.Eurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
znači nadležno tijelo ugovorne stranke na čijem državnom području ima boravište ili uobičajeno boravište osoba za koju se sumnja da je počinila prometni prekršaj ili osoba kojoj je izrečena novčana kazna za taj prekršaj.
shall mean the competent authority of the Contracting Party in whose territory the person suspected of having committed a road traffic offence or upon whom a financial penalty has been imposed in respect thereof either resides or has his habitual residence.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
203 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.