spomenik kulture oor Engels

Spomenik kulture

Vertalings in die woordeboek Kroaties - Engels

heritage site

general term for a site of cultural heritage for a specific country

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Bašćanska ploča nacionalni je spomenik kulture hrvatskog naroda .
The Baš ka Tablet is a national monument , significant for the Croatian nation .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Cijela je gradska jezgra zaštićeni spomenik kulture.
The entire town core represents a protected cultural monument.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Zbog toga su vjetrenjače, koje su prije zapravo bile samo tvornice, sada postale spomenici kulture.
As a result, what were at one time little more than ordinary factories have now become cultural monuments.jw2019 jw2019
Danas je to zaštićeni spomenik kulture.
Today, it is a protected cultural monument.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vijeće je razmatralo status spomenika kulture Taggart speakeasys Muzeja.
The council was reviewing the landmark status of the Taggart Speakeasy Museum.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
2011. godine je započela obnova sinagoge u Koprivnici kao zaštićenog spomenika kulture.
In 2011, restoration of the Koprivnica Synagogue began and it was listed as a cultural monument.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Radovi na tom spomeniku kulture, koji datira iz # stoljeća, trebali bi biti završeni za mjesec dana
Work on the monument, which dates back to the # th century, should be completed within a monthSetimes Setimes
Zbirka je spomenik kulture .
The collection is a cultural monument .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Na ulicama i ispred spomenika kulture gomilale su se vreće pijeska .
Sandbags piled up in the streets and in front of cultural monuments .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Plan upravljanja treba imati svaki spomenik kulture koji se želi uvrstiti na UNESCO listu svetske kulturne baštine .
Managemet plan should have every historical monument which wants to be included on the UNESCO World Heritage List .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Od njih, 9 građevina ima status nacionalnog blaga, a ostalih 94 status spomenika kulture.
Nine of the structures are designated National Treasures of Japan while the remaining 94 are Important Cultural Properties.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Peterosobni stan u zgradi koja je spomenik kulture .
Five-room flat in declared cultural monument building .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Posjet Puli i razgledavanje njegove kulturne baštine pravi je izazov budući da Pula zaista obiluje spomenicima kulture .
A visit to Pula and a tour of its cultural heritage is a real challenge , since Pula truly abounds in cultural monuments .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Buzet i Roč su zaštićeni kao spomenici kulture od izuzetnog značaja .
Both of these towns are placed under protection as exceptionally significant cultural monuments .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Taj kanjon, koji je država proglasila spomenikom kulture, svake godine posjećuju tisuće turista.
The area, listed as a national monument, is visited by thousands of tourists every year.jw2019 jw2019
11 duša čija je odgovornost utvrditi status spomenika kulture povijesnih građevina u gradu.
11 souls whose responsibility it is to determine the landmark status of historical buildings in the city.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Samostan svete Marije svjedoči o kršćanskoj prošlosti i jedan je od najvažnijih spomenika kulture na ovim prostorima .
The abbey of St. Mary testimonies about the Christian past and is one of the most important cultural monument s in this zone .hrenWaC hrenWaC
Najznačajniji spomenici kulture u Bariju blisko su povezani s određenim povijesnim događajima.
Bari’s most important monuments are closely tied to historical events.jw2019 jw2019
Esme je obnavljala kuću iz sedamnaestog stoljeća, spomenik kulture, u šumi sjeverno odatle.
Esme was restoring a seventeenth century house, a historical monument, in the forest north of the city.Literature Literature
Stari bazar u Skoplju dobio je status spomenika kulture na zasjedanju makedonskog parlamenta održanom u ponedjeljak ( # listopada
Skopje 's Old Bazaar won the status of cultural monument at a session of the Macedonian parliament on Monday (October # thSetimes Setimes
Stoga su 1961. španjolske vlasti ovaj mali grad u pokrajini Teruel proglasile spomenikom kulture.
For these reasons, in 1961 the Spanish government declared this small town in the province of Teruel a national monument.jw2019 jw2019
Hluboká Dvorac je proglašen nacionalnim spomenikom kulture Češke Republike.
Hluboká Castle is a National Cultural Monument of the Czech Republic.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jesam li vam rekao da kuću žele proglasiti spomenikom kulture?
Did I tell you that this home is being considered... for historical monument status?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Saveznici misle da su Nijemci ovaj tisućljetni spomenik kulture pretvorili u promatračnicu.
The Allies think that the Germans have turned this 1.400 year old monument into a lookout post.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Postala je spomenik kulture pod državnom zaštitom
It became a monument of culture under state protectionSetimes Setimes
416 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.