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Fanum Sanctae Iustae
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nec Claudius ultra expectato obvius apud forum praebet se gratantibus, senatumque ingressus decretum postulat quo iustae inter patruos fratrumque filias nuptiae etiam in posterum statuerentur.
Claudius without further delay presented himself in the forum to their congratulations; then entering the Senate, he asked from them a decree which should decide that for the future marriages between uncles and brothers' daughters should be legal.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Non omnes leges iustae sunt.
Not all laws are just.tatoeba tatoeba
Omnino humanum genus magnam partem videtur caelestem iram devocare: quamquam ipsa illa quae insidet, malarum rerum seges, continet iustae animadversionis maturitatem.
It is not too much to say that a greatpart of the human race seems to be calling down upon itself the anger of heaven;though indeed the crop of evils which has grown up here on earth is alreadyripening to a just judgment.vatican.va vatican.va
Cum hominibus autem nostrorum dierum communicat Ecclesia profundum hoc fervidumque desiderium vitae iustae secundum omnes eius partes neque intermittit ponderandas proponere divers as iustitiae illius rationes, qualem postulat hominum societatumque vita.
The Church shares with the people of our time this profound and ardent desire for a life which is just in every aspect, nor does she fail to examine the various aspects of the sort of justice that the life of people and society demands.vatican.va vatican.va
Si conductor operis directus ille intellegitur esse homo vel institutum, quo cum opifex recta via paciscitur operis contractum certis sub condicionibus, nomine indirecti operis conductoris intelleguntur plura alia distincta elementa, praeter directum conductorem, quae certam vim habent ad modum, quo sive contractus operis componitur sive rationes plus minusve iustae instaurantur, quae in regione laboris humani intercedunt.
Since the direct employer is the person or institution with whom the worker enters directly into a work contract in accordance with definite conditions, we must understand as the indirect employer many different factors, other than the direct employer, that exercise a determining influence on the shaping both of the work contract and, consequently, of just or unjust relationships in the field of human labour.vatican.va vatican.va
Virtute Spiritus Iesu Christi, Salvatoris hominum, commotus et spe roboratus, christianus se devovet aedificandae civitati humanae, pacificae, iustae atque fraternae, quae evadat Deo accepta oblatio (Cf Rom 15, 16).
Animated by the power of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Savior of mankind, and upheld by hope, the Christian involves himself in the building up of the human city, one that is to be peaceful, just and fraternal and acceptable as an offering to God.vatican.va vatican.va
Id saepe occasio evadit exercendi crebriorem et fructuosiorem dialogum, experiendi invicem mentes, dilatandi experientias mutuae acceptationis et iustae tolerantiae; sed pariter fieri potest occasio confusionis et relativismi, idque vel maxime apud personas et civitates quarum fides nondum ad plenam sui maturationem perducta est.
While on the one hand this can be an opportunity for a more frequent and fruitful exercise of dialogue, open - mindedness, good relations and a just tolerance - on the other hand the situation can also result in confusion and relativism, above all among people and populations whose faith has not matured.vatican.va vatican.va
Exitus optimus positus est in pacis iustae restitutione, in reconciliatione inque progressu oeconomico: oportet ergo instituta nationum, regionum et totius mundi aeque atque stabiliter perfugarum et exsulum quaestiones expediant (Cfr.
The ideal solution is the re-establishment of a just peace, reconciliation and economic development.vatican.va vatican.va
Hoc praecipue expostulatur a vestra tam ampla natione, in qua propter locorum necessitatumque varietatem fieri potest, ut, integris communibus principiis, diversae structurae formae adlhibeantur, et aliae alibi eiusdem causae solutiones, aeque tamen iustae, re ipsa oriantur.
33. That holds above all for your nation which is so extensive, where the variety of the needs and of local conditions may demand that, though on the basis of common principles, different methods of organization be used and different but equally just practical solutions be reached for the one same problem.vatican.va vatican.va
Verum toti pariter Europae concedito, Sanctissima Trinitas, ut ambobus deprecantibus sanctis Fratribus persentiat usque magis quam sit necessaria religiosa et christiana unitas et fraterna communio omnium ipsius populorum ut, mutua debellata ignoratione ac diffidentia atque, certaminibus ideologicis profligatis communi in veritatis conscientia, evadere possit pro omni terrarum orbe exemplar iustae pacificaeque consortionis reciproca ex observantia et integra libertate.
But also grant to the whole of Europe, O Most Holy Trinity, that through the intercession of the two holy Brothers it may feel ever more strongly the need for religious and Christian unity and for a brotherly communion of all its peoples, so that when incomprehension and mutual distrust have been overcome and when ideological conflicts have been conquered in the common awareness of the truth, it may be for the whole world an example of just and peaceful coexistence in mutual respect and inviolate liberty.vatican.va vatican.va
Ecclesiae in hoc est officium intermedium, quatenus ad rationis purificationem tribuere debet adque virium moralium instaurationem, sine quibus nec iustae suscitantur structurae, neque istae diu operari possunt.
The Church has an indirect duty here, in that she is called to contribute to the purification of reason and to the reawakening of those moral forces without which just structures are neither established nor prove effective in the long run.vatican.va vatican.va
Sacerdotes enim et fideles, qui sunt curae vestrae concrediti, monemus — quod idem ipsimet et plane scitis et fusius dicturi estis —, per novas Consociationes earumque Statuta iuridicam quidem Ecclesiae apud vos condicionem aliquanto tutiorem eoque ipso meliorem fieri, non adeo tamen, ut nobile illud ac generosum, quod ab initio laudavimus, certamen cessare debeat aut possit; neque enim bona per legem discidii adempta, iustae scilicet restitutionis nomine, recuperari licuit.
In the first place, We wish you to recall a certain fact to your priests and to the faithful confided to your care, a fact which you know already and which you yourselves will explain to them somewhat more in detail. The fact is this. If the new Associations and the statutes which are to govern them contribute to making the juridical position of the Church in your country somewhat more stable and by consequence more satisfactory than it has been, this should not be accepted as a reason for permitting that noble and generous rivalry between them, and which We have already praised in this very letter, to go out of existence.vatican.va vatican.va
Pro certo quidem habemus iis cordi fore se primum tenere locum in eorum agmine, qui nulli parcunt labori, ut reapse apud populos universos ex morum praescriptis leges iustae et aequae condantur.
They will surely want to be in the first ranks of those who spare no effort to have just and fair laws, based on moral precepts, established among all nations.vatican.va vatican.va
Apud hoc Tribunal Officium est constitutum, cuius est cognoscere de facto inconsummationis matrimonii et de exsistentia iustae causae ad dispensationem concedendam.
127 — The judges of this Tribunal constitute a college.vatican.va vatican.va
Fanum Sanctae Iustae (Italia)
Santa Giustalangbot langbot
Rationalis ordinatio praestituta atque consentanea operis humani dispositio, pro singularum societatum et Civitatum condicione, facere debet ut iustae reperiantur proportiones varia inter genera laboris: opus agrorum culturae, machinalis industriae, variorum ministeriorum, opus mentis necnon scientiarum et artium, secundum cuiusque hominis potestatem ad bonnmque commune omnis societatis ac totius hominum generis.
Rational planning and the proper organization of human labour in keeping with individual societies and States should also facilitate the discovery of the right proportions between the different kinds of employment: work on the land, in industry, in the various services, white-collar work and scientific or artistic work, in accordance with the capacities of individuals and for the common good of each society and of the whole of mankind.vatican.va vatican.va
Hinc definitae sese gerendi rationes haberentur moraliter iustae aut erroneae, cum tamen voluntas moraliter bona aut mala auctoris earum aestimari non posset.
Consequently, concrete kinds of behaviour could be described as "right" or "wrong", without it being thereby possible to judge as morally "good" or "bad" the will of the person choosing them.vatican.va vatican.va
Ecclesiae, utpote corpori ordinato in media societate et in natione, ius est et officium ut plene operam det societati iustae ac pacificae aedificandae omnibus subsidiis, quae in promptu habet.
As a body organized within the community and the nation, the Church has both the right and the duty to participate fully in building a just and peaceful society with all the means at her disposal.vatican.va vatican.va
Saeculis post, aliis exstantibus probationibus persecutionibusque, cum Romanum Imperium suum absolutum dominatum intulisset, solacium spemque reppererunt fideles, suam fiduciam in Deo omnipotenti augentes, atque canebant: “Magna et mirabilia opera tua; iustae et verae viae tuae!”
Centuries later, in another age of trial and persecution, when the Roman Empire was seeking to impose absolute dominion, the faithful would once again find consolation and hope in a growing trust in the all-powerful God: “Great and wonderful are your deeds, O Lord God the Almighty! Just and true are your ways!”vatican.va vatican.va
Iamvero, numquam hae Respublicae — et ad sua instituta et ad iustae amplitudinis studia et ad gentis suae prosperitatem quod attinet — numquam, dicimus, neque ex susceptis amicitiae officiis cum Apostolica hac Sede, neque ex inito consilio, conventiones scilicet, horum temporum condicioni consentaneas, iis de rebus mutua fide transigendi, quae ad civilem et ad ecclesiasticam societatem pertinent, ulla procul dubio detrimenta ceperunt.
Speaking only of recent facts, evident proof of this lies in the numerous Concordats and agreements concluded in later years, and in the diplomatic relations the Holy See has established with different States in which, following the Great War, monarchic governments were succeeded by republican forms.vatican.va vatican.va
adesse tamen deos iustae vindictae; cecidisse legionem, quae proelium ausa sit; ceteros castris occultari aut fugam circumspicere.
But heaven is on the side of a righteous vengeance; a legion which dared to fight has perished; the rest are hiding themselves in their camp, or are thinking anxiously of flight.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Sicut pro ceteris operariis, animus magnopere erit advertendus operis condicionibus — quod attinet ad mentem corpusque impeditorum — et remunerationi iustae et facultati progrediendi et variis obstaculis tollendis.
Careful attention must be devoted to the physical and psychological working conditions of disabled people-as for all workers-to their just remuneration, to the possibility of their promotion, and to the elimination of various obstacles.vatican.va vatican.va
Duae partes doctrinae socialis Ecclesiae - tum dignitatis tutela iuriumque personae humanae intra terminos iustae coniunctionis inter hominum opera et pecuniae capita, tum pacis ipsius provectus - eodem hoc in documento convenientes simul sunt permixtae.
The two elements of the Church's social doctrine—the safeguarding of human dignity and rights in the sphere of a just relation between labour and capital and the promotion of peace—were closely joined in this text.vatican.va vatican.va
Fanum Sanctae Iustae (Lisbonum)
Santa Justa (Lisbon)langbot langbot
25 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.