inside and out oor Katalaans

inside and out

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His body was more angular and hairy, with scars that hadn’t existed before, both inside and out.
Em trenques el corLiterature Literature
I knew that book inside and out.
L' aplicació ha enviat una petició no vàlidaLiterature Literature
He spluttered and was limp, inside and out.
l ' Ajuntament de Girona .Literature Literature
Shaking me, sickening me, gnawing at me inside and out like some hateful and invisible reptile.
El temps d' espera (en segons) abans de que expirin les peticions. Per omissió són # segonsLiterature Literature
I have sat there inside and out at all times of the day in all kinds of weather.
sota les lleis del Parlament de Catalunya 9 / 1987 , de 25 de maig , i 40 / 1991 , deLiterature Literature
“You have proved yourself strong, inside and out.
Neteja la memòriaLiterature Literature
I want to caress you tenderly inside and out, the way only I can.”
L' última vegada que ho va saber, quasi fa que la matenLiterature Literature
Because inside and out, everything is finally ready.
Oculta la barra de pestanyes si tan sols n' hi ha una d' obertaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Special lifting devices allow for periodic cleaning of the stars inside and out, removing dust and soot.
Mentrestant, Lloyds ha decidit pagar a TradexWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Our old house with its bolted-down flowerpots stood eerily untouched, inside and out.
Què penses fer?Literature Literature
He brought out a hose and spent over an hour cleaning it up, both inside and out.
Els treballadors que actualment estiguin cobrant , en còmput anual , per sobre de la retribució fixada segons els annexos , se ’ ls hi mantindrà el seu sou total anual actual , constant la diferència com a complement específic .Literature Literature
The floor slabs of the pavilion project out and over the pool—once again connecting inside and out.
No hi han entrat, està béWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They examined every inch of it, inside and out, including the pipes below.
del pro cediment que regulen els articles 52 de la Llei d ' expropiacióLiterature Literature
“I have to know everything, every part of you, inside and out, every detail.”
Color # (intensLiterature Literature
He knows his job, inside and out, she thought.
Té el dó de l' oportunitat!Literature Literature
And there was something in the way he said it that made me feel filthy inside and out.
DECRET 176 / 1998 , de 8 de juliol , de modificació del Decret 72 / 1995 , de 7 de març , pel qual es creen els Premis Nacionals de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya .Literature Literature
She had a gorgeous body, inside and out.
Índex d' ajudaLiterature Literature
Boys and girls seemed to be working everywhere, both inside and out.
Grup C : Administratius i personal especialitzat ; títol de batxillerat , formació professional de segon grau o equivalent , o capacitació provada en relació amb el lloc de treball .Literature Literature
I know Jack’s body inside and out.
La Janice KellermanLiterature Literature
Just because I know that house inside and out does not mean that I’ve been there before.
No puc moure les camesLiterature Literature
Sophie was a beautiful person, inside and out, but everyone treated her like crap.
centres docents.Literature Literature
It’s on to the appliances next, inside and out.
S' estan creant subcarpetes en el servidorLiterature Literature
I’d like you two to concentrate on this place, both inside and out.
Ja ho pot dir a en Yonoi, maiLiterature Literature
How fragile she was, both inside and out.
De l' altre costat del temps, per trobar- teLiterature Literature
Really, your identity is everything that makes you, you —both inside and out.
Troben una pista i ja no veuen res mésjw2019 jw2019
389 sinne gevind in 34 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.