lengthened oor Katalaans


adjektief, werkwoord
Simple past tense and past participle of lengthen.

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Orthographic short a is diphthongized (rather than lengthened) before word-final m and the Old Irish tense sonorants spelled nn, ll (e.g. ceann "head").
la ubicacióde la deixalleria , de GranollersWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Even in ancient times, new tools such as foot coverings, skis, and snowshoes lengthened the distances that could be travelled.
Marques a destacarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Why do the Pharisees enlarge their scripture-containing cases and lengthen the fringes on their garments?
La núvia de Bobby' s té un germà de merda, està béjw2019 jw2019
They ought to last the children a good two years, and then I expect they’ll do for school—lengthened, and perhaps dyed.”
Per Beowulf!-- Llarga vida a Beowulf!... i com jo no tinc un hereu...... no tinc fills...... declare que el dia de la meua mort...... tot el que jo posseïsc, el meu regne...... el meu castell de tristesa i vergonya...... i fins a la meua adorable reina jove...... mon WealthowLiterature Literature
This is not the case in the large region L, where there is a large number (numbering about L / a) of states with energy evenly spaced between E and the next mode in the narrow slot – in other words, all slightly larger than E. Now on shortening a by da (< 0), the mode in the narrow slot shrinks in wavelength and therefore increases in energy proportional to −da/a, whereas all the L /a states that lie in the large region lengthen and correspondingly decrease their energy by an amount proportional to da/L (note the denominator).
Causant : Jaime Balart Miró .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And may He shorten your tongue as He lengthened his.'
Hola, Chicago!Literature Literature
According to the legend, Māui's grandmother helped him capture the sun and force it to slow its journey across the sky in order to lengthen the day.
El meu estimat amicWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“If I lose, I’ll lengthen your trousers for free.”
Atès que l ' article modificat s ' adequa a la legalitat ;Literature Literature
The runways were lengthened and fitted with technically advanced equipment.
el Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya prengui un Acord que declari urgentWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The British think that the Italian invasion of Greece will only serve to lengthen the war.”
immediata tal com indica l ' article 89 del text refós de laLiterature Literature
During a May 2013 visit, Infrastructure Minister Albert Nsengiyumva announced that the runway would be widened and lengthened from 1.5 kilometres to 2.2 kilometres by 2014-2015.
Fent clic a Cancel· la esborrareu qualsevol canvi que s' hagi fet en aquesta caixa de diàleg i us retornarà al mòdul del salvapantallesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He cut a Mark IV in half and inserted three extra panels, lengthening the hull by six feet.
Sé que te' n sortiries, però com portaràs el menjar, tota sola?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
BENVOLlO It was. -- What sadness lengthens Romeo's hours?
S' estan copiant les dades de la taulaQED QED
Burgess’s face had been slowly lengthening for some time, without his giving any other sign of truculence.
Són tot a la sala de conferències amb nois l' IRSLiterature Literature
A part of the answer was suggested independently in the 1860s by Delaunay and by William Ferrel: tidal retardation of Earth's rotation rate was lengthening the unit of time and causing a lunar acceleration that was only apparent.
Ha fallat en crear un àlbum nouWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The tense consonants are characterized by the intensiveness (tension) of articulation, which naturally leads to a lengthening of the consonant so they are traditionally transcribed with the length diacritic.
Quan aquesta opció està desactivada, el & kmail; us preguntarà per la vostra frase de contrasenya cada vegada que s' hagi de signar un missatge (abans d' enviar-lo) o en seleccioneu un a xifrar. Si activeu aquesta opció, el & kmail; s' enrecordarà de la frase de contrasenya, en concret fins a la finalització d' aquella sessió del & kmail;. La frase de contrasenya serà emmagatzemada en memòria i no al disc dur. Si useu un dels connectors de xifratge o si useu el GnuPG amb l' agent gpg alhora que un programa extern aquest preguntarà per la frase de contrasenya i opcionalment la recordarà durant algun tempsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I used every daylight hour and, once the dress was taken in, lengthening it a little wasn’t too difficult.
Autorització d ' obertura dels ensenyaments de formacióLiterature Literature
Also, they “lengthen the fringes of their garments.”
Però no eres tu realmentjw2019 jw2019
Mr Winkle seized the wicker bottle, which his friend proffered, and took a lengthened pull at the exhilarating liquid.
De fet, hauria de ser d' un moment a un altreLiterature Literature
Between the columns with their now lengthening shadows anxieties dissolved into the air like wounded birds.
Contemplava el paisatge que canviava lentament... mentre s' aferrava a l’ última claror de la tarda.... abans d' abandonar- me a la perspectiva d' una altra nit en blancLiterature Literature
As the silence lengthened it began, for me at least, to pulse with possibility.
Sage Amok diu que a la cova que brilla, allà hi ha el monstreLiterature Literature
He allowed his hair to lengthen.
Paràmetres general de grupLiterature Literature
Newly baptized Greek-speaking widows who had lengthened their visit to Jerusalem were being discriminated against.
Ells van matar a Daphne, Mattjw2019 jw2019
The season aged not, even as the afternoons and evenings lengthened, barring the forest with rich shadows.
S' ha acabat l' assaigLiterature Literature
His shadow lengthened on the walk, wavered, lengthened again.
d ' una finca al carrer Sant Jordi , 41-43 , de Benissanet , promogut iLiterature Literature
155 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.