sliding window oor Katalaans

sliding window

A window of fixed length L that moves along a timeline according to the stream’s events. With every event on the timeline, a new window is created, starting at the event’s start time.

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A man in gray overalls opens the sliding window and looks at Lucas without speaking.
Un home amb una bata grisa obre la finestra corredora i mira Lucas sense dir res.Literature Literature
And so the great sliding windows remained open on to the esplanade.
Així les grans vidrieres de bastidors quedaven obertes a peu pla sobre l’escullera.Literature Literature
Parnassus stopped, and the Professor pushed back the sliding window behind the driver’s seat.
El Parnàs es va detenir i el professor va obrir la finestra corredissa darrere del pescant.Literature Literature
She worked methodically, sliding the window upward, wondering how all of this would look from inside the house.
Va fer lliscar amunt la finestra i es va preguntar quin aspecte devia tenir tot plegat, vist des de dintre.Literature Literature
And it was just the same-the stairs, the hallway, and the sliding doors, the window of stained glass upon the stairs.
I tot estava igual, les escales, el rebedor i les portes corredisses, la finestra de vidres de colors a mitja escala.Literature Literature
I heard the wind scratching at the windows and sliding over the house.
Vaig sentir el vent que esgarrapava les finestres i s’arrossegava per damunt de la casa.Literature Literature
The good folk of Braavos would soon be shuttering their windows and sliding bars across their doors.
La bona gent de Braavos aviat tancaria els finestrons i barraria les portes.Literature Literature
Now click Use This Template. This brings up the slide editor window, where you can view and edit the slides (and objects contained in them) in your document. At the moment, we just have one slide, with one object on it, which is a text box
Ara cliqueu Usa aquesta plantilla. Això fa que aparegui la finestra de l' editor de diapositives, on podeu veure-les i editar-les (i també els objectes que hi ha a dins), De moment, només tenim una diapositiva, amb un objecte a dins, que és una caixa de textKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Then he said, his eyes sliding past me to the window: ‘You – have been up at Old Hall today, haven’t you, sir?’
Tot seguit, mirant cap a la finestra, em preguntà: —Ha estat... a Old Hall, avui?Literature Literature
"""Yes, it's just the same-we still have the sliding doors and the stained glass window on the stairs."
—Doncs sí, està ben igual, encara hi ha les portes corredisses i la finestra amb vidres de colors a l’escala.Literature Literature
The new slide now appears in the editing window. To change between pages of your presentation, you can select slides in the pane to the left (highlighted in blue for this screenshot
La nova diapositiva apareix ara a la finestra d' edició. Per a canviar entre pàgines de la vostra presentació, podeu seleccionar les diapositives a la subfinestra de l' esquerra (marcada en blau per a aquesta captura de pantallaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Sliding the wire in through the car window and manipulating the door handle was easier than he had expected.
Introduir el filferro per la finestreta del vehicle i obrir-ne el pany va resultar més fàcil del que s’havia imaginat.Literature Literature
We’ve been up all night long, and now rays of light are beginning to slide in through the tops of the windows.
Ens hem passat tota la nit desperts i ara rajos de llum comencen a lliscar per la part de dalt de les finestres.Literature Literature
This submenu allows you to zoom in or out of the slide. Several predefined zoom levels are available, including Whole Slide to scale the entire slide so as to be visible in the size window you have open, and Width to scale the slide so it fills the entire width of the window, although you may now have to scroll vertically. There are also several other scaling choices, from # % up to # %
Aquest submenú us permet apropar o allunyar la diapositiva. Hi ha disponibles molts nivells predefinits, incloent-hi Tota la diapositiva, per a escalar tota la diapositiva per tal que sigui visible en la mida de finestra que teniu oberta, i Ample per a escalar la diapositiva per a que encaixi amb tota l' amplada de la finestra, malgrat que potser l' haureu de desplaçar verticalment. També hi ha moltes altres possibilitats d' escala, des del # % fins el # %KDE40.1 KDE40.1
He finished his coffee, allowed himself to slide lower in the bed, and looked out the bedroom window at the clear sky.
Es va acabar el cafè, es va permetre lliscar endins del llit i va mirar el cel clar que veia per la finestra.Literature Literature
Opens another window with the same presentation loaded so you can work on more than one slide at a time
Obre una altra finestra amb la mateixa presentació carregada de manera que pogueu treballar en més d' una diapositiva alhoraKDE40.1 KDE40.1
He will slide a prim laminated card across the table, marked with the same symbol that graces the front windows.
Farà lliscar una fina targeta plastificada sobre la taula, amb el mateix símbol que adorna l’aparador principal.Literature Literature
Here, the encoding and format details can be changed, along with the zoom level of the slides. For example, if you originally designed your slides to display full screen on a # x # resolution screen, you could scale the slides to # % to enable them to be easily viewed in a much smaller web browser window
Aquí es poden canviar els detalls de codificació i format es poden canviar, juntament amb el nivell d' apropament/allunyament de les diapositives. Per exemple, si heu dissenyat originalment les diapositives per a mostrar-les en una pantalla sencera de resolució # x #, hauríeu d' escalar-les al # % per a permetre que es vegin fàcilment en una finestra de navegador web molt més petitaKDE40.1 KDE40.1
18 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.