temptation oor Katalaans


The act of tempting

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something attractive, tempting or seductive
I'm sure your wife is also happy to hear that you avoided temptation.
Estic convençut que la teva esposa també està contenta de saber que has evitat la temptació.

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The temptation here was really not comparable.
Molts morenLiterature Literature
Kevin's writings discuss his fighting "knights" at Glendalough; scholars today believe this refers to his process of self-examination and his personal temptations.
l' hem de tractar com a presoner de guerraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Frédéric felt a certain respect for him and couldn’t resist the temptation to ask his name.
Seleccioneu la carpeta a on voleu desar aquesta incidènciaLiterature Literature
When we are confronted with temptations, our Christlike attitude will move us to push them away.
Useu aquesta caixa combinada per a seleccionar la família de la font que voleu que usi el text reemplaçatjw2019 jw2019
Marco’s anger flares—Richard can’t resist the temptation to make Marco look like an incompetent fool.
Després ja va més lentLiterature Literature
“You’ll be a constant temptation for Archibald.”
Bé, associatsLiterature Literature
And above all, if only I had never brought home The Temptation of St.
La primera sempre té més aspreLiterature Literature
Could that have been, though much more than that, the temptation of the saints?
Però, realment, qui sobreviu?Literature Literature
The great temptation for a translator is to say the unsaid things, and Tyler never gives in to it."
l ' adopció de les mesures que fixa l ' article 28 del Reglament per aWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When you stand firm and resist temptation, you can be sure that God will be proud of you too! —Proverbs 27:11.
conseller de Política Territorial i Obres Públiques segons lajw2019 jw2019
The sixty-seven stalls represent characters from both the Old and the New Testaments, including scenes such as 'temptation', 'envy' and 'lust'.
Ella no en sap res, de l' amorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The temptation to run was immense, but she refrained so that she’d have enough in reserve for the words.
Del nostre temps, hi ha pocs textos d' història, no hi ha cap biografia d' Allende, els arxius del poder encara són secretsLiterature Literature
Newton's preaching was unique in that he shared many of his own experiences from the pulpit; many clergy preached from a distance, not admitting any intimacy with temptation or sin.
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The evangelist spoke with triumph but warned us that there would be many temptations in the way.
I que encara em troba atractivaLiterature Literature
She will certainly give in to one temptation in her life!
Informació generalLiterature Literature
Whence the vulgar temptation for the writer to write intellectual works.
Surt un tren en # minutsLiterature Literature
We also are faced with temptations.
El portapapers està buitjw2019 jw2019
The Gospel of the Hebrews presented traditions of Christ's pre-existence, coming into the world, baptism and temptation, with some of his sayings.
col · laboradores l ' Entitat de conservació de la zona ResidencialWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The temptation was strong, almost paralyzing in its appeal.
Tinc orelles d' elefant, no?Literature Literature
What temptation do some Christian youths face, but why would giving in to it be unwise?
No deixos que em danye mes, per favorjw2019 jw2019
On October 22, 1988, an integrist Catholic group set fire to the Saint Michel cinema in Paris while it was showing The Last Temptation of Christ film.
No és el meu gatWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
`But it was a sore temptation.
Heu robat mai alguna cosa?Literature Literature
But it would be a temptation, and I don’t want your pure soul to be sullied by it.’
Els jueus en sabeu d' enganyar i falsificarLiterature Literature
Blomkvist tried for the longest time to withstand the temptation but finally he couldn’t resist.
Guarda silenci KurtLiterature Literature
The temptations of Saint Anthony by Pafnuci are full of beauty; Lucifer was beautiful.
Quan es portin a terme treballs de categoria superior a la del treballador , aquest tindrà dret a la percepció de la diferència retributiva entre la categoria assignada i la funció que efectivament porti a terme .Literature Literature
201 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.