under control oor Katalaans

under control

Of something being taken care of or being addressed.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

sota control

But in the end everything seemed to be under control.
Però al final tot semblava estar sota control.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
‘The matter is perfectly under control, Mr Stevens.'
Repeteix la construccióLiterature Literature
He didn’t quite have the volume under control, and the first notes blasted through the living room.
Introduïu el nom del diagramaLiterature Literature
‘All under control,’ Dad says, putting the lid on the teapot after two attempts.
--1 Autoritzar la reducció d ' unitats del nivellLiterature Literature
Or for pretending that everything is under control.”
Introduïu una descripció llarga de l' esdeveniment en el rectangle gran i sense títol. Hi podeu escriure tants detalls com vulgueu. Per exemple, si l' esdeveniment és un pla general de reparació del vostre cotxe, podeu anotar tots els ítems a reparar. Després podreu imprimir aquesta llista i designar al mecànic. Si l' esdeveniment és anar de compres, podeu anotar les coses que us cal comprar. Imprimir l' esdeveniment i dur-lo a sobre durant la compraLiterature Literature
Daric looked at me, under control again, his expression caught somewhere between curiosity and disgust
Per tal de resol dre la sol · licitud presentada a la corresponent delegació territorial del Departament d ' Ensenyament pel titular del centre docent privat Els Cargolets , de Palafrugell , en petició d ' autorització d ' obertura , es va instruir el corresponent expedient .Literature Literature
“But we have it under control now!”
El període es distribueix a opció de la interessada , sempre que sis setmanes siguin immediatament posteriors al part .Literature Literature
Sheriff, we're not gonna get anything out of him until he gets this latest episode under control.
en matèria urbanística .OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He sat motionless trying to get his body under control.
Quan escriviu en el document, el text nou és analitzat i marcat al vol, de manera que si esborreu un caràcter que marca el començament o el final d' un context, l' estil del text adjacent canviarà en conseqüènciaLiterature Literature
I got this under control.
Entra al meu despatxOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Things had been hard, she said, but they were under control.
Freddie, el General pregunta si no ho podries intentar tu mateix.Ja veigLiterature Literature
He liked his world under control.
Quan tingueu el permís de conduir ho entendreuLiterature Literature
The firemen were bringing the blaze under control: there was less flame and more smoke.
Vigileu, perquè el & kpresenter; no us dóna l' opció de desfer quan heu esborrat una cadena. Assegureu-vos que heu seleccionat la cadena correcta abans de clicar el botó EliminaLiterature Literature
I got my voice under control, and said, “There’s something else you ought to know.
Data d' acabament: %Literature Literature
I have the situation well under control.
En aquest text s ' han introduït les correccions d ' errada publicades en el DOGC .Literature Literature
I’d shopped miles of windows, and now I was sipping a mojito to get myself under control.
Tinc por dels vampirsLiterature Literature
As someone had said, all you had to do was to keep your insanity under control.
El llum que vam comprar tots dos a lkeaLiterature Literature
Grant what he means by ‘keep him under control,’ ” Holmes responded.
& ContrasenyaLiterature Literature
He told me everything was under control, that the Robberies Unit had not found any clues.
Dolores Santamaria Miró , obertaLiterature Literature
And so are we if you don't get this under control.
InformacióOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You who have always kept everything under control, you were pretending?”
sense assumpteLiterature Literature
It's under control.
Que enterrin a la dona mortaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In some cases, ferocious violence, including torture, was used to keep rebellious populations under control.
Si bé estem aquí aquesta nit sabem que hi ha valents americans que desperten al desert de l' Iraq i en les muntanyes de l' Afganistan i que arrisquen les seves vides per la nostraLiterature Literature
He brought his racing thoughts under control, as Heywood Floyd reappeared on the screen.
El vendrem per una fortunaLiterature Literature
And she wants to stop, so you know, it’s all under control.
Només vull oblidar per un momentLiterature Literature
The seeker had been under control when she entered.
Executa com a usuari & diferentLiterature Literature
1463 sinne gevind in 78 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.