stops oor Wallies


/stɑps/ werkwoord, naamwoord
Plural form of stop.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Wallies





Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

drug stop searches
stopio a chwilio am gyffuriau
ratchet stop
stop clicied
harp stop
stop telyn
No stopping
Dim stopio
hold, catch; stop: hold; bear, catch, detain, arrest
No stopping except in emergency
Dim stopio ac eithrio mewn argyfwng
coupler stop
stop cyplu
foundation stop
stop sylfaen


Advanced filtering
Christine Gwyther : Will you join me , Minister , in my utter condemnation of this proposal , and will you do your utmost to stop it from going ahead ? Will you make the findings of the scientific assessment public and totally transparent , because that is the only way that we will restore public confidence ? Will you ensure that a business assessment is carried out , in conjunction with your colleague , Mike German , of what this threat might mean to a future tourism renaissance in west Wales ?
Christine Gwyther : A ymunwch â mi , Weinidog , wrth gondemnio'r gynnig hwn yn llwyr , ac a wnewch eich gorau i'w atal rhag mynd yn ei flaen ? A wnewch ryddhau canfyddiadau'r asesiad gwyddonol i'r cyhoedd a sicrhau eu bod yn hollol dryloyw , oherwydd dyna'r unig ffordd inni adfer hyder y cyhoedd ? A fyddwch yn sicrhau y cynhelir asesiad busnes , ar y cyd â'ch cyd-Aelod , Mike German , o'r hyn y gallai'r bygythiad hwn ei olygu i adfywiad twristiaeth yng ngorllewin Cymru yn y dyfodol ?englishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG englishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG
We do not have the capacity to stop large information and communications technology projects—we do not have any.
Ni allwn roi'r gorau i brosiectau mawr ym maes technoleg gwybodaeth a chyfathrebu—nid oes gennym brosiectau o'r math hwnnw.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
I did not stop that motion , I just indicated that it would not have our support
Ni ateliais y cynnig hwnnw , dim ond nodi na fyddem yn ei gefnogienglishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d englishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d
Flintshire is an ideal stopping-off point on the way back to Ireland, or on the way from Ireland to the continent, because the distance from Holyhead is about right for people to stop for the night—where nicer than Flintshire or somewhere adjoining?
Mae sir y Fflint yn fan aros delfrydol ar y ffordd yn ôl i Iwerddon, neu ar y ffordd o Iwerddon i'r cyfandir, oherwydd y mae'r pellter o Gaergybi'n iawn fwy neu lai i bobl aros dros nos—lle y cewch le brafiach na sir y Fflint neu rywle yn y cyffiniau?Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Some have tried to stop people from having the Bible by keeping it in a language that most could not understand.
Mae rhai wedi ceisio atal pobl rhag cael copi o’r Beibl drwy ei gadw mewn iaith nad oedd y mwyafrif yn gallu ei deall.jw2019 jw2019
Stop thief, stop thief!
Stopiwch leidr, stopiwch leidr!Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Your party becomes irrelevant , Dai , because you miss the big picture because you cannot stop from whingeing and whining
Fe fydd eich plaid yn un amherthnasol , Dai , oherwydd nid ydych yn gweld y darlun mawr gan na allwch roi'r gorau i swnian a chwynoenglishtainment-tm-8zrr14Kv englishtainment-tm-8zrr14Kv
Therefore , I say to the Labour Party in Wales to stop pretending
Felly , dywedaf wrth y Blaid Lafur yng Nghymru i roi'r gorau i smalioenglishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG englishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG
I am not going to use extensive quotations, but I put 'Dai Lloyd local income tax' into my computer and I had to stop it after a while because the amount of paper that came out was immense.
Nid wyf am ddefnyddio dyfyniadau helaeth, ond teipiais 'treth incwm leol Dai Lloyd' ar fy nghyfrifiadur a bu rhaid imi roi'r gorau iddo ymhen ychydig fod cymaint o bapur yn dod allan ohono.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
It should not stop at education and training
Ni ddylai ddod i ben gydag addysg a hyfforddiantenglishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8 englishtainment-tm-YGkm1NF8
Hey, stop it.
Hey, atal.QED QED
Glyn Davies : On your point , and on Leighton Andrews's excellent contribution to this debate , do you agree that the way in which the First Minister made his previous announcement about quangos and the way in which he has made this one is stopping anybody contributing to a debate that could influence him , that the way in which he is behaving is an insult to any concept of open government , and that he has made his Government look like just about the most closed Government in the western world ?
Glyn Davies : Ynghylch y pwynt a wnaethoch chi a'r cyfraniad rhagorol a wnaeth Leighton Andrews i'r ddadl hon , a ydych yn cytuno bod y modd y gwnaeth y Prif Weinidog ei gyhoeddiad blaenorol am gwangos a'r modd y gwnaeth yr un hwn yn rhwystro unrhyw gyfraniad i ddadl a allai ddylanwadu arno , bod ei ymddygiad yn groes i unrhyw syniad o lywodraeth agored , a'i fod wedi peri i'w Lywodraeth ymddangos fel yr un fwyaf caeedig bron yn y byd gorllewinol ?englishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS englishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS
If you protect people against flu, then you can stop them from getting a number of other infections that come with it.
Os amddiffynnwch bobl rhag y ffliw, gallwch eu hatal wedyn rhag cael nifer o heintiau eraill a ddaw gyda'r ffliw.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
We need to stop the type of political banter that we have heard today and focus— Yes, we do.
Mae angen inni roi'r gorau i'r math o bryfocio gwleidyddol yr ydym wedi'i glywed heddiw, a chanolbwyntio— Oes.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
When the life force stops sustaining the human body, man—the soul—dies.—Psalm 104:29; Ecclesiastes 12:1, 7.
Pan mae’r grym bywyd yn peidio â chynnal y corff dynol, mae dyn—yr enaid—yn marw.—Salm 104:29; Pregethwr 12:1, 7.jw2019 jw2019
They want to stop smoking at some point but the desire to stop is over a very long timeframe
Mae arnynt eisiau rhoi'r gorau i ysmygu rywbryd ond mae'r awydd i beidio ag ysmygu dros ffrâm amser hir iawnenglishtainment-tm-wTou7kgT englishtainment-tm-wTou7kgT
With two weeks to go before the start of the financial year, the local authority is left with the choice of either taking a punt that the Welsh Assembly Government will come up with the money, or stopping services.
Gyda phythefnos i fynd tan ddechrau'r flwyddyn ariannol, rhaid i'r awdurdod lleol ddewis rhwng un ai mentro y bydd Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru yn rhannu'r arian ynteu atal gwasanaethau.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Police officers spend more time on paperwork than on patrol and the Conservatives have already proposed scrapping stop and search forms entirely.
Mae swyddogion yr heddlu'n treulio mwy o amser yn gwneud gwaith papur nag yn patrolio, ac y mae'r Ceidwadwyr eisoes wedi cynnig dileu'n llwyr ffurflenni atal a chwilio.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
(Proverbs 24:10) Whether Satan is acting like “a roaring lion” or posing as “an angel of light,” his challenge remains the same: He says that when you are faced with trials or temptations, you will stop serving God.
(Diarhebion 24:10) P’un ai gweithredu fel “llew yn rhuo” y mae Satan, neu fel “angel goleuni,” yr un yw’r her: Mae Satan yn dweud y byddwch yn dewis peidio â gwasanaethu Duw yn wyneb treialon neu demtasiynau.jw2019 jw2019
As such , it acts as a one-stop-shop for arts funding , so prospective recipients do not have to shop around
Yn hynny o beth , mae'n gweithredu fel siop un stop ar gyfer cyllid i'r celfyddydau , fel nad oes raid i ddarpar dderbynwyr fynd i chwilioenglishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS englishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS
First Stop Shop
Cyswllt Cyntaf ( In the new WAG office, Aberystwyth. / Os bydd angen enw mwy diriaethol, ee ar gyfer arwydd, efallai y gellir defnyddio 'gwasanaeth' neu 'cownter' o flaen yr enw. . )langbot langbot
[OPTIONS]... Mandrake Terminal Server Configurator --enable : enable MTS --disable : disable MTS --start : start MTS --stop : stop MTS --adduser : add an existing system user to MTS (requires username) --deluser : delete an existing system user from MTS (requires username) --addclient : add a client machine to MTS (requires MAC address, IP, nbi image name) --delclient : delete a client machine from MTS (requires MAC address, IP, nbi image name)
[DEWISIADAU]... Ffurfweddwr Gwasanaethwr Terfynell Mandrake --enable : galluogi MTS --disable : analluogi MTS --start : cychwyn MTS --stop : atal MTS --adduser : ychwanegu defnyddiwr system presennol i MTS (angen enw defnyddiwr) --deluser : dileu defnyddiwr system presennol o MTS (angen enw defnyddiwr) --addclient : ychwanegu peiriant cleient i MTS (angen cyfeiriad MAC, IP, enw delwedd nbi) --delclient : dileu peiriant cleient i MTS (angen cyfeiriad MAC, IP, enw delwedd nbi)englishtainment-tm-ZhxzFEYX englishtainment-tm-ZhxzFEYX
“They Stopped Doing God’s Will”: (10 min.)
“Stopion Nhw Wneud Ewyllys Duw”: (10 mun.)jw2019 jw2019
I attended university on a full grant because my father lost his job in 1978. A Welsh Conservatives' motion in May 2005, to which I was pleased to speak, supported by the Liberal Democrats and Plaid Cymru, defeated the minority Labour Welsh Government at the time and stopped it from introducing top-up fees for Welsh-domiciled students at Welsh universities.
Cefais i grant llawn i fynd i'r brifysgol oherwydd i'm tad golli ei waith yn 1978. Yn sgil cynnig gan y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig ym Mai 2005, yr oeddwn yn falch siarad o'i blaid ac a gefnogwyd gan y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol a Phlaid Cymru, trechwyd Llywodraeth Cymru Lafur leiafrifol ar y pryd a'i hatal rhag cyflwyno ffioedd atodol ar gyfer myfyrwyr sydd â'u cartref yng Nghymru mewn prifysgolion yng Nghymru.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
So the sailors ask: ‘What should we do to you to stop the storm?’
Gofynnodd y morwyr: ‘Beth dylen ni ei wneud iti er mwyn tawelu’r storm?’jw2019 jw2019
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