draw a deep breath oor Spaans

draw a deep breath

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The autumn wind swept through the streets : nature was drawing a deep breath before settling down to sleep.
La llaman " la princesa afortunada "Literature Literature
I heard her draw a deep breath, as if she was working hard to control herself.
Si telefonea, dile a Madame Leroy... que iré directamente a la piscina, no iré a la oficinaLiterature Literature
Drawing a deep breath, Gerrard said, “I would like to collect on that debt.”
La presenteDecisión será aplicable a partir del # de julio deLiterature Literature
I saw him draw a deep breath, and force his features to relax just a little.
No se ha probado en absoluto el efecto incentivador: aparte de la existencia de la primera ayuda, la Comisión tiene dudas sobre el efecto incentivador de la ayudaLiterature Literature
It was almost as though both sides were drawing a deep breath.
He conocido a alguien, a una chicaLiterature Literature
“It feels real,” he said, drawing a deep breath.
Nos han retirado el dinero del seguroLiterature Literature
Drawing a deep breath, he started his first casting: a simple shielding, like he'd used against Delmuth.
Me he equivocado de plantaLiterature Literature
For instance, draw a deep breath.
Nadie abre esta puerta. ¿ Entendido?jw2019 jw2019
The sudden shade made her draw a deep breath.
El Consejo ha seguido en gran parte la propuesta de la Comisión de aclarar y de racionalizar las disposiciones legalesLiterature Literature
Drawing a deep breath, I turned myself around and stared off into our school field.
Actividades médicasLiterature Literature
I draw a deep breath and think a minute.
Por los que dejarásLiterature Literature
He draws a deep breath and utters a sigh of satisfaction.
Solo bromeabaLiterature Literature
Shaftoe draws a deep breath, tilts his head back, and stares up into a smoky heaven.
¡ Seguridad, aquí!Literature Literature
The figure draws a deep breath.
un mínimo de seis servicios de ida y vuelta de lunes a viernes y un mínimo de siete servicios de ida y vuelta sábado y domingo en totalLiterature Literature
Drawing a deep breath, she began to outline her plan to rescue her father’s diner.
Hay excepcionesLiterature Literature
Relax your stomach, place your hand on it, and slowly draw a deep breath.
Escúchame bienLiterature Literature
"""A whole solidus,"" he said, drawing a deep breath, ""and there is still daylight!"
Te estás atendiendo por un Siquiatra?No, no lo estoyLiterature Literature
Everyone stops what they are doing, takes a step backward, and draws a deep breath. 2.
Pero ¿ en que me concierne a mí y a mi banco su deseo de quedar en la partidaLiterature Literature
"""Nearly missed it,"" said Gladstone Bott, drawing a deep breath."
Mis ganas de registrar la enfermedad, de describir su desintegración gradual... con precisiónLiterature Literature
He draws a deep breath, knowing she thinks him a fool, praying for the grace to transcend foolishness.
Eres una espíaLiterature Literature
She noticed that her hands were shaking a little, and she stopped to draw a deep breath.
Hicimos lo que necesitábamos hacerLiterature Literature
"""Target is launching missiles,"" the tactical officer said, drawing a deep breath."
¡ No tiene que matar a nadie!Literature Literature
After drawing a deep breath, she asked, “Why did you come, Percy?”
Te tiene un trabajoLiterature Literature
Fifteen-year-old Samantha pauses during the math exam, draws a deep breath, and frowns.
¡ Despejen, ordenen todo!Literature Literature
Sugar draws a deep breath as she removes her gloves and stuffs them into her reticule.
El efecto de claritromicina sobre lansoprazol se aumenta si el paciente es un metabolizador lentoLiterature Literature
349 sinne gevind in 28 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.