eat out oor Spaans

eat out

(intransitive) To dine at a restaurant or such public place.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

comer fuera

To have a meal at a restaurant instead of at home.
Ir a un restaurante a comer en lugar de hacerlo en casa.
He used to eat out every day, but he can't afford it.
Solía comer fuera todos los días pero ahora no se lo puede permitir.

comer fuera de casa

To have a meal at a restaurant instead of at home.
Ir a un restaurante a comer en lugar de hacerlo en casa.


It'd take more than that to eat out some dude's brain.
Creo que se necesitarían muchos más para comerse el cerebro de alguien.

salir a comer

I don't feel like eating out this evening.
No tengo ganas de salir a comer esta noche.

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Soortgelyke frases

I went out to eat with my family
salí a comer con mi familia · salía a comer con mi familia
to eat out of doors
comer al aire libre
eat your heart out!
¡Chúpate esa! · ¡Muérete de envidia! · ¡muérete de envidia!
we went out to eat
salimos a comer
I am going out to eat
voy a salir a comer
to eat out
comer afuera · comer fuera
we'll eat out
comeremos fuera
he wanted us to go out to eat together
él quería que fuéramos a comer juntos
to eat out of sb's hand
comer de la mano de alguien


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They’d be eating out of her hand.
Los haría comer en la palma de su mano.Literature Literature
Since then, Carlos had him eating out of the palm of his hand like a helpless little sparrow.
Desde entonces, Carlos lo tenía comiendo en la palma de la mano como un gorrioncillo indefenso.Literature Literature
'I'll have them eating out of my hand'while I squeeze them by the balls.'
Comerán de mi mano mientras les agarro por los huevosOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
" She tears at my flesh, then holds my head in her hands and eats out my eyes. "
" Me arranca la carne, luego me agarra la cabeza con las manos y me come los ojos ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What do you say to eating out tonight?
¿Qué dices si comemos afuera esta noche?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Indeed, she soon had him eating out of her hand.
Pronto lo tuvo comiendo de su mano.Literature Literature
You know, the birds and deer eat out of my hand.
Los pájaros y los ciervos comen de mi mano.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They don't sleep in the gutter or eat out of garbage cans.
Ellos no duermen en el arroyo, no comen de los tachos de basura.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She hated eating out; it was something she usually avoided, but not for the reasons everyone assumed.
Era algo que, por lo general, trataba de evitar, pero no por las razones que todos suponían.Literature Literature
Let' s eat out
Vayamos a algún sitio a comeropensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
“She’ll have them eating out of her hand after five minutes.
Los tendrá comiendo de su mano en cinco minutos.Literature Literature
Hell, if she kept it up, she’d have him eating out of her hand.
Joder, si ella se mantenía en esto, lo tendría comiendo de su mano.Literature Literature
For you vegetarians out there, sometimes eating out in Spain can be a challenge to get a plate ...
Para todos aquellos que por distintos motivos no comen carne ni pescado, y que basan su ...Common crawl Common crawl
We've been eating out of it all summer.
Hemos comido cosas de ella durante todo el verano.Literature Literature
Nurse Nolan, poor child, was eating out of her station and was made to feel it.”
La enfermera Nolan, pobre chica, estaba comiendo fuera del lugar que se le había destinado y se lo hizo notar.Literature Literature
And as this is the height of absurdity, and cannot be, she is eating out my very soul.
Y como esto es el colmo del ridículo y no puede ser, me tiene comida el alma.Literature Literature
She took the microphone; the crowd was eating out of her hand before she even opened her mouth.
Ella tomó el micrófono; antes de que abriera la boca la multitud ya estaba comiendo de su mano.Literature Literature
I'll eat out.
Comeré fuera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I’ll have men eating out of my hand.”
Tendré a los hombres comiendo de mi mano.Literature Literature
‘You see, it’s nice here,’ said Désirée, delighted to be eating out in the open air.
—Ya ves, qué agradable —dijo Désirée, encantada de comer al aire libre.Literature Literature
Eating out tonight?
¿Cenarás fuera esta noche?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The guards eat out in the open, I said.
Los vigilantes comen sin disimulo, dije.Literature Literature
Do you often eat out?
¿Comes afuera a menudo?tatoeba tatoeba
We'd have preferred eating out!
¡ Hubieramos preferido comer afuera!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I've been eating out most of the time.
Como y ceno fuera la mayoría de las veces.Literature Literature
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