lose oneself oor Spaans

lose oneself

To become deeply involved (with something).

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In this world, it's easy to lose oneself in all the deceptions and temptations.
En este mundo, es fácil perderse en los engaños y las tentaciones.

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to lose oneself
to lose control of oneself
perder el control de uno mismo


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Losing oneself in a book is a great consolation.
Sumirme en un libro es un gran consuelo.Literature Literature
After all, it's easy to lose oneself among forty billion.
Después de todo, es fácil perderse entre cuarenta mil millones de personas.Literature Literature
There is no possibility of intimacy, or dread of losing oneself in the other.
No existe posibilidad de intimidad, ni temor a perderse en el otro.Literature Literature
It's not unlike LSD, that same sense of losing oneself totally, of merging with something powerful and infinite.
No se diferencia mucho del LSD, la misma sensación de perderse totalmente, de fundirse con algo poderoso e infinito.Literature Literature
“It is easy to lose oneself in the wisdom of the Archives,” Qiina replied.
—Es fácil perderse en la sabiduría de los Archivos, —respondió Qiina—.Literature Literature
But this was not a night to lose oneself in gin, tobacco, and bibliomania.
Por desgracia ésta no era una noche para perderse en la ginebra, el tabaco y la bibliomanía.Literature Literature
To step through there... and lose oneself in another world.
Atravesar ese portal y perderse uno mismo en otro mundo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To cultivate oneself is to become a stranger to oneself, to lose oneself so as to regain oneself.
Cultivarse es extrañarse de sí mismo, perderse para volverse a encontrar.Literature Literature
What are your thoughts on becoming a ghoul once losing oneself?
¿Qué piensas del dicho, si uno se pierde a sí mismo... se convierte en un demonio?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
One can easily lose oneself in the alleys and by-ways.
Uno puede perderse fácilmente en los callejones y atajos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The desire to belong is partly a desire to lose oneself.
El deseo de pertenencia es en parte un deseo de perderse a sí mismo.Literature Literature
That is called losing oneself to find oneself.
Eso se llama perderse para volverse a encontrar.Literature Literature
One must rise out of it or lose oneself forever.
Uno tiene que salir de ella si no quiere perderse para siempre.Literature Literature
It' s being aware of what it means to lose oneself before being completely abandoned
Es estar preparado de saber lo que significa la pérdida de sí mismo antes de estar completamente abandonadoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
I have always wondered how one could lose oneself utterly to passion.
Siempre me había preguntado cómo podía una perderse totalmente en la pasión.Literature Literature
‘One does not lose oneself along the way of honour and truth,’ said the magistrate.
—Nadie se pierde por el camino del honor y de la verdad —dijo el juez.Literature Literature
One could lose oneself in aesthetic or psychological speculations as to why such choices were made by civilizations .
Podría uno perderse en explicaciones estéticas o psicológicas sobre esta peculiaridad.Literature Literature
It is possible not to lose oneself; losing oneself is not a necessary element at all.
Es posible no perderse; perderse no es un elemento necesario.Literature Literature
Does confusing oneself with one’s mother in fact mean losing one’s identity as a woman, losing oneself?
P.: ¿Confundirse con la propia madre no significa de hecho olvidar la propia identidad de mujer, perderse?Literature Literature
“So close in fact as to begin to lose oneself... .”
– Tan cerca, de hecho, como para empezar a perderse uno mismoLiterature Literature
Thus, one will lose oneself, and the merge will fail
Así, uno se perderá, y la fundición fallaráopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
But there is something I miss: losing oneself, yes, in a larger cause.
Pero echo de menos una cosa: dejarse arrastrar, sí, por una causa mayor.Literature Literature
Losing oneself in the creative process.
Perderse en el proceso creativo.Literature Literature
These were pre-internet days when it was still possible to lose oneself and stay lost.
En aquellos días anteriores a internet era posible perderse y mantenerse perdido.Literature Literature
One could both lose oneself in the immensity and feel oneself diminished; be both inspired and overwhelmed.
Uno se podía perder en la inmensidad y sentirse pequeño: tanto inspirado como sobrecogido.Literature Literature
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