to get cross oor Spaans

to get cross

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


I'm going to get cross!
¡ Me voy a enfadar!


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to get to the bank you have to cross
para llegar al banco hay que cruzar


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‘Let me help,’ Carol said, trying to get Cross to lean on her.
—Deje que le ayude —dijo Carol al tiempo que intentaba que Cross se apoyase en ella.Literature Literature
Even the most basic signals seem to get crossed.
Incluso los signos más básicos se contradicen.Literature Literature
I'm going to get cross:
Ahora me enfado.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I don't want you to get cross, but... there's something about her I don't like.
No quiero que te cuelgues la medalla, pero... hay algo en ella que no me gusta.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was starting to get cross, but he looked hard at their faces and saw their deliberate mischief.
Él comenzó a enfadarse, pero miró bien sus rostros y vio una travesura intencionada.Literature Literature
No need to get cross about it, Missy.”
No hay necesidad de que se enfade por eso, Missy.Literature Literature
“Now, that’s my boy you’re talking about, and I don’t want to get crossed up with you, Sasha.
—Cuidado, ese del que hablas es amigo mío y no quiero tener que vérmelas contigo, Sasha.Literature Literature
Was it a rule amongst psycho-analysts that they were never to get cross or impatient?
¿Tienen los psicoanalistas que obedecer a la regla de nunca enfadarse o impacientarse?Literature Literature
We have to get Cross.
Hay que atrapar a Cross.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I'm going to get cross!
¡ Me voy a enfadar!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She still hadn’t responded to Mark’s enthusiasm for the blog, and he was starting to get cross.
Aún no había respondido al entusiasmo de Mark con respecto al blog y él empezaba a enfadarse.Literature Literature
Was it a rule amongst psycho-analysts that they were never to get cross or impatient?
cer a la regla de nunca enfadarse o impacientarse?Literature Literature
She tries not to get cross but it’s the only emotion my mother does these days.
Trata de no enfadarse, pero es la única emoción que mi madre se permite tener últimamente.Literature Literature
Foolish to get cross with her, just because she doesn’t understand the Duke.
Una estupidez enfadarse con ella sólo porque no comprendía a Duque.Literature Literature
She had been kind of sharp and snappy recently and even quicker to get cross than usual.
Había estado mordaz e irritable últimamente, e incluso se enfadaba con más facilidad que de costumbre.Literature Literature
I used to get cross that they didn't show John so much on the television.
Primera esposa de JohnOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But Rafe wanted to find his apartment right away, to get Cross before he had the chance to escape.
Pero Rafe quiso buscar el apartamento de inmediato, atrapar a Cross antes de que tuviera oportunidad de escapar.Literature Literature
First of all, where certain things are concerned I have not just the right, but the duty to get cross.
Una, porque ante ciertas cosas tengo, no el derecho, sino el deber de enfadarme.Literature Literature
He hurries over to the sink to wash his hands before she has the chance to get cross about that too.
Billy se acerca apresuradamente al fregadero para lavarse las manos antes de que ella se enfade también por eso.Literature Literature
From now on, I thought, I’d do whatever was necessary to get to Cross.
A partir de entonces, me dije, iba a hacer todo lo que hiciera falta para conseguir a Cross.Literature Literature
So Angelika Finch is the way to get to Cross?
¿Entonces Angerlika Finch es la manera de llegas a Cross?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Just enough time to get to Cross’s and tell him I’d take the job.
Tenía el tiempo justo para llegar a la oficina de Cross y decirle que aceptaba el trabajo.Literature Literature
At this point in a case, when we still had only loose facts and not much else, he tended to get cross.
Llegados a ese punto en un caso, cuando todavía teníamos solo datos vagos y poco más, solía ponerse de mal humor.Literature Literature
She heard it ring twice, three times, she started to get cross, then to her relief she heard Herr Wenzel answer it.
Lo oyó sonar dos, tres veces, y empezaba a irritarse cuando, para su alivio, oyó que el criado, Herr Wenzel, contestaba.Literature Literature
"""It's very hard to explain to a snake why you're starving her, and I wouldn't want her to get cross with me.”"
Es muy difícil explicarle a una serpiente por qué le haces pasar hambre, y no me gustaría que se enfadara conmigo.Literature Literature
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