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In contrast to the finding of the plesiosaur skeletons a few years earlier, for which she was not credited, when Buckland presented his findings on coprolites to the Geological Society, he mentioned Anning by name and praised her skill and industry in helping to solve the mystery.
Berme juridikoei dagokienez, artikulu honetan jasotako egintzek beharrezko xedapen guztiak izango dituzte.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Although he never flew again, Zholobov stayed in the space programme until 1981 when he resigned to become director of a geological science research group.
Ezin izen da konexiorik sortuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Escuminac Formation is a geologic formation in Quebec.
— Oso deigarria izango zuan haraino joan izan banintz. — Orduan, nola dakik ondo dagoela? — Berak esanda. — Antzematen zen ondo zegoela? — Bai, bai, Maurice. Ziur nagok.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Littorina has given its name to the Littorina Sea, the geologic precursor of the Baltic Sea.
Ez zuen inorekin mintzatzeko ahaleginik egin, eta oraingo honetan negar batean zegoen, behintzat gutako bakoitza geure adinean isurtzeko gai garen negar malko zeken eta bakan horiekin.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was charged with the "classification of the public lands, and examination of the geological structure, mineral resources, and products of the national domain".
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After her death, Henry De la Beche, president of the Geological Society, wrote a eulogy that he read to a meeting of the society and published in its quarterly transactions, the first such eulogy given for a woman.
Gaitu monitore aniztasunarentzako leiho-kokapen euskarriaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Determining the composition of the satellite surfaces and the geological history of each object.
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Few forts will have a better location than this, contemplating a vast and impressive landscape, almost geological, on the confluence of the Ebro, Segre and Cinca rivers and their surrounding lands.
— Nahi nuke, bai, zuk orain joan beharrik ez izatea, John; gainera, noiz eta arrain bat amuan atzeman dugunean. — Erabat sinetsita nago ibai-ertzera eramateko gauza izango zarela, nire laguntzarik gabe. Eta agian, bota zahar bat besterik ez da. — Ez dut uste. Erraz igartzen da noiz den bota zaharra eta noiz arraina.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Word Formation is a geologic formation in Texas.
— Oso luzea izango al da hau? — Halakoxea izan zen Bellamyren kasuan, baina zure kasua ez da hain garrantzitsua. Ezin dugu publizitate askorik lortu zuri esker.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The genus Microraptor is both older geologically and more primitive phylogenetically than Deinonychus, and within the same family.
Zerrendak bide-izen erlatiboa gordetzen duen edo ezWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tectonics and erosion, volcanic eruptions, flooding, weathering, glaciation, the growth of coral reefs, and meteorite impacts are among the processes that constantly reshape the Earth's surface over geological time.
Leihoa mahaigain bat beheraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This process has happened over and over in the geologic history of the Earth.
— Polikiago ibili, Castle. Ez diogu inori horrelako altxorrik oparitu behar. Nork daki zer eman dezakeen Agbo agenteak? Ganatik ere Ginea irratian sartzeko modua izan genezake.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Through observation and carefully reasoned geological arguments, Hutton came to believe that the Earth was perpetually being formed; he recognised that the history of Earth could be determined by understanding how processes such as erosion and sedimentation work in the present day.
Gehitu erreprodukzio-zerrendariWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When we first found it, we thought it might be an outcrop of magnetic rock but all the geological evidence was against it.
Kasu honetan, modu batera edo bestera sufritu nahi duten eta sufrimenduaz gozatu egiten duten pertsonak ikusi ahal ditugu. Perbertsio masokistan gizabanakoak kilikadura sexual bat izaten du besteak egiten dion mina sentitzean.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Geological surveys show if there is a good site.
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Because of its archaeological, ethnological and geological characteristics, the entire site is one of the most imposing in West Africa.
Euskadiko Erkidegoari dagozkio oso-osorik gizarte eta osasun arloko politika publikoak.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Þingvellir is a site of historical, cultural, and geological significance, and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Iceland.
Komandoa exekutatu baino lehen uneko edo [ aldatutako ] dokumentu guztiak gordetzea hauta dezakezu. Hau lagungarria da URLak aplikazio bati pasatu nahi izanez gero, adibidez, FTP bezeroeiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Such bodies tend to lose the energy left over from their formation quickly and end up geologically dead, lacking the volcanoes, earthquakes and tectonic activity which supply the surface with life-sustaining material and the atmosphere with temperature moderators like carbon dioxide.
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Cuvier's accusation had resulted in a special meeting of the Geological Society earlier in 1824, which, after some debate, had concluded the skeleton was legitimate.
Mahaigain guztietanWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The mission was designed to clear up six key issues: Mercury's high density, its geological history, the nature of its magnetic field, the structure of its core, whether it has ice at its poles, and where its tenuous atmosphere comes from.
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In the geologic record, the K–Pg event is marked by a thin layer of sediment called the K–Pg boundary, which can be found throughout the world in marine and terrestrial rocks.
Pertzarekin inguratuko ziratekeen eta ziegetan sartu pixontzi lohi beteak ostikoz lurretik isurtzeko. Guk ezin genituen pixontziak leihotik edo ate azpitik hustu gauean berandu arte.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mercury's surface appears heavily cratered and is similar in appearance to the Moon's, indicating that it has been geologically inactive for billions of years.
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Archaeological data indicates that the domestication of various types of plants and animals happened in separate locations worldwide, starting in the geological epoch of the Holocene around 12,500 years ago.
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The station facilitates basic biological, geological and climatological research.
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From January to March 1911 Debenham, along with three other expedition members (Thomas Griffith Taylor, Charles Wright (physicist) and Edgar Evans), explored and mapped the western mountains of Victoria Land (the western journey) performing scientific studies and geological observations.
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61 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.