malignment oor Baskies


The act of maligning something.

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malignant tumor
tumore gaizto
malignant melanoma
malignant neoplasm
tumore gaizto
malignant neoplastic disease
difamatu · gaitzerran · gaizto · kaltegarri
difamatzaile · iraintzaile · kalumniatzaile
malignant glioma
gaizto · maltzur · zital
gaizkinahi · gaiztakeria · maltzurkeria


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Because so few of us can speak Russian and the Russian is almost debarred from explaining his point of view (try and explain your own point of view on any subject in a language you don’t know well – it’s not as easy as ordering a meal), we are apt to regard any breach of an agreement by the Russians as deliberate and malign.
Begiratuko den gakoaLagun Lagun
"""If the Truttwells have been maligning my mother,"" he said, ""I'll sue them for slander."""
Zuek ez didazue esan nahi zergatik haserretu zareten. Biotako inork ba al dauka dibortziorako arrazoirik? — Beharbada. Ezkon-egoitza uztea kontuan hartzen da, ez da hala?Literature Literature
“If the Truttwells have been maligning my mother,” he said, “I’ll sue them for slander.”
Erakutsi leihoen zerrendaLiterature Literature
Some other more well-known malignant narcissists were
INVBINO () funtzioak banaketa binomial negatiboa itzultzen du. Lehenengo parametroa saiakera kopurua da, bigarren parametroa errore kopurua eta hirugarren errorearen probabilitatea. Saiakera kopuruak errore kopurua baina handiagoa izan behar du eta probabilitatea # baina txikiagoaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
These bodies were igniting in them the malign envy of beggars, the sticky greed of the emaciated and sick.
Goi-klaseak ere adieraz zezakeen bere erasokortasuna zuzenean botere-gosean.Literature Literature
I’m still part of the family, it’s there I live, to the exclusion of everywhere else. It’s in its aridity, its terrible harshness, its malignance, that I’m most deeply sure of myself, at the heart of my essential certainty, the certainty that later on I’ll be a writer.
KDE mahaigainaLagun Lagun
Some other more well-known malignant narcissists were
PasahitzakOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I like malignant cells trying to take over my body.
Arbel-gris iluna #colorOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I'm not maligning you.
Hautatu editorearen osagaiaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Temperature measurement to discern hypothermia or fever, and to allow early detection of malignant hyperthermia.
Hautatu hau e-posta alarmak bidaltzean KDE-ren kontrol zentruan ezarritako helbidea zure identifikadore moduan erabiltzekoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sometimes a vaginoplasty is needed following the treatment or removal of malignant growths or abscesses in order to restore a normal vaginal structure and function.
Zentzu batean hau egia da, zail gertatzen bada ere jakiten noraino den egia. Baina psikologikoki, enplegatu idun-zuriaren egoera ezberdina da.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mr. Evans fits the criteria of a malignant narcissist.
Arkipielagotan irla bakoitzak gainera bere administralgoa izango du Kabildu edo Kontseilu eran.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Almost always, an individual has the same blood group for life, but very rarely an individual's blood type changes through addition or suppression of an antigen in infection, malignancy, or autoimmune disease.
Madame Bovary amak zer jorraturik ez zuen aurkitzen, salbu agian umezurtzentzako atorrak ehuntzeko tehenteria hura, bere pildak adabatu ordez.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We can not all be as malignant as you.
Annari esan zion: – Koch hil dute. Goazen hemendik! Elurrak utzi bezain bizkor ibili zen, orain ezkerretara hartuz orain eskubitara.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
14 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.