to elect oor Koerdies

to elect

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to vote: to vote into office (elect)


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Bi saya vê yekê emê bikaribin Yahowa jî hê rind nas bikin.Bianet Bianet
In the case that the Parliament decides to repeat the elections in the second term of the President, the President is allowed to run for the elections again.
Lê wê ça be hergê bi her du saza hevra lêxin?Bianet Bianet
In the 2014 Local Elections, the Democratic Regions Party had been elected to govern 106 municipalities including 10 metropolitan municipalities.
Çalakiya Bişkojka MişkîBianet Bianet
There are 69 arrested co-mayors from 45 municipalities governed by DBP. Trustees were appointed to 46 DBP municipalities. In the local elections in 2014, DBP was elected to govern municipalities of 106 provinces and districts. (ÇT/DG)
Xwedê Nuhra got, ku gemî gerekê wî cûreyî bê çêkirinê, ku av têda nekevê.Bianet Bianet
I posed a problem in front of them, which was to put on an election forum for their own community.
Zanî çira?ted2019 ted2019
In response to criticisms that governors and sub-governors have been appointed to the posts of elected mayors, Bozdağ responded briefly as follows:
Tomarkirina daxwaza rakirinê bi ser ketBianet Bianet
She was born in 1970 in Varto. She graduated from Gazi University. In 1992, she started working as a teacher. She was elected co-Mayor to Varto Municipality in the elections on March 30, 2014. (ÇT/DG)
1-3. a) Ji çi zar dikarin ziyanê bistînin?Bianet Bianet
"In democratic law states, the mayors/assembly members that are acceded by election have to carry out their duty in accordance with the law.
Yûhenna meriya nixum dikir, lema navê wî danîn Yûhenna nixumdar.Bianet Bianet
As a result of the blind polling, among those whose memberships have ended, 267 members have been elected to the Supreme Court of Appeal and 75 others to the Council of State.
Çimkî ew rojê mîna telê bê serê hemû merivên li ser dinê.Bianet Bianet
On 20 July 2008, she was elected to the Democratic Society Party (DTP) leadership, sharing this position with Ahmet Türk. She also became Chair of the DTP Parliamentary Group, when Ahmet Türk resigned. (ÇT/TK)
Dikarin ji rûspiyên civatê şîreta bixwazin û ji hevalên xwe dereca kîjanî mîna ya we ye.Bianet Bianet
I give this talk sometimes with Angela, who was just re-elected to the board from the community -- to the Board of the Foundation, with more than twice the votes of the person who didn't make it.
4. Çira Yoşiya kincêd xwe qelişanid?ted2019 ted2019
CQ: So we must find a way to engage in meaningful conversations that are going to move us forward as a nation, and we can no longer wait for our elected officials to elevate our national discourse.
Bi saya vê padşatiyê temamiya erdê wê bibe cineta xas û bedew.ted2019 ted2019
The 11th article of the draft requires that the Parliament, with a three fifth majority, can pass a resolution to repeat the elections. The general elections of member of the Parliament and the presidential elections will be held together.
Çimkî pênc mêrêd te hebûne û yê ku niha jî tu pêra yî ne mêrê te ye”.Bianet Bianet
"Due to the Supreme Election Board's decision, the referendum has become illegitimate. We have prepared our petition and are applying to the ECtHR. I am putting the first signature here. I wish us all good luck with it. The application will be submitted today" , Kılıçdaroğlu said. (NV/DG)
10 Femdarî ye wekî merivên ku Îsa sax kiribûn, axiriyê dîsa mirin.Bianet Bianet
Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Bert Koenders has said the diplomatic crisis between Turkey and the Netherlands has nothing to do with the Dutch elections.
BikêrhatinBianet Bianet
"Being elected doesn't grant the elected the right and authority to commit crime. No one can say 'they are elected, they can do whatever they want be it a crime or not'.
Çaxê Şeytan Mîrê-cina hêlan da Adem û Hêwayê, ku ewana gura Xwedê nekin, pirsek hate danînê.Bianet Bianet
I'm talking to you, legislators, and the voters who elect them.
Nîşanek bi lez ji bo çûna sermasêted2019 ted2019
Which leads us to the last one, which is: our elections.
Çi axirî hîviya wan meriva ye, kîjan ku usa dijîn, çawa Yehowa xweş tê?ted2019 ted2019
Now, this is very important to note, Stephanie, because normally, the president is elected after the election.
(c) Çi meselekî baş hîşt Meryem, seva wan mesîhiyêd îroyîn yê ku di qulixkirinêda şixulêd başqe û mezin distînin?ted2019 ted2019
In Afghanistan, it could have meant instead of concentrating on the big presidential and parliamentary elections, we should have done what was in the Afghan constitution from the very beginning, which is to get direct local elections going at a district level and elect people's provincial governors.
Peldanka Malêted2019 ted2019
Referring to an objection they had filed earlier against the election process of Foundation Executive Board members, Coşkun said:
Di kinîştêda dannasîn dikeBianet Bianet
In Hungary, its parliament voted to allow the prime minister, Viktor Orbán, to rule by decree indefinitely, suspend parliament as well as elections and punish those deemed to have spread false information about the virus and the government's handling of the crisis.
Derbekê, çaxê ew hê cahil bû, ewî tiştekî mêrxasî kir.Tico19 Tico19
That doesn't mean that they have the right to delete pages. They still have to follow all the rules -- but they're elected by the community.
Derheqa rêwîtiya wan emê hinekî paşê pêbihesin.ted2019 ted2019
The new government, elected in July 2009, has taken no steps to eradicate the practice.
17 Îlahî ser zara, ew yek xirab hukum
"20 colleagues were elected to prepare 10 file reports working in groups of two. We have published the last report today. Doing so, we wanted to act in solidarity with our journalist colleagues left unemployed, and we want to continue this act of solidarity. I would like to thank the Dutch Consulate General and Consul Robert Schuddboom who is here with us today.
Widgetên Min Berê Bi Kar AnîBianet Bianet
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